latham gay tweet

Latham gay tweet

Gay men in New South Wales could have grounds to bring a complaint of homosexual vilification against Mark Latham over a tweet that saw him labeled latham gay tweet bigot by the premier and brought independent MP Alex Greenwich to tearslegal experts say, latham gay tweet. In response, Latham made gratuitous comments about a sexual act, directed at Greenwich. Guardian Australia has chosen not to publish the full comment.

Independent politician Alexander Greenwich claims he was exposed to a "torrent" of homophobic abuse after a sexually explicit tweet by ex-NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham. The defamation case, which was launched by Mr Greenwich over Mr Latham's statements, will proceed to trial next year after settlement talks broke down, the Federal Court heard on Tuesday. The independent MP is suing over the graphic tweet, which came in response to Mr Greenwich calling Mr Latham a "disgusting human being". The lawsuit targets both Mr Latham's tweet and statements made during an interview with the Daily Telegraph, saying the comments exposed him to "hatred, contempt and ridicule". Mr Latham has denied that he defamed the independent MP and is vigorously defending the lawsuit.

Latham gay tweet

Alex Greenwich takes legal action against Mark Latham over 'homophobic' tweet. The tweet is now deleted, and the ABC chose not to publish it. In a statement, Mr Greenwich said unless Mr Latham "apologises and makes amends" he would also commence defamation proceedings against him. Mr Greenwich, an openly gay man who is married to his long-term partner, says the complaint to the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW is for "homosexual vilification". The complaint to NSW Police is for using a carriage service to menace, harass, or offend, the statement reads. NSW Police has confirmed they are now investigating the matter. In his statement, Mr Greenwich said Mr Latham's comment was defamatory and homophobic. Mr Greenwich says he will also instruct his legal team to approach Twitter "with respect to its provision of a platform that freely allows extreme homophobia, transphobia, racism and religious bigotry. Mr Latham did not apologise for the comments and continues to tweet about Mr Greenwich. Amid calls for him to say sorry, Mr Latham, who was returned to the Upper House in the recent state election, indicated he would not back down from his views. In the days following the comments, he quoted a headline from an online article saying, "never apologise, never explain". The content of Mr Latham's tweet was widely condemned, including from within his own party's leadership.

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MP not expecting apology after Mark Latham's 'extremely hurtful' homophobic tweet. Share this with family and friends. Discrimination Laws. Missing persons. Aviation accidents and incidents.

This morning Mr Latham replied to a tweet which quoted comments from Mr Greenwich about a violent protest at St Michael's Church in Sydney's west last week. More than a dozen LGBT protesters were rushed by hundreds of men outside an event at the church where Mr Latham spoke about parental rights and religious freedom. In an article Mr Greenwich called Mr Latham a "disgusting human being" who risks causing a "great deal of damage to our state". Mr Greenwich, an openly gay man who is married to his long-term partner, said he didn't want to directly respond to the now deleted tweet. When asked about the tweet during an interview, he said he wasn't surprised he had been targeted.

Latham gay tweet

NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham has responded to the furore over his homophobic tweet about an openly gay Independent MP, saying: "When you throw out insults they come back at you harder and truer". Mark Latham has double downed over a homophobic tweet targeting an openly gay Sydney MP amid ongoing calls from the public and political figures to apologise. The New South Wales One Nation leader on Thursday responded to a March 22 article shared in a tweet which related to his speaking event last week that turned violent. The post included quotes from Mr Greenwich who had labelled Mr Latham as a "disgusting human" and accused him of being "extremely hateful and dangerous", urging residents to not vote for him or the party at the state election. Mr Latham responded to the tweet more than a week later, which has since been deleted, questioning the use of the word "disgusting" followed by a graphic and homophobic remark that Sky News Australia has chosen not to publish.

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ACM Website. Mr Latham removed the tweet following backlash but made another cryptic post on Friday where he said, 'never apologise, never explain'. Instead of doing the honourable thing by apologising for and withdrawing the tweet, Mr Latham then "doubled down" on his comments during the Daily Telegraph interview, Dr Collins said. The tweet is now deleted, and the ABC chose not to publish it. Sam Kerr's English club breaks silence: 'It's a difficult time for her'. The Sydney MP filed a statement of claim in the Federal Court, seeking aggravated damages against Mr Latham as well as an injunction to stop him from republishing the comments. Guardian Australia has chosen not to publish the full comment. Press releases from AAP. Nineties sitcom star, 53, looks like she's barely aged as she returns to the West End stage after age-gap Heartbeat of Australia. Romeo Beckham is hand-in-hand with braless Mia Regan as on-off couple make first public appearance since confirming they are back together Strictly judge Motsi Mabuse 'forced to face ex-husband Timo Kulczak in court and could be jailed' over claims he controlled her during year marriage Love Island's Davide Sanclimenti enjoys a night out after going on cosy 'date' with Chloe Burrows - hours after ex Ekin-Su was evicted from CBB Lindsay Lohan is a doting mother as she pushes son Luai in a stroller on family outing We care about the protection of your data. Download our apps. I had a bit of a cry late yesterday at the end of the day,' he told reporters on Friday.

The Sydney MP announced on Monday he would launch a three-pronged response to repeated homophobic slurs from Latham , the New South Wales One Nation leader, unless he committed to never making similar statements again. Last week, Latham doubled down with a lengthy online radio interview in which he repeated his comments, further angering Greenwich. Enough is enough.

The post was then deleted with Mr Latham remaining silent on the matter before he finally released a statement two days after the homophobic tweet was made. The defamation case between Alex Greenwich left and Mark Latham is set to go to trial. Three months later she's been reported missing. In that interview, Mr Latham discussed Mr Greenwich giving speeches about sexuality to students in schools. The lack of UK defence spending in the Budget is sending the 'wrong signal' to Putin, former Nato chief Share this with family and friends. Dylan Mulvaney's insulting new pop video isn't just misogynist - it perversely pushes alcohol, pills and risky sex on young girls. Footer ABC News homepage. The content of Mr Latham's tweet was widely condemned, including from within his own party's leadership. Mark Latham refused to apologise for his comments. Working With Us.

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