Is andrew camarata married

Personal Life, is andrew camarata married, Parents and Family Details :. This shows him atsubscribers, but as of today it issubscribers. He is absolutely magnificent at preparing and presenting videos, and now his older dog Levi has a new buddy — a darling puppy named Cody.

The down-to-earth property maintenance specialist was busy building his New York-based excavation and property maintenance empire when he caught the attention of millions of global viewers on YouTube. The New York native followed in the footsteps of his father, Andrew Camarata Senior, who was a well-known mechanic and craftsman in his community. The young Andrew worked alongside his father from a young age, learning how to fix engines, repair heavy-duty machinery, and keep excavation tools running. Andrew went to college to study Computer Science, a short-lived interest that ultimately drew him back to his first passion with increased motivation. Although his Computer Science course may have been fleeting, he also adopted two Golden Retrievers around this time—Levi and Daisy. In , Camarata founded his own business—a New York-based excavation and renovations company called Camarata Property Maintenance. Andrew, who was only 24 at the time, was keen to try his hand at everything—he took on small projects like driveway building and drainage, lawn mowing, and grading land.

Is andrew camarata married


I find something amazing in every video. When I have free time I watch your videos.


Personal Life, Parents and Family Details :. This shows him at , subscribers, but as of today it is , subscribers. He is absolutely magnificent at preparing and presenting videos, and now his older dog Levi has a new buddy — a darling puppy named Cody. Andrew is the type of man who most truly represents what America is all about — hard working, caring and spectacularly successful. Neither is a Golden Retriever and Daisy might belong to a friend. Watching from Alaska! Young man you bring much enjoyment with your videos.

Is andrew camarata married

Andrew Camarata, a man who transformed his love for heavy machinery into a thriving business, has carved out his own niche in the digital landscape. His YouTube channel serves as a demonstration of his craftsmanship, entrepreneurial spirit, and genuine passion, featuring projects related to demolition, excavation, renovation, and all aspects of property upkeep. As he captured the hearts of viewers across the globe, curiosity naturally arises about his personal story, journey, and of course his net worth. In his formative years, he followed a relatively typical high school trajectory, completing it up to 12th grade. While some students thrived within the confines of rigid lesson planning, his independent spirit sometimes led him down a different path. His pivotal moment came when he discovered a trade school program offered by his high school. This unique opportunity allowed him to explore hands-on skills, starting with computer repair. As such, he went back to the trade school to take some welding and auto repair classes. Working at the post office After he was done with school, Andrew embarked on a career at the post office, delivering mail, which he considered to be a pretty cool gig. Andrew had a specific goal in mind during this period — to save money for the purchase of a piece of property.

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If it can be done with heavy machinery, the New York native is down to give it a go—and film the process for our entertainment. The manner in which your videos are based upon requirements of your real-life situations are really sobering and entertaining at the same time. His father, Andrew B Camarata is an expert mechanic and craftsman. Edward Pfefferle May 4, at am. You never talk about the daily difficulties, broken promises, delays, and dysfunctional equipment that goes with every small personal service business. Related posts. Howard Knight May 8, at pm. Rose Owens Saturday 8th of July Been watching since you built the castle. My question is about your ford tractor.

The down-to-earth property maintenance specialist was busy building his New York-based excavation and property maintenance empire when he caught the attention of millions of global viewers on YouTube. The New York native followed in the footsteps of his father, Andrew Camarata Senior, who was a well-known mechanic and craftsman in his community. The young Andrew worked alongside his father from a young age, learning how to fix engines, repair heavy-duty machinery, and keep excavation tools running.

You are what we dream about getting in a contractor. Devanand Bernadine Sep 8, at am. Ron Florida. Or girlfriends? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. I am just amazed at your at your talent and workmanship. Mark Hoesterei Aug 8, at am. Hi Andrew we watch all your videos thank you for helping me learn how to run an excavator and skid steer. Slate roof on one. My son is taking electrical engineering here in Vancouver, Canada and I ask him to watch your show. Andrew Camarata is not married. You know exactly where to place your camera and the features and the background are fantastic!

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