h and m motors somerton

H and m motors somerton

Browse Mot Testing in Somerton featuring photos, videos, special offers and testimonials to help you choose the right local Mot Testing for you. Somerton, TA11 6PX. Message now.

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H and m motors somerton


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We have launched an exciting new chapter in our history with the relocation to prestigious new premises. The business has been established for more than 50 years in Whitehaven and in January we moved home, just three miles out of town. The entire business including sales, after sales, service and repairs have relocated. This is an important development for us but rest assured that we will remain the same family run business with the same values delivering the same high standard of customer care. We need more space in order to do an even better job and our relocation gives us a superb opportunity to build for the future. You will still see all our familiar faces from Whitehaven. One thing that certainly will not be changing is our commitment to making sure all our customers are looked after and given the best possible service. We are now a dedicated CUPRA brand with all the latest models available to see, test drive and get information on.

H and m motors somerton

During the MOT, important parts of your vehicle will be checked to ensure they meet the legal standards. You can watch the test from a viewing area but cannot interrupt the tester. Our free to use MOT History tool provides detailed information for each MOT test your vehicle has undergone, including the test result, the recorded mileage, and, importantly, the expiry date of the test. For cars, motorcycles and vans you can get results for tests done since Minibuses, motor caravans, dual purpose vehicles and ambulances up to 12 passenger seats category M1 or M2 American pickups up to kg DGW. Goods vehicles not exceeding 3,kg DGW category N1. Vehicle Class 5: YES. Private passenger vehicles, ambulances, motor caravans and dual purpose vehicles in all cases with thirteen or more passenger seats including community and play buses, etc. Or are identified as having been fitted with a type approved seat belt installation to all seats when built; or have been tested as class 5A or class 6A PSV with at least the same number of seat belts as are currently fitted. Vehicle Class 7: YES.

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