Lars star wars

Owen Lars was a moisture farmer, and the adoptive father of Luke Skywalker, from the desert planet Tatooine. Following the death of his father and adoptive mother, Lars married his girlfriend, Beru Whitesunand they struggled to maintain their homestead, lars star wars.

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Cliegg Lars was a human male moisture farmer from the desert planet Tatooine. He lived and worked on a family farm he inherited from his parents with his son from his first marriage , Owen Lars , and Owen's girlfriend Beru Whitesun. Though the Lars family was content with their simple lives, they became involved with the White Suns liberation movement, which helped free Tatooine's slaves.

Lars star wars

Helping with the dreary chores required to keep the farm profitable, Owen relies on his nephew, Luke Skywalker, whom the couple raised since birth. Like most moisture farmers on Tatooine, Lars is fiercely protective of his land and his family. When there is an intrusion on the tranquility of the Lars Homestead, Owen defends his home. Luke nearly misses the opportunity to meet the trusty Artoo when his uncle purchases a different astromech from the Jawas. When the red astromech blows a motivator, though, Luke convinces his uncle to pick up the little blue unit, R2-D2. For the most part, the Clone Wars were but a rumor on Tatooine. But soon after the Republic fell and the Empire rose in its place, a new visitor arrived at the Lars farm. He forbade Obi-Wan from visiting, and told Luke his father had merely been a navigator on a spice freighter. Owen had no idea that the droids were fugitives from the Rebel Alliance — or that the Empire would kill its own citizens to retrieve the droids and the secret information they carried. Skip Navigation More More Search.

Kenobi sliced the boulder lars star wars half, but one chunk fell and broke the rock which had been supporting Lars. Lars was pessimistic that Shmi was still alive, lars star wars, but an emotional Anakin got up from the table and began walking away. Now, tomorrow I want you to take that R2 unit to Anchorhead and have its memory erased.

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Owen Lars was a human male from the desert planet Tatooine who worked as a moisture farmer.

Helping with the dreary chores required to keep the farm profitable, Owen relies on his nephew, Luke Skywalker, whom the couple raised since birth. Like most moisture farmers on Tatooine, Lars is fiercely protective of his land and his family. When there is an intrusion on the tranquility of the Lars Homestead, Owen defends his home. Luke nearly misses the opportunity to meet the trusty Artoo when his uncle purchases a different astromech from the Jawas. When the red astromech blows a motivator, though, Luke convinces his uncle to pick up the little blue unit, R2-D2. For the most part, the Clone Wars were but a rumor on Tatooine. But soon after the Republic fell and the Empire rose in its place, a new visitor arrived at the Lars farm. He forbade Obi-Wan from visiting, and told Luke his father had merely been a navigator on a spice freighter. Owen had no idea that the droids were fugitives from the Rebel Alliance — or that the Empire would kill its own citizens to retrieve the droids and the secret information they carried. Skip Navigation More More Search.

Lars star wars

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished.

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If the boy was here when the jackboot came down, the Empire would still have a Death Star… But if the family wasn't killed, maybe he'd never have left. Cliegg told the Jedi about Shmi's kidnapping, telling the Jedi that she was dead. But what hasn't gotten any exploration was the life of the man who fathered Luke's Uncle Owen, Cleigg. He forbade Obi-Wan from visiting, and told Luke his father had merely been a navigator on a spice freighter. Do you know what he's talking about? Browse Stores Retailer Tools. By individual articles Project Defender Project Stardust. When the group returned, there were only four survivors, including Cliegg, who had lost a leg and used a repulsorlift chair. You know that I will do anything to keep you and Luke safe. When Lars and Beru realized that Skywalker was missing, they searched for the boy, but they were unable to find him. You brought him to me to protect, and that's what I'm doing. Accept it. Start a Wiki.


Owen Lars. Still, the drought continued to worsen, and one night, Skywalker left the moisture farm to steal water from the Hutt's thugs. Royce Hemlock Dr. Lars won the game, [7] and after settling his purchase, [12] he quickly brought Shmi back to the boundaries of his homestead, setting her free even though the transmitter chip still remained. Forgot your password? The mention of his father piqued Skywalker's interest, and he asked if the man had known his father. A year after the Great Drought's end, Skywalker took interest in piloting his family's T skyhopper , and during one adventurous flight, Skywalker became overconfident in his abilities, wrecking the skyhopper in Beggar's Canyon. The Third Sister eventually managed to defeat Owen, who called out to Beru that the Inquisitor was coming, prompting her to distract Reva long enough for Luke to escape. The following morning, Lars told Skywalker that he could not protect him all the time, and that he would teach him the safety basics of the farm. The next morning, Anakin returned to the Lars homestead with Shmi's corpse. Years later, Darth Vader, after learning of Luke's existence and confronting him , returned to the homestead to learn more about his son. Cliegg and Owen ran the farm together, proving to be a diligent pair, and their family soon grew with the addition of Owen's girlfriend, Beru Whitesun. As Luke never liked Lars' moisture farm and didn't want to become a farmer, he eventually became a Jedi Knight like his father before him and eventually a Jedi Master following the end of the Galactic Empire. He says that he belongs to someone named Obi-Wan Kenobi.

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