lazar kaganovich

Lazar kaganovich

He was one of several associates who helped Stalin to seize power.

JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. A Political Biography of Lazar Kaganovich. He played a crucial role in enforcing agricultural collectivization, in the reconstruction of Moscow, in railway and industrial administration and in carrying out the Great Terror. A very close associate of Stalin, and a major figure in promoting his cult of celebrity and establishing his dictatorship, Kaganovich subsequently fell out of favour. He notes that Kaganovich was a colourful figure — an orator as well as a forceful administrator — and that he was the most prominent Jewish figure in Soviet political life in this era. It is authoritative, well-researched, and an important contribution to the literature on the Stalin period.

Lazar kaganovich

Photo: Lazar Kaganovich. Bolshevik and Soviet political leader of Jewish descent. Joining the Bolshevik party in , he organized trade unions in various towns of Ukraine. During the revolutionary period he held important Party posts in Belarus , Russia —20 , and Turkestan —1. Because of his unconditional loyalty, Kaganovich was used by Joseph Stalin for the most repugnant and ruthless tasks. As first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party Bolshevik of Ukraine —8 , he was responsible for crushing Oleksander Shumsky 's opposition while maintaining the appearance of Ukrainization. Upon his return to Moscow he was appointed to the Party Secretariat, where he had a decisive influence on Ukrainian affairs. In , as director of the agricultural department of the CC of the All-Union CP B see Communist Party of the Soviet Union , he set up the political departments of the machine-tractor stations and helped Viacheslav Molotov organize the forced collectivization of Ukraine by terror and famine see Famine-Genocide of —3. From to Kaganovich held various government posts in Moscow. After Stalin's death in , he rose to first deputy premier of the USSR and member of the Presidium, but four years later lost all his government and Party posts, and even his Party membership, for participating in an abortive attempt to oust Nikita Khrushchev from power.

People's Commissar of Oil Industry — Khlevniuk, et al.

Born in Kiev province, Kaganovich joined the Communist Party in and became a member of the Kiev committee of the party in In he was arrested and restricted to residence in Kabana, his native village, but left illegally and for the following two years lived in various parts of Russia under false names. Kaganovich took an active part in the October Revolution in the Red Army, where he headed the Saratov war organization, and later in Belorussia, where he played a major role in taking Gomel. He rose rapidly in the Party hierarchy. In he became a member of the Communist Party's Central Committee and from to was first secretary of the party organization in the Ukraine.

He was one of several associates who helped Stalin to seize power. Born to Jewish parents in , Kaganovich worked as a shoemaker and became a member of the Bolsheviks , joining the party around As an organizer, Kaganovich was active in Yuzovka , Saratov and Belarus throughout the s, and led a revolt in Belarus during the October Revolution. In the early s, he helped consolidate Soviet rule in Turkestan. In , Stalin placed Kaganovich in charge of organizational work within the Communist Party, through which he helped Stalin consolidate his grip of the party bureaucracy.

Lazar kaganovich

In modern Russia, researchers do not so often recall Lazar Moiseevich Kaganovich: there are no significant studies to which one could turn in search of interesting facts from the life of this odious, but undoubtedly, outstanding person. Lazar Moiseevich Kaganovich is remarkable by the fact that he was one of two or three Jews who continued to remain in power throughout the Stalin period. It is known, for example, the fact that when Stalin's Chekists brought up a case against Stalin about Brother Kaganovich, Mikhail Moiseyevich, Minister of Aviation Industry, and Stalin asked Lazar Kaganovich what he thought about it, then Lazar Kaganovich , who knew very well that a pure murder was being prepared without the least grounds, replied that this is the case of the "investigating authorities" and does not concern him. Before the arrest, Mikhail Kaganovich shot himself. He was born 10 22 November in the town Habnoe Habne - in Ukrainian Kyiv region, called Kaganovichi at the peak of his power. Kaganovich came from a large and poor Jewish family, where only Yiddish was spoken. Despite this, he was an admirer of assimilation. Poverty forced Kaganovich to interrupt his studies, and, having studied the craft of a shoemaker, Lazarus was the age of fourteen to work in shoe factories and shoe shops.

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Much attention has been devoted by historians to Kaganovich's Jewishness , and how it conflicted with Stalin's biases. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin. He was particularly suspicious of the poet, Mykola Khvylovy , and sent Stalin a selection of quotations from Khvylovy's verses, which incited Stalin to launch an attack on the poet. As first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party Bolshevik of Ukraine —8 , he was responsible for crushing Oleksander Shumsky 's opposition while maintaining the appearance of Ukrainization. After Stalin's death in , he rose to first deputy premier of the USSR and member of the Presidium, but four years later lost all his government and Party posts, and even his Party membership, for participating in an abortive attempt to oust Nikita Khrushchev from power. Archived from the original on Even before it started, he organized the arrests of thousands of railway administrators and managers accused of sabotage. During the revolutionary period he held important Party posts in Belarus , Russia —20 , and Turkestan —1. Members of Congress. As Secretary, he endorsed Stalin's struggle against the so-called Left and Right oppositions within the Communist Party, and backed Stalin's decision to enforce rapid collectivisation of agriculture, against the more moderate policy of Nikolai Bukharin , who argued in favor of the "peaceful integration of kulaks into socialism.

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Even before it started, he organized the arrests of thousands of railway administrators and managers accused of sabotage. On October 15, , L. After Stalin's death in he quickly lost influence. Anthem Press. Sports Figures. For a number of years he was the only Jew to occupy a top position in the Soviet leadership. All Rights Reserved. Nikita Khrushchev Emanuil Kviring. Power and Policy in the U. From to , Kaganovich was the Minister for Building Materials. In March , he was appointed one of four First Vice-Premiers of the Council of Ministers , and confirmed as a full member of the ten-man Praesidium the new name given to the Politburo , and on 24 May , he was appointed the first Chairman of Goskomtrud. Kaganovich rose quickly through the ranks, becoming a full member of the Central Committee in , First Secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine in , and Secretary of the Central Committee as well as a member of the Politburo in Washington, DC: Brookings Institution. All Rights Reserved. He was also in Moscow to facilitate Yezhov's appointment as head of the NKVD, after Stalin had demanded the sacking of the incumbent, Genrikh Yagoda , which Kaganovich praised as a "remarkable and wise decision of our father.

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