harim shah video

Harim shah video

She has harim shah video that my video was made public by Sundal Khattak and Ayesha Naz, and she has verified that the videos that were released are hers. She said these videos were taken by both of them using my smartphone.

Harim Shah Videos : Hareem Shah, a Pakistani TikTok star, has been making headlines for her controversial videos that often showcase her performing lewd acts or making controversial statements. Hareem Shah, a Pakistani TikTok star, has been making headlines for her controversial videos. Since then, she has been in the limelight for her videos that often showcase her performing lewd acts or making controversial statements. Since then, she has been in the news for her controversial videos. One of her videos shows her performing a dance while wearing a police uniform, while another video shows her holding a gun. These videos have sparked outrage among many Pakistanis who consider them to be indecent and disrespectful.

Harim shah video


Therefore, it is important to be mindful of harim shah video content you are consuming and sharing online. Share this article with your Friends using below buttons. Since then, she has been in the limelight for her videos that often showcase her performing lewd acts or making controversial statements.


TikToker has issued a statement after her private videos went viral on the internet. TikToker Hareem Shah has issued a statement after her private videos went viral on the internet. In a recently released video, Shah has now shared that the aforementioned videos were 'leaked' by the women she considered friends. Shah has shared that Sundal Khattak and Ayesha Naz, the friends she had lived with for a period of time, are the culprits behind the viral videos. So, naturally, they had access to my mobile phone and knew my passwords," Shah could be seen saying in the video. She further revealed that she had filed a complaint with the Federal Investigation Agency against Naz.

Harim shah video

TikTok touched the mark of 1 billion users in the last year. The Chinese video-sharing app has made fame easily accessible to a lot of users. If you are a celebrity lookalike or if you can create controversy, you are a star on TikTok. That is exactly how Hareem Shah and her friend Sundal Khattak bagged their celebrity status. This name has been making headlines in Pakistan for quite some time now. With over 2. The video was viewed over 15 million times and it resulted in people asking how a normal girl was allowed to get into the office. This TikTok video was her ticket to fame.

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Web Desk 02nd Mar, Only time will tell what the future holds for Hareem Shah and her controversial videos. She has stated that my video was made public by Sundal Khattak and Ayesha Naz, and she has verified that the videos that were released are hers. Hareem Shah, a Pakistani TikTok star, has been making headlines for her controversial videos. The videos are not being leaked by any other parties. Javascript is disabled. Please enable it for better working experience. Since then, she has been in the news for her controversial videos. Monthly Trending. It is unclear what the future holds for Hareem Shah.


Please enable it for better working experience. He first asked me out. Monthly Trending. While she has gained a significant following on social media, her videos have also sparked outrage and criticism. However, despite the controversy, Hareem Shah remains popular among her fans and continues to share videos on social media. Share this article with your Friends using below buttons. Entertainment February 17, World February 17, Latest News. Many people view her videos as indecent and immoral, while others see them as a form of self-expression. Facebook Twitter Copy Link Print.

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