lol lulu mid

Lol lulu mid

Learn more about Lulu's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! If you're looking for the best rune build for Lulu we've got you covered.

Try your hardest to harass the enemy as much as possible. Whenever they walk up to last hit, try to auto-attack them. Do not auto-attack the enemy when there is a Cannon Minion in the lane. When harassing at level 1 and 2, self cast your E if the enemy is trading back with you. If they cannot trade back with you, cast your E on them. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on. This will protect you from ganks and force the enemy to overextend for farm- which you can capitalise on.

Lol lulu mid

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Easy lane. Just poke him and if you get caught in his cage E just use Whimsy on him. He will do less damage when compared with other matchups. Easy matchup. He hasn't early damage so you can harass him without get punished or bursted. Just be careful with random gap closes, because it might be a gank. It is really easy to hit your pokes on her, because of her Q's.

League of Legends. Corrupting Potion.

Lulu can keep her allies alive for a long period of time with her E and Ultimate R in team fights. This increases her allies ability to deal damage and survive team fights. You have a lot of poke thanks to your Q and E. This can allow you to win 1v1 fights with the enemy. You can also use your E to shield yourself rather than using it on the enemy. Has tons of utility that can assist her in a plethora of scenarios. Lulu is a solid pick and can fit into plenty of team compositions.

Try your hardest to harass the enemy as much as possible. Whenever they walk up to last hit, try to auto-attack them. Do not auto-attack the enemy when there is a Cannon Minion in the lane. When harassing at level 1 and 2, self cast your E if the enemy is trading back with you. If they cannot trade back with you, cast your E on them. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on. This will protect you from ganks and force the enemy to overextend for farm- which you can capitalise on. Check out the latest and best Lulu Probuilds used by pros from around the world, featured by lolvvv. New champion is live! Check out the latest meta Smolder build now!

Lol lulu mid

This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Please keep this in mind while reading. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page. You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Your polymorph will not cancel any damage or skill of hecarim, what i suggest is to keep everything warded, so when he comes you use Q on him, heca USUALY needs speed to make damage so, more you slow him less damage he deal, your ultimate causes slow to everyone near the person you ult including yourself , so if you ult yourself try to keep a little distance from him, remembering that ur ult slow has more range than his Q. Versus jax remember that your polymorph will not cancel his E, so what you can do to kill a jax is fight on a tower, try to bait him with some long combos, so when he tries to dive you you cancel his dash with ur ultimate, and then use the rest of your cc, including exhaust when ur polymorph ends.

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That ability can completely change the outcome of a fight if you use it at a good moment. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Lulu Mid, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. I've just started league and I'm ok at it, not that good though. Lulu gets countered. Pix, Faerie Companion Lulu's Passive. She can spam her abilities frequently and deal additional damage to the enemy. Try your hardest to harass the enemy as much as possible. Whenever they walk up to last hit, try to auto-attack them. Whimsy W W. March 20, Lulu's effectiveness in team fights really comes into play during this phase of the game. Has tons of utility that can assist her in a plethora of scenarios. I chose corki, and it seems like i got countered pretty hard. Upon reaching level 6, gain an Elixir of Force. Hi, sorry if this is a bad question or anything.

Learn more about Lulu's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! If you're looking for the best rune build for Lulu we've got you covered. If you are already familiar with how to play Lulu this is a great resource to quickly get a good rune selection for Patch

Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Lulu will have her core items by now. Goes on a 10s cooldown when you enter champion combat. It will allow you to scale and bully your opponent relentlessly. A proper moment would be to ruin a mage's full damage combo by W 'ing them. Join Discord Partners Program Giveaways. Just poke him and if you get caught in his cage E just use Whimsy on him. Asked on June 1, Wild Growth R R. If cast on an enemy, commands Pix to jump to an enemy and damage them. With Kog'Maw buff he is really strong and doing a decisive job on the rift! When I play, The amount you can borrow increases over time.

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