Laymon candy photos

And Laymon Candy Co. Co-owner Tim Applen and his son, Dillion, spent those nine weeks packing orders on their own, with their 28 employees at home on full pay, until the candy stock was depleted. Then, feeling like their factory was safe, they brought everyone back under new, county-approved protocols, laymon candy photos.

At Laymon Candy, they handcraft small batches of everything you can imagine-- from toffee, to caramel, to nut clusters, they have it all! And of course, this is a busy time of year at Laymon Candy, with all their mouth-watering confections ready to be made, wrapped, and shipped in time for the holidays. Applen married into the business learning alongside his father-in-law Lon Laymon and brother-in-law Ken before they retired. Now as president, he oversees the day-to-day candy making operations. And while some things have changed since then, the candy is still made by hand in small batches using quality ingredients.

Laymon candy photos


Ernie then began making his own product under the name Colton Candy Co.


And Laymon Candy Co. Co-owner Tim Applen and his son, Dillion, spent those nine weeks packing orders on their own, with their 28 employees at home on full pay, until the candy stock was depleted. Then, feeling like their factory was safe, they brought everyone back under new, county-approved protocols. Wednesday, Oct. Photo provided by family. I visited the San Bernardino candy maker Monday. Laymon occupies October.

Laymon candy photos

At Laymon Candy, they handcraft small batches of everything you can imagine-- from toffee, to caramel, to nut clusters, they have it all! And of course, this is a busy time of year at Laymon Candy, with all their mouth-watering confections ready to be made, wrapped, and shipped in time for the holidays. Applen married into the business learning alongside his father-in-law Lon Laymon and brother-in-law Ken before they retired. Now as president, he oversees the day-to-day candy making operations. And while some things have changed since then, the candy is still made by hand in small batches using quality ingredients. Now it's Applen who is preparing to pass the baton to his children, as he gets ready to semi-retire. So I grew up with the candy world around me.

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Email dallen scng. Conservatives propel Trump on Super Tuesday Exit polls. Laymon Candy continues year tradition of making hand-crafted sweet treats. All rights reserved. At the proper point, rather than eye of newt, he dumped in a bucket of peanuts. After a drenching in chocolate, the candies traveled through a series of refrigerated units called a cooling tunnel before emerging on the other side, where two women, one on either side, grabbed the chocolates to pack them into boxes. Manage MyDisney Account. Follow Us:. His sister, Heather Hall, plans to join them. At Laymon Candy, they handcraft small batches of everything you can imagine-- from toffee, to caramel, to nut clusters, they have it all. Moving on, we entered the enrobing room. In one room, a sheet of peanut brittle covered two tables a combined 15 feet long. Much of the candy is sold to retailers under other names in 13 states Tim walked me through the plant. Local News.


After decades of working six days a week, Tim, 76, and Linda, 70, joke that they now work part-time: Monday to Friday. Now as president, he oversees the day-to-day candy making operations. They represent the fourth generation of the Laymon family. Email dallen scng. Based on the homey calendar photo of four family members in a vintage-looking candy shop , I was expecting a business that had occupied the same retail storefront for decades, maybe a quaint holdover in a struggling downtown. A man using rollers, which looked like free weights with blades attached, bent over the table, cutting the sheet vertically and horizontally. A candy factory in San Bernardino has been in business for almost years. So I grew up with the candy world around me. Much of the candy is sold to retailers under other names in 13 states Applen married into the business learning alongside his father-in-law Lon Laymon and brother-in-law Ken before they retired.

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