kiryuin satsuki

Kiryuin satsuki

Subjugation is liberation!

She has absolute authority over the academy and is regarded with reverence by many of its residents. Satsuki is a tall and slim female with an angular face similar to her mother 's. She has the habit of perpetually frowning, although she does smile on rare occasions. Satsuki had long hair as a child, and while it was cut slightly shorter during her younger teen years, she grew it out later on. In Episode 25 , she cuts her formerly long hair to page-boy shoulder length style. Similar to her mother, Satsuki's presence is often accompanied by a glow of light that has been described by Uzu Sanageyama as "dazzling. Prideful to say the least, Satsuki is an extremely intelligent, calculating and patient young woman while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted.

Kiryuin satsuki

I really, really liked this show, and I want to talk about it, but the darn thing is just too weird to really fit into my conventional format. Satsuki Kiryuin was my favorite character in Kill la Kill , and I want to talk about why I think she works so well as a character, why the choices she makes are so interesting, and how they fit into some broader narrative archetypes and tropes that I really enjoy. Our protagonist, Ryuko Matoi, arrives at Honnouji looking for the person who murdered her father, and she has good reason to believe Kiryuin knows who that is. But at the moment when Raygeo begins to put her plan into action, Satsuki quite literally stabs her in the back. She had never intended to help her mother destroy the world, but instead had spent her life building up Honnouji Academy as a weapon to use against her. But the moment when Satsuki reveals her true plan and tries to overthrow her mother is, to me at least, the best part of the show. It recontextualizes the entire first half of Kill la Kill , but rather than feeling like something done merely for the sake of shocking the audience, everything makes a lot more sense once you realize it. Except—if you think about it—it makes no sense for someone as dedicated and committed to their goals as Satsuki is. So when you learn the truth, it makes sense. All of those tests were quite literally tests.

After Nui destroys Senketsu, Satsuki forces her to leave Ryuko alive, then leaves Ryuko covered in a blanket and with one remaining piece of Kiryuin satsuki.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Satsuki is a tall slim girl with an angular face similar to her mother's with long dark blue hair and blue eyes. She has rather thick eyebrows and a rather large bust.

Millennia ago, an alien being known as the Primordial Life Fiber crash landed on Earth. From it sprung Life Fibers, parasitic beings resembling threads of clothing which infest planetary lifeforms and breed by devouring, using the electrical current of the creature's nervous system. The Life Fibers primarily attached themselves to Homo sapiens since they possessed the most well developed brains at the time, and sped up their evolutionary process. After awakening the Primordial Life Fiber from its slumber, she became power hungry, and plotted to take over the world using Life Fibers. Her first subject? Her very own first born daughter. Fortunately for Satsuki, she was too old for the process to work. Eventually, he set his plan into motion, but knew well it would most likely result in death. She traveled to numerous other high schools in Japan and began recruiting other skilled students to join her cause. Ultimately, the two teamed up to take down their evil mother, and despite all the trials and tribulations it took to get that far, they both prevailed, saving the world from the threat of Life Fibers.

Kiryuin satsuki

She has absolute authority over the academy and is regarded with reverence by many of its residents. Satsuki is a tall and slim female with an angular face similar to her mother 's. She has the habit of perpetually frowning, although she does smile on rare occasions. Satsuki had long hair as a child, and while it was cut slightly shorter during her younger teen years, she grew it out later on. In Episode 25 , she cuts her formerly long hair to page-boy shoulder length style. Similar to her mother, Satsuki's presence is often accompanied by a glow of light that has been described by Uzu Sanageyama as "dazzling. Prideful to say the least, Satsuki is an extremely intelligent, calculating and patient young woman while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Satsuki refers to people as "pigs in human clothing", and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possesses a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Satsuki is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life.

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She's considered quite beautiful among the students, but of course they're probably too afraid of her to say anything. See Details. Her "ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars" line is obvious, and she's always standing at the top of the school, akin to an eagle watching from its perch. F-N Fan Disservice : There are a few instances late in the series where she's completely naked. Which, given that her mother wants to exterminate humanity, it is! Later on, she becomes an ally and teams up with Ryuko in order to defeat their mother Ragyo. Heroic Willpower : Invoked when she wears Junketsu. Privileged Rival : Satsuki, most certainly and most definitively, against the lifestyles of Ryuko and Mako: the Elite Four easily slide a single step below her in opulence, but possibly a step above her in terms of rivalry - with Ryuko, in particular. This is also her reasoning for not holding back when fighting her fellow students brainwashed to serve Ragyo in episode Among the rewards are economic wealth and Goku uniforms, clothes sown with Life Fibers that grant their wearers superhuman strength. Subverted later on in Episode 18, however, as it is completely ineffective in killing her mother, despite the fact that Satsuki first impaled her, and then cut her head off. View source. Weak people in an army are just cannon fodder, and discipline has to be stricter than you would expect for a mere high school. Like Loading

The anime series Kill la Kill , produced by Trigger , features a cast of characters with a variety of designs and abilities. The protagonist Ryuko Matoi is a transfer student who searches for her father's killer, teaming up with one of her new classmates, Mako Mankanshoku , as they fight against the iron-fisted and hot short-tempered student council president, Satsuki Kiryuin , and her mother, Ragyo Kiryuin's , fashion empire.

Both are long-haired swordfighters who have a rivalry with the other main character and their sister. This makes perfect sense when you consider that the academy wasn't a school, but a training ground for an army. Comment Reblog Subscribe Subscribed. Lady of War : She has a composed and dignified demeanor when using Bakuzan, and is very calculating in battle. When Junketsu's torn remains try to creep away, Satsuki pins it down with the reforged Bakuzan blades, telling it to stay put. Little Miss Badass : As a middle school student, she easily defeated both Sanageyama and Gamagoori in single combat. Reluctant Fanservice Girl : Deconstructed since she is aware that her mother is trying to exploit her modesty to take control of her. Soroi has served as Satsuki's personal butler ever since her childhood, and as such, they developed a strong bond. But at the moment when Raygeo begins to put her plan into action, Satsuki quite literally stabs her in the back. Skeletons in the Coat Closet : When in her transformed state, she looks like a giant white hannya mask, with the fins as horns. Iron Lady : Has a strong disposition and feared by most of the academy. Pet the Dog : When Sanageyama decides to fight Ryuko, he tells Satsuki to invite him for tea after he wins.

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