Male spanking stories

In these ten stories, male spanking stories, Rachel Heath tells tales of female dominance and male spanking stories submission as only she can. Both male and female characters are fully described and developed in these portrayals of men who need to mend their ways and women who are only too happy to use the power of hard and long spankings to help such men better themselves — along with keeping them in line! Become a Writer.

Cancel anytime. A work-from-home type discovers a way to curb his porn addiction and increase his productivity; a boy in the Old West finds out he has a date with the hangman's belt; and before leaving the homestead for the last time, a man reflects on visits he and his brothers made to the old woodshed. Listen free for 30 days. Add to Cart failed. Please try again later. Add to Wish List failed. Remove from wish list failed.

Male spanking stories

To report an issue with this product or seller, click here. Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. Purchase options and add-ons. Collected together in one edition, it's the first three books in the Tails from the Woodshed series, plus a new bonus story never before in print. From the Old West to 's America to a not-too-distant future, thirteen stories of boys getting their rumps roasted. Porn addicts, altar boys, brothers both literal and Fraternal, thieves, speeders, and all kinds of others find themselves bent over for a hiding. A ruffian gets strapped by a hangman on a gallows. A reckless driver visits the County Corporal Punishment Center. Brothers get switched in the barn. Altar boys pay penance the hard way.

Amazon Ads Reach customers wherever they spend their time. When he moves in with Nash he discovers he doesn't live alone and lives with his friends.

Spanking Stories: Your stories of spankings received, administered, witnessed, assisted or overheard are all welcome and may include:. Discipline Articles: Your discipline articles are also welcome and include:. Encouragement: Please do not be concerned about your writing skills nor even English language proficiency. Your story or article are most welcome. Spanking Life.

I love knowing that my writing has touched people in some way. The short answer is yes. My days were empty, and I filled that emptiness with writing. Writing—creating—gave me joy when nothing else was there. Talking to friends I made through writing, and getting feedback on my writing, gave me even more joy.

Male spanking stories

Stories are mainly fiction dealing with the spanking of males by other males or, less often, females , and covering an extensive range of discipline scenarios , including science fiction and fantasy. All submitted stories are reviewed and categorized by genre, scenario, who spanks and who is spanked sub-categorized by relationship and age , implements used if any , and various other criteria. Such meticulous categorization provides the grist for a unique and powerful search engine that allows readers to zero in on their particular kink. The Male-Male Spanking Archive hosts stories in various languages. Authors are unpaid volunteers.


Caught red handed. Sometimes they would trickle with blood. Cancel anytime. He reached into his trouser pocket and extracted a keyring. It was a good job with prospects and he would very much like to keep it. No square centimetre of naked flesh from the top of the globes across the mounds and into the under curves escaped Mr. A great deal of effort had been made to change the room. Now however, Zayn is gone and Harry, Liam and Louis are starting to realize what they've done. The movement of his arms lifted his school blazer up his back uncovering his battered buttocks. He wriggled about unsuccessfully trying to achieve comfort. He left Colin at his computer gaping, open mouthed. Some Nights K 1. See all details. Characters in teen wolf don't act as well as they should especially if they forget the consequences, carry on reading to find out what kind of trouble is caused No default payment method selected.

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Hands on head. Because i love you so much! What will happen if they do? Immediately, he was in place, Mr. Colin heard the cane whistling down once more. It was six stokes of the cane, but not really Six-of-the-best. Naughty Boys 6K 57 3. Feel free, because this book is for you all spanking stories fans! Colin stood, his hands strategically placed in front of his bulging crotch, and looked at his feet. His buttock cheeks filled out the seat of his suit trousers. He made Gwen feel especially bad when he repeatedly asked her if he was repulsive to her.

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