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We got the evidence of the existence of herding behavior in ISE by the implementation of the methodology which is based on the cross sectional volatility of the stock returns. On the other hand, the results show that the relation between cross sectional volatility and extreme high or low returns is nonlinear. These results are also supported by the similar evidence got from the analysis of each sector, namely services, financial, industiral and investment trusts sectors. Another methodology which is based on the cross sectional volatility of beta coefficients of the stocks is also implemented in order to get a deeper analysis. The results show that, herding towards the market is a general trend for the whole market but we cannot find the evidence of herding in the periods of December April and May-October Sectoral analysis also show that herding towards market is also valid for all sectors but the periods in which investors do not herd are not same for all sectors.

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Change in Trading Principles for Warrants and Certificates. ARD Informatics produces end-to-end solutions in the….


The Market offers a liquid, transparent and secure trading environment for both domestic and foreign investors. The markets where the equities of the companies offered to the public for the first time are determined at the time of the listing of the company to the Exchange. In accordance with the provisions of the Listing Directive, the equities that have been listed in the relevant Equity Market segments and started to be traded are subject to evaluation as of periods approved by the General Manager and at least twice a year in accordance with the criteria determined within the scope of this Equity Market Directive Market segment and sub segment changes are made according to the results of this evaluation. The criteria for determining market segments and sub segments are included in the Equity Market Directive and Equity Market Procedure. Primary Market is the market that brings together issuers those who demand funds and savers those who supply funds. Primary Market transactions for the equities to be offered to the public through Borsa İstanbul is carried out between - Please click for the new rules will be introduced regarding the orders to be involved in the distribution process and the distribution time of these orders. Please click for the Markets. Equities are negotiable instruments issued by a corporation and representing a capital share of the corporation.

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Its slogan is worth investing. It is planned that all the Government-owned shares will be offered for sale. The origin of an organized securities market in Turkey has its roots in the second half of the 19th century.

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Referring to the clause 8. Therefore, thanks to the narrow spread between buy and sell quotations,…. On its way to become the most popular platform of its region with its wide product range, counter-party…. For the list of members click on following link. About circuit breaker trigger rates applied in Equity Market. A trade delegate headed by Belgium Secretary of…. Customer Indices. Compatible with universal earthquake levels 1, 2, 3, 4. Do you have a table describing each kind of market data feed by market including Precious Metals…. Borsa İstanbul Trading Session Hours change. For the full text of the up to date version of this circular, Please visit the following link: www. Borsa İstanbul starts to calculate five participation indices as of November 12, Changes in Electricity Futures Contracts. Merril Lynch Menkul…. Market Maker Members.


Please click for the related Announcement. Participation certificates of venture capital investment funds and real estate investment funds funds shall be listed and traded in the Equity Market following an approval of prospectus or issuance document by Capital Markets Board and upon application from the founder provided that there is a related provision in their prospectus or issuance document. Board of Directors Prof. For future and option contracts the exchange fee is calculated based on the traded value the product of price, contract size and number of contracts. Independent Woman Directors project is aimed at facilitating it for companies to find female board members and eliminating the hurdles for female directors. Bulow, J. Wang, D. The results show that, herding towards the market is a general trend for the whole market but we cannot find the evidence of herding in the periods of December April and May-October Meka successfully designs and manufactures equipment and facilities for the manufacturing…. Advantages Offered by the ECM. Certificate Transactions. Current gold future contracts will expire on June 13, and all the positions in these contracts will migrate to the new sized 1 gram contracts at the end of the day.

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