Juliane koepcke

Juliane Koepcke has one of the most impressive and enthralling survival stories of the Amazon rainforest. Incredible good fortune, juliane koepcke, a determination to survive, and some basic survival training learned from her father all played their part in her miraculous tale.

Juliane Margaret Beate Koepcke born 10 October , also known by her married name Juliane Diller , is a German-Peruvian mammalogist who specialises in bats. The daughter of German zoologists Maria and Hans-Wilhelm Koepcke , she became famous at the age of 17 as the sole survivor of the LANSA Flight plane crash; after falling 3, m 10, ft while strapped to her seat and suffering numerous injuries, she survived 11 days alone in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest until she was rescued by local fishermen after finding their camp. Her parents were working at Lima's Museum of Natural History when she was born. At the age of 14, she left Lima with her parents to establish the Panguana research station in the Amazon rainforest , where she learned survival skills. Educational authorities disapproved and she was required to return to the Deutsche Schule Lima Alexander von Humboldt to take her exams, graduating on 23 December Her mother Maria had wanted Juliane to return to Panguana with her on the 19th or 20th of December , but Koepcke wanted to attend her graduation ceremony in Lima on 23 December.

Juliane koepcke

Juliane Koepcke was flying over the Peruvian rainforest with her mother when her plane was hit by lightning. She survived a two-mile fall and found herself alone in the jungle, just More than 40 years later, she recalls what happened. It was Christmas Eve and everyone was eager to get home, we were angry because the plane was seven hours late. Suddenly we entered into a very heavy, dark cloud. My mother was anxious but I was OK, I liked flying. Ten minutes later it was obvious that something was very wrong. There was very heavy turbulence and the plane was jumping up and down, parcels and luggage were falling from the locker, there were gifts, flowers and Christmas cakes flying around the cabin. When we saw lightning around the plane, I was scared. My mother and I held hands but we were unable to speak. Other passengers began to cry and weep and scream. After about 10 minutes, I saw a very bright light on the outer engine on the left. My mother said very calmly: "That is the end, it's all over.

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How teenager Juliane Koepcke survived a plane crash and solo day trek out of the Amazon. Strapped aboard plane wreckage hurtling uncontrollably towards Earth, year-old Juliane Koepcke had a fleeting thought as she glimpsed the ground 3, metres below her. The trees in the dense Peruvian rainforest looked like heads of broccoli, she thought, while falling towards them at 45 metres per second. A wild thunderstorm had destroyed the plane she was travelling in and the row of seats Juliane was still harnessed to twirled through the air as it fell. She lost consciousness, assuming that odd glimpse of lush Amazon trees would be her last.

Juliane Koepcke is a name to remember. The Peruvian teenager did the impossible when she survived a plane crash that proved fatal for everyone else onboard. LANSA was plagued by several accidents that led to the deaths of over people. In , Flight crashed into a mountain, killing all 49 onboard , and less than four years later, Flight suffered a similar fate. Out of people onboard, there was only one survivor. When the plane crash-landed, it took the lives of two more individuals on the ground. Over the years, the airline operated a number of aircraft , including the Lockheed LA Electra and L Constellation. It also traveled to 11 airports — nine in Peru, one in Honduras and one in the United States. Despite LANSA suffering from what can only be described as an increasingly bad reputation, the airline continued to operate into , as it was still the fastest and safest way to travel from one Peruvian city to another.

Juliane koepcke

She had what many, herself included, considered a lucky upbringing, filled with animals. Her first pet was a parrot named Tobias, who was already there when she was born. She also became familiar with nature very early in life. She was closer to her mother, but the three Koepckes, father, mother and daughter, formed a closed bond over a shared love of nature.

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Read Edit View history. Juliane Margaret Beate Koepcke born 10 October , also known by her married name Juliane Diller , is a German-Peruvian mammalogist who specialises in bats. But one wrong turn and she would walk deeper and deeper into the world's biggest rainforest. She was portrayed by English actress Susan Penhaligon in the film. Juliane Koepcke has one of the most impressive and enthralling survival stories of the Amazon rainforest. The plane jumped down and went into a nose-dive. She survived a two-mile fall and found herself alone in the jungle, just They ate their sandwiches and looked at the rainforest from the window beside them. A mid-air explosion in saw Vesna plummet 9 kilometres into thick snow in Czechoslovakia. Strapped aboard plane wreckage hurtling uncontrollably towards Earth, year-old Juliane Koepcke had a fleeting thought as she glimpsed the ground 3, metres below her. I was paralysed by panic. The 9 Best Things To Do In Peru These days you have many choices when it comes to travel, and Peru is often near the top of the list for a number of special reasons. I realised later that I had ruptured a ligament in my knee but I could walk.

How teenager Juliane Koepcke survived a plane crash and solo day trek out of the Amazon.

While in the jungle, she dealt with severe insect bites and an infestation of botfly larvae in her wounded arm. Where was Juliane Koepcke born? Experts have said that she survived the fall because she was harnessed into her seat, the window seat, which was attached to the two seats to her left as part of a row of three. She still runs Panguana, her family's legacy that stands proudly in the forest that transformed her. For the next few days, he frantically searched for news of my mother. Armitage, Rebecca 2 October Instagram: Juliane Koepcke. Tools Tools. I dread to think what her last days were like. Teeming with abundant wildlife, exotic trees and plants, and even indigenous […]. The trees in the dense Peruvian rainforest looked like heads of broccoli, she thought, while falling towards them at 45 metres per second. Juliane is now a biologist specialising in bats. Sweet Sustenance The next eight days were spent weakly clambering through the jungle, with just some sweets she had recovered from the wreckage as sustenance.

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