kuba kiedy najlepiej jechać

Kuba kiedy najlepiej jechać

Application requirements Tourist Visa Card One completed application form. Photocopy of valid passport.

After entering the building, comply with the rules in force in Roman Baths, first of all to regulations regarding safety, order and proper behaviour in accordance with the sauna standards and sauna culture. You can ask our staff about the standards of sauna use and they will also show you all our saunas, baths and attractions available in the Roman Baths. Please remember that there is a no-textile zone in the Roman Baths, which means that swimwear should not be worn. In the corridors, restaurant and rest area, you must wear a towel or a bathrobe. You may enter all dry saunas in a towel, while steam saunas and swimming pools should be entered naked and the towel should be hung on a peg. For hygienic and health reasons, please use two towels with a minimum size of 70x cm. If you do not have the above-mentioned towels, you can borrow them at our reception desk for a fee of PLN

Kuba kiedy najlepiej jechać

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Kuba kiedy najlepiej jechać


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