Jhin op.gg
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Jhin op.gg
Take jhin op.gg by playing hyper aggressive and abusing her low HP pool. Alternate Summoners. The best use for it is offensively.
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Jhin op.gg
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Medium length layered bob with bangs
Play it slow as always and try to make sure you're not in range for her to combo you. And your team is behind , you will want to focus on farming and to minimize the bleeding at all cost. Her kit is rather simple so your approach will be simple. Be very careful for how close you get to him. Mid laners and Top laners are powerful alone which is why they farm top and bot which are commonly referred to as the side lanes. Ghost Poro. Be careful when you decide to all in because she might be saving her polymorph Whimsy for the best moment against you. It is focused for poking the enemy in the laning phase and early game to help you snowball reliably with Lethality. When Rakan gets level 6 The Quickness it is time to force fights. He's squishy and does low damage. Stay healthy and continue roaming around the map for picks. Tell your team to do baron! Once you get level 6, you can setup kills easily by spamming your Q Dancing Grenade to get her and her support low. Do not stand too close to the minions or your support as it will make it very easy for Bard to punish you. Bully him hard in the laning phase.
Learn more about Jhin's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! If you're looking for the best rune build for Jhin we've got you covered. If you are already familiar with how to play Jhin this is a great resource to quickly get a good rune selection for Patch
Transcendence Celerity Absolute Focus. Keep your team in formation and you'll be set since now you have a lead and can continue to grow it! This lethality build is the best lethality build so far to snowball with Jhin. Long trades are bad because she'll gain max stacks and auto attack you while you're reloading since you're unlikely to kill her from this early in the game. If you get hit by it then he gets a free setup with his Q Bone Skewer and you're usually dead by this point. Ideally, past 6 Final Hour if you fight a Vayne you need to focus her down and not let her kite freely. You want Rakan to ult first then let him use his W then lastly follow it up with your W Deadly Flourish. Once she gets level 6 and she buys some items in her first back. Try to wait for your jungler or wait for Draven to get CC'd by your support. Even if you're kills ahead, Lucian can still out 1v1 you if he has Bilgewater Cutlass and the levels he needs.
You are absolutely right.
It to me is boring.