Lise geçme yönetmeliği 2014

In this respect, it has been benefited from case study from qualitative research methods and maximum variation sampling. The study group consisted of 14 mathematics teachers working lise geçme yönetmeliği 2014 the Eskisehir city center and a semi-structured interview form was used as data collection tool.

To reduce dropout rate, is become one of the most important educational priorities of their nations. Actually, low dropout rate is used the indicator of quality of the school system. The main purpose of this article, to introduce school dropout problem with reason, process and results and take attention seriousness of problem. Most important negative consequences of school dropouts are extremely affecting induviduals, their families and all society with different ways. Possible negative consequences after dropping out are low income, low tax, low job status, unemployment, delinquent and antisocial behaviour, depressed mood, suicide, low commitmet with society, less self-esteem and poor level of health.

Lise geçme yönetmeliği 2014


Doktora Tezi.


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Lise geçme yönetmeliği 2014

By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Kemal Zeki Zorbaz. Murat Kaymak. Bu calismanin amaci ortaokul ogrencilerinin kelime bilgi duzeylerini ortaya koymaya yonelik bir butuncul dereceli puanlama anahtari gelistirmektir. Bir on calisma yapilarak ogrencilerin kelimeleri nasil tanimladiklari belirlenmis, bu tanimlamalar tasnif edilerek seviyelere ayrilmistir. Iki degerlendirmecinin verdigi puanlar arasinda anlamli, pozitif ve yuksek bir iliski cikmistir. Dereceli puanlama anahtarinin kapsam gecerliligi uzman gorusu ile saglanmistir.

Cot x ka differentiation

Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. In this respect, it has been benefited from case study from qualitative research methods and maximum variation sampling. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education,6 2 , Duru, A. Anahtar Kelimeler Mathematics course curriculum , math education , vocational high school , teachers opinions. Qualitative data analysis: An expanded Sourcebook. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92 1 , Berkant, H. Rosenthal, B. The main purpose of this article, to introduce school dropout problem with reason, process and results and take attention seriousness of problem. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International, 10 1 , Cassel, R. Dropouts- Disadventeged By Defination?


Patton, M. Baki, A. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, California. Technologies of power in adult andvocational education. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International, 10 1 , EN TR. Baki, A. Campbell, L. Rees, D. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International 10, sy. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 39 6 ,

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