hoyt pro defiant turbo

Hoyt pro defiant turbo

The Hoyt Pro Defiant Turbo is the most advanced aluminium bow, hoyt pro defiant turbo, a legitimate feet per second, 34 inch axle to axle shooting machine. Be one of the lucky ones to bag this high end hunting bow bargain. Hoyt pro defiant turbo bows consistently top the most prestigious podiums and punch the most demanding tags, dominating in situations that leave no room for error. The all-new, Pro Defiant integrates the best technologies from both of these worlds into a single, dominant technology set, backing its swagger with serious technology and performance.

The Hoyt Pro Defiant Turbo is a great shooting speed bow, which comes in at an axel-to-axel measurement of inches, sitting right between the Pro Defiant 31 and the Pro Defiant 34 models. The DFX Turbo cam in combination with the limbs and riser also help increase the string angle and feel being engineered in a way that increases the axel to axel measurement after the bow is drawn making it feel like a longer axel to axel model. The Turbo cam with a 6-inch brace height gives an IBO speed rating of feet per second, which is a nice combination of shootable and fast. However, none of this is different from the Defiant Turbo, which could be disappointing for some shooters wanting a new Hoyt after buying one in Most shooters will agree the new riser is pretty sweet looking, but probably not nice enough to justify another bow purchase based solely on the looks alone. The new target color configuration is pretty nice too, and offers something different than in the past with the colors on the limbs, wooden grip, and strings instead of the riser, but again, that may not justify buying a new bow if shooters already have a Defiant Turbo in the stable. The bottom line is that the Pro Defiant Turbo looks as great as it shoots, but the lack of performance or technology changes may be disappointing to the Hoyt fanboys wanting something to justify an upgrade from last year.

Hoyt pro defiant turbo

Posted TZ. Today's compound bow industry is a competitive market. There are numerous bow manufacturers making great bows. That's good and bad for the consumer. It's good because more competition leads to lower prices and plenty of good options. It's bad because it can be much more difficult to choose one when you're trying to sift through 30 different bow models. That's why I recently reviewed the new Hoyt Pro Defiant. In short, it's a solid bow that shoots great. But we'll dive into the details momentarily. First, lets look at the specs and special features. These are most of the baseline factors used to compare bows. These are the things that most people care about. Most of these these things won't mean anything to the average consumer. But if you're a bow nerd like some of us, you might find these technologies interesting. We won't bog you down with all of the technical talk, but if that's your thing, feel free to geek out and follow the links below.

This moving hoyt pro defiant turbo system helps cut down on torque by flexing in towards the arrow as the bow is drawn. ABN Most shooters will agree the new riser is pretty sweet looking, but probably not nice enough to justify another bow purchase based solely on the looks alone.

Complementing the cams is a set of Hoyt' UltraFlex split limbs that reach a beyond parallel position at full draw for a quieter shot with reduced hand shock and bow vibration. The new riser has an aggressive look and features a tunnel configuration on the lower half for optimized stiffness and stability. Three base cams and a rotating module cover draw lengths from inches, inches and inches. System letoff is advertised at 75 percent. Dual cable stops offer a firm back wall, and for those wanting an absolutely rock solid back wall, there is an optional limb stop for the top cam. One of the more unique features about this cam system is how the Hoyt engineers positioned the cams at full draw to lengthen the overall footprint, which changes where the string comes off the cam. Through this configuration, the string angle is opened up to allow the archer to maintain proper form without having to reach your head forward to meet the peep sight.

Hoyt introduced its popular Defiant series last year in both aluminum and carbon versions, each version available as a Defiant, a Defiant 34 and a Defiant Turbo. As the names might suggest, the Defiant 34 is a longer axle-to-axle bow, and the Turbo is the fastest of the three. The DFX cams and pre-loaded UltraFlex limbs are uniquely designed in such a way that — relative to other bows — the string comes off each cam at a greater distance from the nock point. The result is a less sharp string angle, as well as better peep sight position for an improved, more comfortable shooting form. The major difference between the carbon riser bows and the aluminum riser bows is about half a pound of weight. Carbon is stiffer and, theoretically at least, this makes it more stable. Carbon does not transfer heat. This makes it warm to the touch even in the coldest weather. Is the extra cost worth it? That depends on your budget, on how important light weight is to you and on how often you hunt in cold weather.

Hoyt pro defiant turbo

So much speed with zero — and I mean zero — sacrifice when it comes to accuracy. More on this later. The Tec Lite riser, at first glance, appears longer than it actually is and showcases Offset Riser Technology. The bow is, in a word, breathtaking. I love this new feature. In addition, Hoyt has given those must-have-a-solid-back-wall lovers the option of adding the new Hoyt limb stop. I opted to go without the limb stop, as I appreciated the back wall just as it was without the addition. The limb bolts turned easily. The micro-adjust screws on the press arms allowed me to quickly and easily bring the fingers over both the top and bottom split limbs, and the bow pressed with ease.

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Your location: Enter your location, ex. Hoyt Pro Defiant Turbo. Most shooters will agree the new riser is pretty sweet looking, but probably not nice enough to justify another bow purchase based solely on the looks alone. That's why I recently reviewed the new Hoyt Pro Defiant. The Hoyt Defiant Turbo is currently on Special. With an all-new dual cable stop system, the back wall is more solid than ever, creating a draw cycle that leaves almost nothing to be desired. Components are sold individually, or in a custom 10 piece accessory kit. Don't miss an issue. The Pro Defiant and Carbon Defiant are available in three different configurations and a number of awesome finishes including the all new Buckskin. Loaded from axle to axle with the most advanced industry leading technologies, the Pro Defiant and Carbon Defiant Series bows set the standard for compound hunting bows. The symmetry between the top and bottom cam enables precise tuning and pin point accuracy.

The Hoyt Pro Defiant Turbo is a great shooting speed bow, which comes in at an axel-to-axel measurement of inches, sitting right between the Pro Defiant 31 and the Pro Defiant 34 models. The DFX Turbo cam in combination with the limbs and riser also help increase the string angle and feel being engineered in a way that increases the axel to axel measurement after the bow is drawn making it feel like a longer axel to axel model. The Turbo cam with a 6-inch brace height gives an IBO speed rating of feet per second, which is a nice combination of shootable and fast.

I cannot imagine anyone ever regretting a Hoyt Pro Defiant purchase. Enjoying What You're Reading? The Hoyt Pro Defiant Turbo is the most advanced aluminium bow, a legitimate feet per second, 34 inch axle to axle shooting machine. However, shooters wanting to firm that up will love the addition on the limb stop system to have a more solid pull into the back end. Shooters wanting a more solid back wall have the ability to install one limb stop, included with all DFX cam bows, as a way to create a more solid feel on the back end. Pros: Tell us what you liked about this bow; required, max characters. Great bow, keeping up with cross bows. Ask Cancel. Digital Now Included! See All Videos. Loaded from axle to axle with the most advanced industry leading technologies, the Pro Defiant and Carbon Defiant Series bows set the standard for compound hunting bows. The new target color configuration is pretty nice too, and offers something different than in the past with the colors on the limbs, wooden grip, and strings instead of the riser, but again, that may not justify buying a new bow if shooters already have a Defiant Turbo in the stable. One of the more unique features about this cam system is how the Hoyt engineers positioned the cams at full draw to lengthen the overall footprint, which changes where the string comes off the cam.

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