latex page numbers

Latex page numbers

By default, in LaTeX pages are numbered using Arabic numbers, which are the usual numbers we mostly use. However, we can customize the page numbering of our latex page numbers. For example, it is conventional to number the pages of a book before the first page of the main text the preamble, table of contents, etc.

For example, in the above code, the lower-case Roman numerals were used. Let us now have a look at another numbering style with the help of an example. In LaTeX, it is possible to add a combination of numbering style. For instance, in the document class book , there are two commands that help putting up Roman as well as Arabic numbers in a single document. Let us look at an example to understand this. Through the above example, we can understand that the commands that control the page numbering are:.

Latex page numbers

Document page numbers can be typeset using a particular style , such as using Arabic or Roman numerals, and typeset at a particular page location —usually within headers or footers. This article shows how the style and location of page numbers can be changed:. Internally, LaTeX uses a so-called counter to record the current page number. A counter is the name of a LaTeX variable used to store an integer value—see the Overleaf Counters article for more detail and examples. Open this example in Overleaf. The next graphic shows the table of contents produced by this document. Here are two sample pages produced by this example; the first image shows page numbers as uppercase Roman numbers, the second demonstrates page numbers as uppercase letters:. The first few pages of a book , which include the copyright page, title or half-title page, any Foreword or Preface and table of contents, are collectively called the preliminary pages, or prelims for short—another term for those pages is front matter. Traditionally, prelim pages are numbered using lowercase Roman numerals with the main body pages being numbered using Arabic numerals. The book document class contains commands to assist with this, as the following example demonstrates. The table of contents produced by this example demonstrates the use of Roman numerals for the front matter and Arabic numerals for the main body matter:. As noted above, the current page number is stored in a LaTeX counter variable which is called page. For example, to set the page counter to 3 you would write. This hypothetical example modifies the page counter to plan a table of contents, including sections that haven't been written and whose page count is estimated. This example produces the following table of contents, showing the results of altering the value of the page counter:.

For instance, latex page numbers the document class bookthere are two commands that help putting up Roman as well as Arabic numbers in a single document. Let us now have a look at another numbering style with the help of an example.


The page dimensions in a L a T e X document are highly configurable and the geometry package offers a simple way to change the length and layout of different elements such as the paper size, margins, footnote, header, orientation, etc. Suppose you need to create a document using A4-sized paper with a text area which shouldn't exceed 6 inches wide and 8 inches high. You can easily create such a document by including this line in your LaTeX preamble:. The parameter values passed to the geometry package produce our required layout. In this case, a4paper establishes the desired A4 paper size and values supplied to the total parameter determine the size of the text area. Open this example in Overleaf. Modifying a document's paper size, orientation and margins is a common requirement which can easily be achieved using the geometry package. There are two ways to set the desired values:. For example, let's create a document with legal paper size, landscape orientation and a 2 in margin:.

Latex page numbers

LaTeX and the document class will normally take care of page layout issues for you. For submission to an academic publication, this entire topic will be out of your hands, as the publishers want to control the presentation. However, for your own documents, there are some obvious settings that you may wish to change: margins, page orientation and columns, to name but three. The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to configure your pages. We will often have to deal with TeX lengths in this chapter.

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This numbering appears in lowercase Roman numerals. By default, in LaTeX pages are numbered using Arabic numbers, which are the usual numbers we mostly use. This article shows how the style and location of page numbers can be changed:. The following image shows one of the pages produced by this example—note Page 3 of 6 on the right-hand side of the footer:. Then we set fancyhdr to display Page n of All" on the down right corner of the page, where n is the current page and All is the last page or total number of pages. Powered by www. We can customize the page numbering style in LateX by using the package fancyhdr. Fancy numbering for a LaTeX document. The table of contents produced by this example demonstrates the use of Roman numerals for the front matter and Arabic numerals for the main body matter:. Continue Reading. As noted above, the current page number is stored in a LaTeX counter variable which is called page. Let us look at an example to understand this.

For example, in the above code, the lower-case Roman numerals were used. Let us now have a look at another numbering style with the help of an example.

The book document class contains commands to assist with this, as the following example demonstrates. Observe that the numbering in the table of contents is the one that is found in most edited and printed books. But as was mentioned in the introduction, sometimes lowercase roman numerals are actually used in books, to number the pages before the first chapter that is, before the main contents of the book. Team Work Price Contact Search. Once it is inserted, the following page will start with the new numbering system. The Overleaf article Headers and footers explores this in detail, with many examples we won't reproduce here. Essential cookies only Accept all cookies. This hypothetical example modifies the page counter to plan a table of contents, including sections that haven't been written and whose page count is estimated. For instance, in the document class book , there are two commands that help putting up Roman as well as Arabic numbers in a single document. This article shows how the style and location of page numbers can be changed:.

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