luke skywalker family tree

Luke skywalker family tree

Looking for a who's who of the most iconic characters in the galaxy? Our handy guide to the Skywalker family unearths ties familial, luke skywalker family tree, friendly, and of the Force. Though the Saga ended incoming to a close with Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalkerthe story that unfolded across three trilogies left a legacy that cannot be understated.

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. This article is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. This article needs appropriate citations. Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. Remove this notice when finished.

Luke skywalker family tree

Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you? It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. See the request on the listing or on this article's talkpage. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. No reason has been supplied; please provide a reason on the template or talkpage. The Skywalker family , also known as the Skywalker clan or the Skywalker dynasty , was a legendary human family that played a prominent role in galactic history , with several generations achieving fame as generals , senators , and Jedi from the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Empire , to the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance. The family's origins dated back to Shmi Skywalker , who, as a young girl , was captured by pirates and forced into slavery. Anakin was the Chosen One destined to bring balance to the Force by destroying the Sith. Possessing the highest concentration of midi-chlorians in his blood , Anakin had the potential to become the most powerful Force-sensitive being in the galaxy. The Force was strong in Anakin's bloodline, passing down to his progeny, the twin siblings Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa , as well as Ben Solo , Organa's son and the last Skywalker in the direct line. Intrigued by Anakin's origins and raw connection to the Force, Jinn sought to have him trained in the Jedi arts. As a Jedi Knight, he gained the reputation of a war hero while fighting in the Clone Wars. Although he became one of the strongest members of the Jedi Order , his fear of loss left him susceptible to the dark side of the Force. After his mother's death in 22 BBY , he vowed to not lose another loved one. Determined to learn the power of immortality , Anakin pledged his life to the teachings of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious.

Although Anakin had a strong capacity to hate, he had a stronger capacity to love. Just a set of expectations.

The Skywalker family is the most iconic lineage in all of Star Wars , which means their canon family tree is vitally important. Jedi are traditionally forbidden from marrying or having families, which means no dynasties have ever emerged within canon - at least until the Skywalker saga. Every main Star Wars movie to date focuses on the Skywalker lineage, one of phenomenal power and galactic influence. Here's every biological member of the Skywalker family. According to Star Wars canon, Shmi had not been born a slave; she was enslaved some years ago, and she was brought to Tatooine with her son Anakin. Shmi was eventually freed and married moisture farmer Cliegg Lars.

Shmi was a slave but later bought then freed by Cliegg Lars who ended up marrying her. Far from it, in fact…. A character that we no longer need to introduce, Anakin Skywalker is the protagonist-later-turned-antagonist of the Star Wars franchise. Padme is from Naboo, a planet of which she was Queen, and she has shown to have mental as well as physical strength in the early prequels. Seeing poor Padme strangled? We do know that he got hitched to Jobal in 51 BBY. His death is also a mystery, so let your imagination run free.

Luke skywalker family tree

For four decades, the power of the Skywalker lineage has redefined the Star Wars galaxy. At the heart of the Skywalker family we have Anakin Skywalker Hayden Christensen , whose destiny as the Chosen One shifted the tide of the galaxy into darkness and then back into light. There are other members of the Skywalker family who are not attuned to the ways of the Force, but they are no less important, they are just powerful in other ways. Besides, it is not merely the Skywalker's connection to the Force that makes them influential, it is the power of their choices.

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Qui-Gon helps Anakin win his freedom, but cannot get Shmi out of slavery. Having made peace with her father, Organa took a moment to remember her late husband, Han, before becoming one with the Force, her final thoughts centering on their son, Ben, whom she missed and loved. Instead, Luke killed Vader with Anakin's lightsaber before walking away as Darth Sidious' new apprentice. Han Solo. Following another battle with the Amidalans, Vader directed his droid to analyze the base's mainframe. These qualities made Shmi proud of her son, [2] although she worried about his fascination with podracing , which was known as a fast and dangerous sport. Kylo Ren tried to take the Skywalker lightsaber on Starkiller Base, declaring that it belonged to him. He therefore offered Ren command of the Final Order , the fleet of Xyston -class Star Destroyers armed with cannons capable of destroying planets. Rey is now the face of the Skywalker family and will be the one who continues their family tree. Anakin then sold his podracer and gave the money to Shmi, at which point he learned that he was free to leave Tatooine and become a Jedi.

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. This article is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines.

However, she had also saved his life by transferring some of her Force energy to Ren, which, in turn, rendered her vulnerable. He came back from the dark side, Leia. The memory of her death continued to haunt Anakin, who was determined to protect his wife, Amidala at any cost, making him vulnerable to the machinations of Sidious. Some fans like to believe that it's Vestara, a Sith apprentice who converts to the light after forming a romantic relationship with Ben. Additionally, he confessed to having a secret wife. However, she also taught Luke the mantra of the Jedha priests whose faith in the Force influenced Luke's spirituality and tempered his youthful impatience. Amidala and several politicians were taken as hostages by Bane to pressure Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine to release the Hutt prisoner. Explore Wikis Community Central. Current Wiki. After passing through the portal, Vader experienced a Force vision of Shmi standing in the shadow of his Sith Master, Darth Sidious, while she was pregnant with Anakin. Don't have an account? While Solo continued his training with Luke, his mother maintained a successful career as a senator and leading member of the Populists , a faction of the New Republic Senate that advocated greater planetary independence.

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