House manderly

To all our Our Patrons for their unwavering love and support. Toggle Menu. House Manderly. They are among the most powerful and loyal vassals of House Stark as well as the richest northern house manderly due to their control of the only city in the region, house manderly.

House Manderly [1] of White Harbor is one of the most powerful vassal houses that holds fealty to House Stark of Winterfell. They control White Harbor, a seaport and the North 's only city. Their sigil is a white merman holding a trident. House Manderly was once a powerful noble house in the Reach. Centuries ago they were driven out of the Reach and were given sanctuary and lands by House Stark in exchange for their pledge of fealty. The Manderlys still keep many traditions from the South, because even though they are descended from the First Men just like their fellow Northmen , they have long ago adopted the Faith of the Seven and the chivalric culture of the past Andal invaders. They are the richest House in the North through fish, grain and overseas trade.

House manderly

They are among the most Powerful and Loyal vassals of House Stark. It holds a Black Trident over a blue greem field. House Manderly does not have any known Words. The Gardeners persuaded Houses Manderly and Peake do accept his choice on their Quarrel and do fealty for their Lands. Garth X was old and feeble and he sired no sons and only Daughters, whom where married to sons of Lord Manderly and of Lord Peake. Insistent that their wives become the next Queen House Manderly and Peake plummeted into a long spiral of Backstabbing, Corruption and Chaos which eventually led to war and meaning people had to take sides. However a Tyrell stopped this and defeated both Manderlys and Peakes and installed a Distant cousin to the Throne. Lady Wylla Manderly says that the Manderlys fled up north in fear for their lives, they were welcomed and protected by the Starks. House Manderly enjoyed great relations between their house and the Starks and Targaryens. She gave them 2 daughters; Serena and Sansa. During the Dance of the Dragons the Manderlys supported the Blacks. Information links: awoiaf.

Ser Wylis Manderly "Gallant, that son house manderly mine, and fierce as a mastiff. Acrofatic : Despite his weight, he is still a renowned knight.

They are among the most powerful and loyal vassals of House Stark as well as the richest northern family due to their control of the only city in the region. Unlike most other northern houses, the Manderlys follow the Faith of the Seven instead of the old gods, as the family emigrated from the Reach after the Andal invasion. The Manderlys' blazon is a white merman with dark green hair, beard and tail, carrying a black trident, over a blue-green field. The Manderlys are an ancient line who once lived along the banks of the mighty river Mander in the Kingdom of the Reach, and some claim the river was named after them. A noble house of great lords descended from the First Men, they held the castle of Dunstonbury as their seat and had a fierce rivalry with House Peake.

House Manderly is one of the most powerful noble houses of The North and are sworn vassals of House Stark. Their sigil is a merman on blue wielding a trident. Their seat is the New Castle in White Harbor. The current head of the House is Lord Wyman Manderly. The Mander was named after House Manderly. House Manderly was traditionally a house in the Reach, ruling from the castle of Dunstonbury. They had a strong rivalry with House Peake , another house from the Reach. There would frequently be members of both houses murdered by the others and occasionally all out war would ensue. Various different characters have their own views on the expulsion of House Manderly from the Reach. Lady Rohanne Webber believes they were chased away as they became too powerful.

House manderly

For the main character index, see here For the main Northern entry, see here. House Manderly of White Harbor note Formerly House Manderly of Dustonbury "A thousand years before the Conquest, a promise was made, and oaths were sworn in the Wolf's Den before the old gods and the new. When we were sore beset and friendless, hounded from our homes and in peril of our lives, the wolves took us in and nourished us and protected us against our enemies.

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This allowed House Peake to acquire the Manderlys' seat of Dunstonbury. Insistent that their wives become the next Queen House Manderly and Peake plummeted into a long spiral of Backstabbing, Corruption and Chaos which eventually led to war and meaning people had to take sides. Ser Medrick Manderly Medrick Manderly. Actually, a random prisoner was executed, and Davos is sent on a mission to bring back Rickon Stark. Don't have an account? Jerkass Has a Point : Nothing he says is outright wrong. Tranquil Fury : To the point that he actually creeps Davos out. Alliterative Name : "M" and "M" Colonel Badass : He was one of the best commanders in the Blacks army, and he put down some of the riots in King's Landing during the period the Blacks occupied the city. While Roose and the Freys suspect him of duplicity, because he has a every reason to hold a grudge against them, they have no idea the true extent of his plans and are vastly underestimating him. Additionally, as a Seven-worshipping Andal not to mention managing a shipping and trading empire as the head of the only city in the North Wyman could be seen as representing the "new," at least relative to Roose Bolton, who not only is a First Man who worships the old gods, but who practices some customs such as the right of first night and flayings that have fallen out of favor elsewhere, though Roose cares little for the ancient tradition of guest right. Unlike most other northern houses, the Manderlys follow the Faith of the Seven instead of the old gods, as the family emigrated from the Reach after the Andal invasion.

House Manderly [1] of White Harbor is one of the most powerful vassal houses that holds fealty to House Stark of Winterfell. They control White Harbor, a seaport and the North 's only city. Their sigil is a white merman holding a trident.

This is likely because Leona is too worried about her husbands safety and Wylla is too young and outspoken, but Wynafryd is calm and has the same political guile as her grandfather. Formerly Fit : Downplayed, as he may never have been slim, but there must have been a time where he wasn't as fat as he is now, as he used to be able to ride a horse and fight effectively, having taken part directly in Robert's Rebellion and fought at the Battle of the Trident where Ser Bartimus saved his life. Obfuscating Stupidity : Wyman remarks that people underestimate him because of his girth, and assume that his surface personality of jolly glutton is all there is to him. Episode 7 8. Carry a Big Stick : His iron rod, which he heats up to torture prisoners. Sparing Them the Dirty Work : Wyman Manderly does many things that the honorable Ned Stark would never do although if he had, or at least had survived, Manderly wouldn't have had to take revenge in the first place. Eldest daughter of Wylis Manderly. The Starks awarded the Wolf's Den to the Manderlys and tasked them with defending the White Knife in return for swearing an oath that they would always be loyal subjects of House Stark. Originally a Southron House located in the Reach, several centuries ago the Manderlys were driven from their seat of Dunstonbury due to their growing wealth and power threatening House Gardener's rule and fled north. Explore Wikis Community Central. Like other houses of the Reach, the Manderlys presumably converted from the old gods of the First Men to the Faith of the Seven after the Gardeners welcomed Andals into their kingdom. Neck houses.

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