Greta film imdb

Pedro, a year-old gay nurse, is taking care of Daniela, his ailing transgender friend. In order to find her a vacant hospital bed, he decides to help an arrested greta film imdb wounded criminal to e

A young woman befriends a lonely widow who's harboring a dark and deadly agenda toward her. Frances McCullen : My friends say I'm like chewing gum. Greta Hideg : Chewing gum? Frances McCullen : Yeah. I tend to stick around. Sign In Sign In.

Greta film imdb

A young woman befriends a lonely widow who's harboring a dark and deadly agenda toward her. Frances McCullen : My friends say I'm like chewing gum. Greta Hideg : Chewing gum? Frances McCullen : Yeah. I tend to stick around. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Greta R 1h 38m. Play trailer Drama Mystery Thriller. Director Neil Jordan. Ray Wright Neil Jordan. See production info at IMDbPro. Top credits Director Neil Jordan.

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The movie begins with 2 men on a plane from Poland to Germany. They discover that they are bound for the same little town and were there on the same day. The younger man tells his experience Read all The movie begins with 2 men on a plane from Poland to Germany. The younger man tells his experience as a boy.

Sign In. Edit Greta Frances McCullen Maika Monroe Erica Penn Jane Perry Animal Shelter Worker Jeff Hiller

Greta film imdb

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Jump to Summaries 2 Synopsis 1 Edit. A young woman befriends a lonely widow who's harboring a dark and deadly agenda toward her. That owner Greta Isabelle Huppert , an eccentric French piano teacher with a love for classical music and an aching loneliness.

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But once she's alone, locked in a room and tied up, she manages to find the energy to thrash around? Chris' Secretary Stephen Rea The younger man tells his experience Second, this is the part were you go to court and ask for a restraining order. See the gallery. Her mother died of cancer the year before. Moments later, a young lady we later learn she is Frances finds a purse left behind in the subway. Arthur Lee Korean Couple. Sign in to vote. See the list. See the full list.

The element of ridiculousness — arguably not just allowable but vital for this sort of film — is supplied by the always watchable Huppert, though she arguably goes a tad too far with one fit of crockery-smashing, table-splintering rage in a restaurant.

Read all. Recently viewed. See the full list. The film also has serious problems with pacing. What do you need a PI for? Slawomira Lozinska. Chris McCullen. Unfortunately, Greta can't seem to buck that trend, to the point of being painfully predictable. She has been nominated as Best Actress for France's Caesar award more times than anyone else. Once you've seen it the first time around, the storyline just loses its impact and all the surprises are left fully bared. Share this page:.

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