hello neighbor house act 3

Hello neighbor house act 3

Peterson's House is where the like-named Neighbor resides. The goal of Hello Neighbor is to get into his house and find out what secrets Mr.

This page is undergoing changes. Please excuse the quality. You can help the Hello Neighbor Wiki by expanding it. Thank you! Act 3 is part of the storyline in Hello Neighbor. Act 3 is the longest act in Hello Neighbor. It has the most puzzles, objects , and others.

Hello neighbor house act 3

Hello Neighbor 2 is a riddle game where players have to solve puzzles while collecting various items that later on will help them progress through the game. After finishing Act 1 inside the Peterson's house, and Hello Neighbor 2 Act 2 at the Bakery, now it's time for players to move on to Act 3. Act 3 takes place in a lake house on the edge of Friendly Court where the Taxidermist lives, he is known for his hatred towards intruders which is why he is always holding a shotgun to chase them all off his property. Each piece is acquired after deciphering a puzzle in the lake house while hiding from its guard, Mr. The fragments can be found after completing the following puzzles:. The chest's key can be found on the second floor, inside Mr. Otto's pillow in Hello Neighbor 2. The sewn fabric of the pillow must be cut through with scissors to obtain it. There are a pair of scissors at the Taxidermist's crafting table in the basement if players don't have them in their inventory. Next, find a chest in the basement underneath the stairs leading to the first floor. To reach it, players must clear two wooden planks with a Crowbar. If players didn't keep the Crowbar from previous Acts, one can be found in a bookcase on the second floor. After clearing the planks, use the key to open the chest and take the map fragment.

Nicky must conquer three "Fear Rooms" that represent childhood fears: a grocery store we learn in the book that he was left in the back room hello neighbor house act 3 a supermarket when he was threea school where he was picked on before Raven Brooksand a dark closet presumably him being alone in book 3. The chest's key can be found on the second floor, inside Mr. Current Wiki.


Hello Neighbor 2 is a riddle game where players have to solve puzzles while collecting various items that later on will help them progress through the game. After finishing Act 1 inside the Peterson's house, and Hello Neighbor 2 Act 2 at the Bakery, now it's time for players to move on to Act 3. Act 3 takes place in a lake house on the edge of Friendly Court where the Taxidermist lives, he is known for his hatred towards intruders which is why he is always holding a shotgun to chase them all off his property. Each piece is acquired after deciphering a puzzle in the lake house while hiding from its guard, Mr. The fragments can be found after completing the following puzzles:. The chest's key can be found on the second floor, inside Mr. Otto's pillow in Hello Neighbor 2.

Hello neighbor house act 3

This page is undergoing changes. Please excuse the quality. You can help the Hello Neighbor Wiki by expanding it. Thank you! Act 3 is part of the storyline in Hello Neighbor.

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Exactly half of the bugs being fixed. The game then ends. Guide to Secret Neighbor. This version of the house seems to be Nicky remembering certain parts of the place in full, but others in a jumbled up sort of way, due to his childlike mind having made things larger than life over the years. This house also had some really hard puzzles. It looked a lot more colorful and strange, and had two floors, and an elevator and a set of stairs connecting them. This article contains cut content. You needed to turn off a generator to melt the keycard out of the ice block and used water to cool down the crowbar. If this shark touched the protagonist, they would be thrown out as if they were caught by the Neighbor. Peterson's House. Categories : Cut content Spoilers Locations. Someone knocks on his door and slips a letter through his door. After the dream sequence cutscene, the house is mostly the same house as the Beta 3 house except with a couple of new rooms, some features and objects in previously empty rooms, and a second ladder which leads up to the roof.

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In the Pre-Alpha and first Alpha, he would also keep blocking random doors with chairs. And if not caught, the player would wake up back in the normal world. Once you get into the basement, you would be teleported to another room where it was bright, and you found the neighbor all alone, crying. Both ladders need a wrench to be opened. Once the protagonist hid themselves or a certain amount of time passed, the Neighbor would start trying to find them. The basement was made a playable section in Alpha 2, as seen in the November Producer Update. This build was released on October 26th, It was also harder to make it to the basement as the protagonist needed to melt the block of ice holding the keycard, and cool down the crowbar with water. Act 3 is part of the storyline in Hello Neighbor. Guide to Secret Neighbor. After you go into the basement, you make some big jumps onto platforms to avoid falling into an endless abyss, avoid the neighbor, go down a long hallway with scattered furniture, and find a door with a bright light. During the beginning of Act 3, Mr. Someone knocks on his door and slips a letter through his door.

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