high school mile times

High school mile times

The list of United States high-school national records in track and field is separated by indoor and outdoor and boys and girls who have set a national record in their respective events. While these records have been compiled for over years, high school mile times, there are varying standards for these records. Those would be scholastic dual meets, high-school-only invitationals and championship meets up through the individual state championships. These records include marks made in open competition against higher-level competitors, post-season meets and international competition up until August 31 following their high-school graduation.

Records, Averages, and Tips for Improvement. Many runners want to know what is considered a good time for running a mile or kilometer or what is the fastest mile time. Another consideration is the runner's goals. Some runners consider a sub mile a significant achievement, while others might be thrilled to run a mile under No matter what your situation and goal, understanding some mile time averages can help you determine what your fastest mile time may be. The current world records for the outdoor mile are Of course, most runners will never come anywhere close to these times, but you can still work on improving your own personal record for the mile distance.

High school mile times

This is a list of American high school students who have run a four-minute mile since the feat was first accomplished in The first person to run the mile 1, yards , or 1, After setting the national high school record in the mile, Jim Ryun set the world record in and then again in , when he ran Ryun was 19 at the time, making him the youngest world record holder in the mile to date. His record stood for nine years. He took silver in the men's m at the Summer Olympics. Alan Webb broke Ryun's year old high school mile record Webb also ran what was then an American record in the mile, in , at Despite finding success in high school and on the track, Webb had an inconsistent career that was riddled with injuries, such as achilles tendonitis and a stress fracture in his foot and tibia. Note: all of the above runners were high school seniors when they ran under four minutes for the mile except for Ryun in , and Burns and Birnbaum in , who were juniors at the time. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history.

Beaver Falls High School.


The list of United States high-school national records in track and field is separated by indoor and outdoor and boys and girls who have set a national record in their respective events. While these records have been compiled for over years, there are varying standards for these records. Those would be scholastic dual meets, high-school-only invitationals and championship meets up through the individual state championships. These records include marks made in open competition against higher-level competitors, post-season meets and international competition up until August 31 following their high-school graduation. Additionally, high-school competition is conducted under slightly different rules, which have evolved over time. For example, in , high schools converted their running distances from Imperial yards to metric, but instead of running conventional international distances like metres in place of the mile run, a more equitable but non-standard meters was chosen. For the two- mile run , they run meters. For the long-hurdle race, they run meters instead of the metres hurdles. Some states ran over lower hurdle heights for a period of time.

High school mile times

This is a list of American high school students who have run a four-minute mile since the feat was first accomplished in The first person to run the mile 1, yards , or 1, After setting the national high school record in the mile, Jim Ryun set the world record in and then again in , when he ran Ryun was 19 at the time, making him the youngest world record holder in the mile to date. His record stood for nine years. He took silver in the men's m at the Summer Olympics. Alan Webb broke Ryun's year old high school mile record Webb also ran what was then an American record in the mile, in , at

Karlita hernandez

Discus throw Jr 1. DeSoto High School. Cherryville, North Carolina. Homestead High School. Modesto , California. Warrington, Pennsylvania. Ferguson High School. Tools Tools. Champion High School. They also often take into consideration age and sex. Golden West Invitational. Florida Relays. This is a list of American high school students who have run a four-minute mile since the feat was first accomplished in Denton Guyer High School. This involves knowing mile time standards for a few different groups.

Gary Martin became the first Pennsylvania high schooler to ever run a sub-four-minute mile , crossing the finish line at the Philadelphia Catholic League championships in

Wilson High School. Retrieved 7 June Philadelphia Catholic League Championships. Records, Averages, and Tips for Improvement. Los Angeles Baptist High School. Louis, Missouri Rheinhardt Harrison Bronxville High School. Morse High School. Warrington, Pennsylvania. Michael Graham Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School. Stevens Point Area School.

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