kodiak bear vs silverback gorilla

Kodiak bear vs silverback gorilla

Animal duels have always been fascinating. We often forget how powerful some animals can be until we see them get in a fight with another fierce creature. This is why we have the question of who wins in the contest Gorilla Vs. So, till now, a Gorilla vs.

There are some things in life that are just blatantly black and white, like evolutionism vs. In theory, if a full grown kodiak bear were to fight a mature silverback gorilla in a battle to the death, who would win? The kodiak bear is a subspecies of brown bear that lives in the kodiak archipelago of southwest Alaska, and is known to be the largest of the brown bear species. Kodiaks can weigh as much as 1, pounds and grow to be over ten feet tall. The bears are regarded as the largest known carnivores on the planet, however, most of their diet consists of berries and grass.

Kodiak bear vs silverback gorilla

Which animal would more likely survive if they fought until one was dead? Best educated guess Omega Vision Bear. Stoic Originally posted by Omega Vision Bear. I've had this same debate with friends in the past, and most thought that the Gorrilla would win. I tend to agree with you on everything that you wrote, but there is also one more factor that you didn't add. The size ratio. Most animals respect size, for instance if you put a full grown Piranha in the tank with an Oscar it would not dare attack the larger animal. The Gorilla would react in similar fashion and would likely cower to the much larger Bear. This would give the Bear another advantage. Bicnarok Originally posted by Omega Vision Bear.

A grizzly can lift approximately 0. A chimp is way inferior to a silverback in strength and is considered five times as strong as a human.

The bear won't be easy to take down, but I think the silverback can pull it off. I believe they're smarter and they have longer reach with their arms. This isn't even close IMO the bear is just to big and has too many weapons and is more durable with layers of fat. The gorillas only chance is using a club or something but even then one swipe from the bear is severe damage or a one shot. I think the dextereity and mobility along with the strength and vastly superior unless im mistaken intelligence of the gorilla is just too much.

Kodiak bears and gorillas are two very tough animals that inspire awe in those who see them. Both of them are easy to identify and both are dangerous in their own way, especially if you get on their bad side. To determine the winner of this duel, we will take into consideration several factors. We will compare the sizes between a Kodiak bear and a gorilla, their agility and movement capabilities, their brute strength, and offensive and defensive capabilities. Kodiak bears are the largest bears in the world. They are known to stand over 10 feet tall on their back legs, and about 5 ft when on all four. They also weigh around lbs on average. Gorillas are significantly smaller and lighter than Kodiak bears; they can reach around 6 ft when on their hind legs and weigh between and lbs. The largest Kodiak bear ever recorded was one from a Dakota Zoo and weighed 2, pounds.

Kodiak bear vs silverback gorilla

I always found the power and majesty of large animals fascinating. In a hypothetical matchup of a Kodiak bear vs a silverback gorilla, the Kodiak bear would likely have the upper hand due to its larger size and strength. Kodiak bears can weigh up to 1, lbs and stand up to 9. While gorillas are incredibly strong for their size, the sheer physical size and strength of the Kodiak bear give it an advantage.

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Up for debate Faster. Main weapon: Bite and Strength. This is one of those conversations that could go on forever. Its defensive mechanism is its bite and spear-like claws. Insomniatric Originally posted by inimalist anyways, bears might have fantastic abilities related to their behaviours, but I would be astounded if they had "intelligence" even close to primates. And I get to be armed with Wolverine claws on each hand. Because Gorilla is much smarter than a Bear. Jus yesterday there was a video put up on YouTube about a bear and lion fight. An incredibly thick skin. Fight Style Analysis If we take a closer look, both Gorilla and Grizzly have an almost identical style of knocking their opponents. I have no problem assuming a gorilla can deadlift we can assume deadlift lbs, so that means they are about 2 times as strong as the strongest person the max deadlift is now over lbs. The bear is covered in thick dense fur which would give it less impact if the gorilla tries to hit or bite it. That's actually mostly a myth; then there's the fact that gorilla's often chant while fighting and these chants are known to placate their adversary. Silverback is much stronger than people are giving it credit for.

Welcome, fellow nature enthusiasts! Who would emerge victorious in such an epic showdown? To answer briefly: A fight between a silverback gorilla and a grizzly bear would favor the grizzly due to its size, strength, and formidable claws.

A bear not being aggressive is 2. There's no way a gorilla can lift two sedans, unless it's king kong. The high end, 2. Go figure. I agree with some not all. A gorilla is an awesome animal and very formidable but this is a grizzly. Gorillas are native to Central Africa and are currently an endangered species, with only around mountain gorillas remaining in the wild. Ok, but had the bear actually stood and fought what would the outcome have been? Whenever I have seen bears in movies, it is easy to see that they are sedated and completely doped out of their minds, and they appear to be clumsy and ridiculous—well, they are completely the opposite. In an ideal case, the Bear would indeed win. A gorilla will pick up a lb rock and throw it at the bear if it had the chance which could injur it for sure. But here's a fun fact: Gorillas have the smallest penis in the primate family for their body size. Rogue Jedi Ahaha racist.

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