Just for today

God grant me the serenity to just for today the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, just for today, and the wisdom to know the difference. Just for Today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once. I can do things for twelve hours that would appall me if I had to keep them up for a lifetime.

Sometimes we need something tangible to help us understand what holding a resentment is doing to us. We may not be aware of how destructive resentments actually are. We think, "So what, I have a right to be angry," or, "I might be nursing a grudge or two, but I don't see the harm. To see more clearly the effect that holding resentments is having in our lives, we might try imagining that we are carrying a rock for each resentment. A small grudge, such as anger at someone driving badly, might be represented by a pebble. Harboring ill will toward an entire group of people might be represented by a enormous boulder. If we actually had to carry stones for each resentment, we would surely tire of the weight.

Just for today

John C. He is the medical director at Alcohol Recovery Medicine. For over 20 years Dr. Just for Today in Narcotics Anonymous NA is a set of daily reflections and meditations meant to help people with drug addiction focus on sobriety one day at a time. The program is based on the Twelve Steps of Narcotics Anonymous , and each day's reflection is centered around one of the Steps. Each day's reading begins with a quote followed by a brief meditation or reflection. The readings are meant to be short and sweet so that they can easily be incorporated into a busy day. The goal was to create a set of daily readings that would be specifically geared towards those in recovery from addiction. Since then, the program has grown exponentially, with Just for Today daily meditations available on NA websites all over the world. There's no one way to "do" Just for Today. Some people read the daily reflection first thing in the morning as a way to start their day off on the right foot, while others like to save it for the evening as a way to wind down before bed. Wherever and whenever you choose to do Just for Today, the main thing is that you stick with it. The more consistent you are with the program, the more benefit you're likely to get from it. If you're looking for some structure, however, here is a suggested way to do Just for Today:.

I will be considerate, talk low, and look as good as I can. In an attempt to right our past wrongs, we humbly apologize.

The 12 Just For Todays. New EA Materials in We send a brief email each Tuesday morning with information, personal reflections, program material, and opportunities to engage with the organization. EA groups are self-supporting and all groups and individuals financially support the EAI office, which manages the literature and administrative work for EAI as a whole. Without support from members, EAI staff would not be available to support the many groups and members who have questions, make suggestions, or want to purchase EAI materials.

Active addiction set us apart from society, isolating us. Fear was at the core of that alienation. We believed that if we let others get to know us, they would only find out how terribly flawed we were. Rejection would be only a short step away. When we come to our first NA meeting, we are usually impressed by the familiarity and friendliness we see other recovering addicts share. We, too, can quickly become a part of this fellowship, if we allow ourselves to. One way to start is by tagging along to the local coffee shop after the meeting.

Just for today

John C. He is the medical director at Alcohol Recovery Medicine. For over 20 years Dr. Just for Today in Narcotics Anonymous NA is a set of daily reflections and meditations meant to help people with drug addiction focus on sobriety one day at a time. The program is based on the Twelve Steps of Narcotics Anonymous , and each day's reflection is centered around one of the Steps. Each day's reading begins with a quote followed by a brief meditation or reflection. The readings are meant to be short and sweet so that they can easily be incorporated into a busy day. The goal was to create a set of daily readings that would be specifically geared towards those in recovery from addiction. Since then, the program has grown exponentially, with Just for Today daily meditations available on NA websites all over the world. There's no one way to "do" Just for Today.


We send a brief email each Tuesday morning with information, personal reflections, program material, and opportunities to engage with the organization. These choices will be signaled to our partners and will not affect browsing data. All Rights Reserved. You may accept or manage your choices by clicking below, including your right to object where legitimate interest is used, or at any time in the privacy policy page. Here are a few tips to help you get started:. Sometimes we need something tangible to help us understand what holding a resentment is doing to us. I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it. Just for today I will adjust myself to what is and not try to adjust everything to my own desires. The weight of our resentments hinders our spiritual development. Just for Today can also be difficult to stick with if you're not committed to the process. Often, we're shocked to learn we had a significant part to play.

A handy pocket sized AA card can be bought from the AA website , and an online version downloaded for free. The AA card is an essential daily read for many alcoholics, or those wishing to lead a spiritual way of life.

Just for today I will take care of my physical health; I will exercise my mind; I will read something spiritual. Just for today I will be agreeable. I shall relax and seek truth. Just for Today: I will seek to have the burden of resentments removed from my spirit. All Rights Reserved. Particularly, I shall be unafraid to be happy, to enjoy what is good, what is beautiful, and what is lovely in life. There's no one way to "do" Just for Today. Coping and Recovery. The more consistent you are with the program, the more benefit you're likely to get from it. Just for today I will try to strengthen my mind.

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