Johnnies sweet creations photos

Johnnie's Sweet Creations Inc. Flynn, Oklahoma. I used Johnnie's for my wedding cake in April of and really enjoyed them!

This restaurant has been reported as permanently closed. Click here if it has reopened. Cuisines: Bakery. If this restaurant is open or has reopened, just let us know. Is this your restaurant?

Johnnies sweet creations photos

Main menu. Find a couple. Customer service. Back to Main menu. Planning Tools. Style Quiz. Wedding planning app. Find your style and more. Reception Venues. Wedding Photographers. Bridal Salons.

Cupcakes looked sloppy and frosting looked like a sad soft serve ice cream cone and there were more sprinkles in the box than on cupcakes!! By clicking 'Request Quote', you agree that your information will be shared johnnies sweet creations photos the vendor and used to create an account on TheKnot. See All

Email Business. Ordered 7 dozen cupcakes and a quarter sheet cake for a retirement party. I was horrified to see each cupcake was decorated with one side of cupcake had orange frosting and other side of cupcake had blue frosting! Nothing even close to what I had ordered! The cake was even worse and nothing close to what I had ordered, The name on cake was misspelled i had even spelled the name for them and writing on cake was on left side of cake

Main menu. Find a couple. Customer service. Back to Main menu. Planning Tools. Style Quiz. Wedding planning app. Find your style and more.

Johnnies sweet creations photos

Try the amazingly refreshing lemon chiffon cupcake. We use the latest and greatest technology available to provide the best possible web experience. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings to continue. Download Foursquare for your smart phone and start exploring the world around you! Foursquare City Guide. Log In Sign Up.

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However, I found a lady in town that makes cakes, and she was a little more cost efficient and easier to wor The cakes arrived on time and were done nicely. The team at Johnnie's was very helpful during our meeting and let us try all types of cake. See All Categories. Wedding Vendors in Oklahoma City. Walked into store, no one at the front, another customer standing, waiting. Back Skip Continue. Bridal Salons. Find your style and more. Graphic Design. Wedding dresses.

Johnnie's to the rescue again!!

I tried johnnies for the second time today. Dog Training. Back Skip Continue. Resend or Change number. Everything tasted great and Johnnie's always produces a good quality cake over and over again for a reasonable price. Security Guard Services. Just as during the taste test, the bride and groom's cakes were delicious! The service you receive at Johnnie's is incredible. View similar Bakeries. Guitar Lessons. Web Design. Browse auto services. I had a very formal wedding with many people and expensive taste.

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