league of legends jinx counter

League of legends jinx counter

CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters. All Rights Reserved. No results found.

Jinx bottom on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Jinx bottom counters against bottom champions with a minimum of games. Jinx wins against Seraphine After normalising both champions win rates Jinx wins against Seraphine 2. The average opponent winrate against Seraphineis

League of legends jinx counter

Jinx receives massively increased Move Speed and Attack Speed whenever she helps kill or destroy an enemy champions epic jungle monster, or structure. Jinx modifies her basic attacks by swapping between Pow-Pow, her minigun and Fishbones, her rocket launcher. Attacks with Pow-Pow grant Attack Speed, while attacks with Fishbones deal area of effect damage, gain increased range, but drain Mana and attack slower. Jinx uses Zapper, her shock pistol, to fire a blast that deals damage to the first enemy hit, slowing and revealing it. Jinx throws out a line of snare grenades that explode after 5 seconds, lighting enemies on fire. Flame Chompers will bite enemy champions who walk over them, rooting them in place. Jinx fires a super rocket across the map that gains damage as it travels. The rocket will explode upon colliding with an enemy champion, dealing damage to it and surrounding enemies based on their missing Health. Darius gets a little mad back here when people disable JavaScript, so beware, things might not work properly. Beware of standing near minion waves as the AoE from Jinx's rockets may give her free damage. Jinx's ultimate does more damage to targets on lower health - be wary of it when low. Keep in mind that Jinx has lower range when fighting with her minigun, Pow-Pow. As Jinx is dependent on AD, building armour may prove effective. Try to avoid bunching up with other team members in order to reduce the impact of Jinx's ultimate.

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Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Jinx AD Carry. Summoner Spells.

Jinx is a fan favourite ADC. With an early lead, Jinx can quickly take over the lane and dominate the game. Because of her strength and popularity, it is good to know how to play against her. In this guide, we will break down 5 champions that are good into Jinx ADC. If you see Jinx being played by the enemy, try and pick one of these champions to make laning against her easier. Jinx is a very fun champion to play. It has tips and tricks to play her, including up to date builds, Runes and tips and tricks. You can find all the matchup tips we use in this guide on the Mobalytics App. We have tens of thousands of different, highly specific matchups curated by our challenger level players to help you lane against the enemy champion.

League of legends jinx counter

Ever since Arcane premiered in November , League of Legends champions that appeared in the Netflix series have grown in popularity—especially Jinx. Her pick rate has increased in both solo queue and competitive play over the last few months. Here are some of the best Jinx counters in League of Legends , according to stats site u. Veigar is self-explanatory when it comes to countering Jinx. In the bot lane, he should be able to counter Jinx and her support aggression Event Horizon E.

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The average opponent winrate against Smolderis Jinx Counters Jinx bottom vs bottom Counters. You both will try to just push each other under turret so it will likely end up being a farm lane. Jinx is more of a follow up adc and will not initiate fights herself. Lux the Lady of Luminosity. Always be ready to side step it. Nocturne the Eternal Nightmare. Olaf the Berserker. One of your favourite match ups! Iceborn Ashe , All Lanes, She cannot spam Q rockets early game, that is the only way she can have a higher range than you. Pretty easy to beat in lane. She as a long range, and her chompers will not get denied if you W them. Best sneaky killer by Numresunw Diamond Twitch Player. Xin Zhao Jungler.

CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters. All Rights Reserved.

Brings hard cc that also serves as an escape mechanism and good kiting and poke abilities, Jinx is pretty annoying for you to deal with. Try to avoid an all-in at all costs unless your jungle is ganking. Xin Zhao Jungler. Braum the Heart of the Freljord. Jhin Guide by jster Diamond Jhin Player. She doesn't have your maphacks E , so just try catching her out late game. Her traps has a pretty wide radius but very long cooldown, do not ever walk into them. If she uses her E, try and exploit her weakness and use the long cooldown to go for another skirmish. Lux Mid. Poke her out of lane. Jinx wins against Kalista Kog'Maw BOT [ Master Yi Jungler. Jinx is rather defenceless outside of her Flash when her E is down. Best Ezreal builds no more navori!!

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