hunger games cato

Hunger games cato

Cato is a fearsome opponent of Peeta and Katniss, and the most threatening male participant of the game. He is dubbed a "Career" tribute, as he has been trained since birth to represent his district in the Hunger Games, hunger games cato.

Cato is the main antagonist of The Hunger Games. He was the male tribute from District 2 in the 74th Hunger Games. He was the leader of the Career Tributes ' alliance , the strongest tribute in the arena , and Katniss Everdeen 's primary adversary. Like most Careers, he volunteered for the Games. For three days, Cato and his fellow tributes train and prepare for the Games. In the novel, Cato trains at the spear-throwing station and displays his prowess with the weaponry.

Hunger games cato

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. The Hunger Games served as a marshaling ground for an entire generation of young actors, who took comparatively small parts in the science fiction epic only to find prominence and fame in later projects. The four-movie cycle contained dozens of substantive roles, most of which had very little screen time. Casting memorable actors to quickly make an impression was one of the keys to the franchise's success. That includes Alexander Ludwig , who appears in the first Hunger Games movie as one of Katniss Everdeen's fiercest foes. As Cato , the Tribute from District 2, he's a terrifying onscreen presence, and Ludwig 's intensity in the role reflects his future success as Bjorn Ironside in the History Channel series Vikings. And like many of the film's other supporting characters, his apparent villainy can't hide his ultimate status as a victim of the system. See full article at Comic Book Resources. Similar News.

He is the second largest tribute, only being slightly smaller than Thresh.

Cato is the main antagonist of The Hunger Games. He was the male tribute from District 2 in the 74th Hunger Games. He was the leader of the Career pack, the strongest tribute in the arena, and Katniss Everdeen's primary adversary. Cato lived in District 2 prior to the 74th Hunger Games and likely trained for the Hunger Games alongside his fellow district members. Like most Career tributes , he volunteered for the Games.

Cato is the main antagonist of The Hunger Games. He was the male tribute from District 2 in the 74th Hunger Games. He was the leader of the Career Tributes ' alliance , the strongest tribute in the arena , and Katniss Everdeen 's primary adversary. Like most Careers, he volunteered for the Games. For three days, Cato and his fellow tributes train and prepare for the Games. In the novel, Cato trains at the spear-throwing station and displays his prowess with the weaponry. In the film, the Careers target Peeta Mellark 's weakness and view him as what Katniss describes as a "meal" until Peeta shows his true strength by throwing a pound metal ball into a rack of spears. Later on in the film, Cato is angered when he thinks that the District 6 male took his knife, which was actually stolen by Rue. He provokes a fight with the other boy, threatening to make him his first target, until the Peacekeepers separate them, as fighting before the Games is not allowed. In the novel, Katniss describes Cato as playing up the angle of a "ruthless killing machine.

Hunger games cato

Cato was a monstrous eighteen year old boy from District 2 , who volunteered for and participated in the 74th Hunger Games as a career tribute. Nearing the end of the 74th Hunger Games, the last three remaining tributes were Cato, Katniss and Peeta. When the mutts were released by the Gamemakers, Cato fought with Katniss and Peeta, eventually in a standoff with Peeta in a headlock with Katniss pointing a bow an arrow at his head, with all three on top of the Cornucopia. Cato dares Katniss to fire, which would send them both plumetting down to the ground, where the mutts would kill them. Instead, Katniss shoots and impales Cato's hand, which allows Peeta to escape the headlock and kick Cato down where the mutts maim and severly wound him. Katniss kills him by putting an arrow in his head.

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View source. Though he retains his brutality and fighting instincts, he laments how he has been bred to kill and how the Capitol does not care whether he lives or dies. Not long after this, Cato finds the District 4 female in the forest and kills her alongside his fellow Careers. Casting memorable actors to quickly make an impression was one of the keys to the franchise's success. His first target is the District 6 male , whom he beats up and later cuts open with a serrated sword. I always was, right? Too often, he lets anger get in the way of common sense. In the film, Cato and his district partner Clove enter the tribute parade wearing Roman-esque outfits. And like many of the film's other supporting characters, his apparent villainy can't hide his ultimate status as a victim of the system. Not that it matters. The movie is less graphic than the book, but both end with Katniss shooting him rather than letting him suffer.

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See for yourself. In their absence, Foxface manages to steal supplies from the Careers' camp by stepping carefully around the mines. Later in the Games, Peeta betrays the Careers and is subsequently kicked out of the pack, while the District 3 male becomes a new and likely reluctant member. With Peeta's help, she leans down into the mouth of the Cornucopia and finds a savagely bloodied Cato lying at the back. In the film, he speaks bitterly about his life during the final fight with her and Peeta, explaining that victory in the arena is the only thing that gives his existence meaning. This armor was made of a durable material that could withstand Katniss's arrows, and kept Cato alive under attack from the wolf mutts. The Hunger Games. And like many of the film's other supporting characters, his apparent villainy can't hide his ultimate status as a victim of the system. It's the only thing I know how to do. In the film, Cato and his district partner Clove enter the tribute parade wearing Roman-esque outfits. Though Cato is not mentioned in the book during the bloodbath, he is heavily featured in the movie. He injures the District 10 male by using a bar mace on the boy's chest.

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