julian opie fact file

Julian opie fact file

Please note: Artists not classified as American in our database may have limited biographical data compared to the extensive information about American artists. Creating biographies or improving upon them is a work in progress, and we welcome information from our knowledgeable viewers.

Julian Opie. Summer 1. Powder coated aluminium, x All artists deal with our experience of reality, whether they are reimagining it, or trying to capture it in some specific way. Opie, however, questions it altogether.

Julian opie fact file

Winter He lives and works in London. Opie's early works are narrative: irreverent, tongue-in-cheek sculptures based on famous works of art, of everyday objects such food, furniture and books, made from cut and painted steel. Later works, also made from steel but with an entirely different surface finish, suggested the cool precision of domestic appliances and 'white' goods. His work developed an architectural presence with sculptures made from metal or wood, which recall offices, houses and the architectural detailing of public spaces, combined with references to geometric abstract art and reduced to their most basic elements. Over the past decade he has consistently pursued painting with a strong graphic and pared down style. Drawing from influences as diverse as billboard signs, classical portraiture and sculpture, to classical Japanese woodblock prints, Opie 'paints' using a variety of media and technologies which enable him to make three-dimensional explorations of his subjects. The use of a lenticular print gives the illusion of depth and movement, bringing Suzanne to life as the viewer walks around the work. ISBN Existing or coming into being at the same period; of today or of the present. The term that designates art being made today. The depiction of shapes and forms on a flat surface chiefly by means of lines although colour and shading may also be included. Materials most commonly used are pencil, ink, crayon, charcoal, chalk and pastel, although other materials, including paint, can be used in combination. Metal is a medium frequently used by artists to make art works - from sculpture to printmaking.

For non-paying users, good news! His highly stylized work, involves the reduction of photographs or short films into figurative reproductions created using computer software.

Julian Opie rose in the art scene in the s and today he is one of the leading contemporary artists in the world. Opie is famous for his minimally detailed artwork and for integrating technology in art. Here are 10 interesting facts about the British artist. Born in London in , Julian Opie was raised in the city of Oxford. His mother Norma Opie worked as a schoolteacher while his father Roger Opie was an economist who is known for presenting The Money Programme in the s. Julian painted every night by the time he was 14 and was advised by people to join an art school.

Opie was born in London in and raised in Oxford. He graduated in from Goldsmiths, University of London, where he was taught by conceptual artist and painter Michael Craig-Martin. Opie emerged as an influential figure in the British art scene of the s producing a series of painted metal sculptures that humorously combined loosely painted imagery with steel shapes. Portraits and animated walking figures, rendered with minimal detail in black line drawing, are hallmarks of the artist's style. His themes have been described as "engagement with art history, use of new technology, obsession with the human body" and "work with one idea across different media". When asked to describe his approach, Opie said "I often feel that trying to make something realistic is the one criterion I can feel fairly sure of. Another one I sometimes use is, would I like to have it in my room?

Julian opie fact file

This animated, larger-than-life figure in the forecourt is a flat sculpture for the digital age, flickering in white lines on a black screen mounted on a plinth. Other women in the show look at phones or tote bags in similarly simplified delineations. Will she bump her head? Or will the structure crumble into ruins under the impact of the 21st century?

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ES: I find it interesting how much you can convey with just a few lines. Maybe someone else would feel more overwhelmed, but I see less of a range. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. I went through a whole phase of feet and at that point I also drew necks. Later works, also made from steel but with an entirely different surface finish, suggested the cool precision of domestic appliances and 'white' goods. I studied him for my art degree and it has stuck with me ever since Reply. JO: You can only assume that everyone sees things slightly differently, but colour blindness is quite a specific thing that comes from a lack of a certain set of cones in the eye. His figures are usually mid-stride and dressed for action and, by grouping them together, he suggests the essence of a crowded street and so reminds us of life before Covid, a life we many soon be returning to. His show at Pitzhanger, London , will run from 25 June to 24 October Click on the pictures below to enlarge. A photographer in Melbourne sent me thousands of photographs and the challenge then is to pare them down and I have various systems. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously.

Jasper Tordoff, Specialist [email protected].

Paint on metal, JO: I spend some time photographing people, but I spend longer choosing them. Do not sell my personal information. In which Art Organizations was the artist a member? Others Others. The arrangement of elements or details in an artefact or a work of art. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Non-Dealers and Museums : Please introduce your information as follows: "The following biographical information has been provided by Jane Doe, the niece of the artist. I thought I would do that in Oslo and maybe turn it on its head by looking at the most un-notable, suburban buildings. What awards or other recognition did the artist win? Do not combine book information with biography. What museums name, city, and state currently hold works by the artist in their permanent collections? Judith Godwin: Expressions of Life. Previous Winter

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