Irelia counter

Irelia is a popular and formidable champion in League of Legends.

Irelia top on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Irelia top counters against top champions with a minimum of games. Irelia wins against Rammus After normalising both champions win rates Irelia wins against Rammus The average opponent winrate against Rammusis

Irelia counter

No results found. Irelia Builds. Hide Top Lane Top Lane A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Best Picks Against Irelia. Worst Picks Against Irelia. Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. However, to beat her, you can NOT fall behind. If you do, the lane is over she'll just run over you again and again. Against irelia, the first waves are key. Try to zone her from minions, place traps on your wave to punish her if she dashes on them.

After normalising both champions win rates Irelia wins against Irelia counter 1. Try to poke her with W and deal some damage with Q, irelia counter, then use your E to pass through the minions and run, keep doing this and you will win early trades.

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Irelia Top, Mid. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths.

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Irelia Top, Mid. Summoner Spells.

Irelia counter

The greatest picks outside of lane to counter Irelia include Zeri, Sivir, and Aphelios. Even if these Irelia counter picks are not used in the same position as you, it's not a good idea to take her into these matchups. They will very likely crush Irelia. Be aware of Irelia's power in the early game. She is a formidable opponent from the get-go, often looking for an early kill to secure her advantage. Stay vigilant, maintain your health, and avoid risky moves during the laning phase. Irelia thrives in skirmishes, especially around chokepoints due to her mobility and damage reduction.

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Half the time, Ignite won't work because she'll just permanently kill minions to counteract the grievous wounds. Wave Push wave 3 and wait for wave to bounceback, impossible to cheater recall versus Irelia, she has too much waveclear. Don't use your E offensively, unless you are sure you can win when she engages you. Jinx AD Carry. She outscales you lategame. Ult him after she ults. Shen the Eye of Twilight. Master Yi the Wuju Bladesman. Her movement through minions negates her chances of ever getting caught in your Q or W, and she also statchecks you. You will proc phase rush AND irelia is blinded, so now you can outrun her, and by the time her nearsight wears off, she is now too far to Q onto you again. I'd buy early bramble or wardens mail into her. The average opponent winrate against Akaliis Sett the Boss.

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Ult after she ults and keep max W to win the trade. After normalising both champions win rates Irelia wins against Wukong 4. Karma Mid. Place a barrel on your minions, if you take some practice you can destroy it as she dashes on them, passive auto her and you win most of the fights, but if irelia is skilled it could be very hard. Poke her and make her low as much as you can before 6. Rakan The Charmer. You can zone level 1 with Q and auto attacks. Evelynn Agony's Embrace. The average opponent winrate against Jaxis You either want to Q out of it if she does a very quick E or W it if she tries to hold her E to bait out your W. After normalising both champions win rates Irelia wins against Nasus 1. Irelia wins against Yone Aggress level 1 if she started E but be careful to not overtrade, if she gets her passive up she hard wins.

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