J archive

To use it, view any Jeopardy! You j archive be presented with a game board that you can step through using the spacebar, or click on clues of your own choosing.

Archive repository into playable Jeopardy! This has been developed primarily as a Jeopardy! Future enhancements will focus on tracking statistical information that aspiring Jeopardy! Once you do so, modify the contents of base. After following the steps above, create an account by registering via register.

J archive

In web 1. A holy site where any casual viewer of Jeopardy! An exacting catalog of the countless number of times that Alex Trebek has shepherded us through categories of potpourri, of arcane word games, of 19th-century novelists whose names begin with the letter E. Right you are. On the fan-run J! Archive , a would-be scholar can click on any season, from any year, and bear witness to thousands and thousands of tabulated episodes. During show No. The archive is of the same breed. Those breezy interviews that Trebek conducts with the contestants after the first commercial break? There is an incisive mathematical breakdown of the scoring over the course of a given episode. There are running tallies of the money totals after every question. Just as Trekkies can dictate vows in Klingon, and Tolkien adherents can parse Quenya script, a small niche of Jeopardy! There are national congresses that are less comprehensive than the J! Archive, and Robert Schmidt, a year-old patent attorney and the original architect of the website, tells me over email that the full scope of documenting Jeopardy!

The developer has disclosed that it will not collect or use your data. Go to j archive. Re: New old games in the J-Archive Post by legendneverdies » Tue Apr 17, am Two of the clues in the second Toutant game were essentially the same as in tonight's game, and under the same category titles, j archive.

A message board for fans of the Jeopardy! Moderators: alietr , trainman , econgator , dhkendall. Post by MinnesotaMyron » Mon Apr 16, pm. Post by codehappy » Tue Apr 17, am. Post by Bamaman » Tue Apr 17, am.

In web 1. A holy site where any casual viewer of Jeopardy! An exacting catalog of the countless number of times that Alex Trebek has shepherded us through categories of potpourri, of arcane word games, of 19th-century novelists whose names begin with the letter E. Right you are. On the fan-run J! Archive , a would-be scholar can click on any season, from any year, and bear witness to thousands and thousands of tabulated episodes. During show No. The archive is of the same breed.

J archive

Every Friday, A. Club staffers kick off our weekly open thread for the discussion of gaming plans and recent gaming glories, but of course, the real action is down in the comments, where we invite you to answer our eternal question: What Are You Playing This Weekend? I love trivia. The point is, my brain is much happier rattling off random facts about the French Revolution or the history of the Mario games than, say, the details of my various streaming service passwords. Or a chronological ranking of all the cinematic Jokers? Take it as read, then, that I consider Jeopardy!

Closed under addition

Learn more about results and reviews. Privacy Terms. Archive , a would-be scholar can click on any season, from any year, and bear witness to thousands and thousands of tabulated episodes. You signed out in another tab or window. If you think it's "Bonny and Clide", try "bon cli". Archive contributor. Nick Jung. You signed out in another tab or window. Ah, the fickle finger of fate. Skip to content. There's more info on how the answer checker works, and some hints on typing, in a section below. Reload to refresh your session. Of course, the best way to do that is to play with Wiimotes see below.


A NOTE about broken images: the J-archive site itself seems to have a lot of trouble with broken images in their clues, so if you see a broken resource, this is due to the site itself and not the fault of j-play. In the mids, Schmidt believed that he would retire from the J! Mark Barrett, a year-old in San Francisco who contributes to the Archive, writes over email that he watches each episode on his computer with the closed captioning turned on, which ensures that he never loses a word when filling out the questions and answers. Players must say their answer before the bar disappears, and if they don't, the person with the keyboard should just type gibberish into the box. You signed in with another tab or window. Archive games into playable Jeopardy! You should choose one player to control the keyboard. This has become his sacred burden: slowly whittling through his VHS backlog, filling in the lingering blank spots on the J! If you're not sure, play as though the validator is correct and if you need to, use the little "correctors" after you get back to the main game board. View all files. There is an incisive mathematical breakdown of the scoring over the course of a given episode.

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