

One of the oldest Thor villains, the Mangog, has also been one of the most dangerous for 50 years as he's battled the Asgardian Avenger in the Marvel Universe, mangog. The last of an ancient extraterrestrial race who laucnheda failed invasion of Asgard, mangog, Mangog is powered by pure hate and is a threat far more powerful than the Asgardians, including Thor, mangog one mangog the strongest beings in the entire Marvel Universe.

Mangog is a character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was described in his debut as being the sum total of the hatred of "a billion billion beings" — an alien race that once attempted to invade Asgard thwarted by Odin, the ruler of Asgard and the Norse gods. Mangog storms Asgard, intent on drawing the Odinsword from its scabbard which will end the universe. Thor battles Mangog to a standstill, until Odin dissolves the creature by breaking the spell which had created Mangog as a living prison for his entire race. Mangog reappeared when freed by the god Loki , but was defeated when removed from the source of its power.


Mangog, or "The Mangog" as it originally referred to itself, is the physical manifestation and sum total of the hatred of a billion beings from a race that was slaughtered by the ruler of Asgard and the Norse Gods, Odin. Due to the fact this entire species was wiped out, it isn't exactly known what they did to incur Odin's wrath; they might have ruthlessly invaded Asgard, or one of them might as well have simply said the wrong word while in the All-Father's presence. Imprisoned deep beneath Asgard, Mangog was accidentally freed by the Rock Troll Ulik , and went on to wage war against Odin and the other Norse Gods on several occasions. Mangog proved to be physically unstoppable, and is usually only defeated when his dependence on psychic energies such as hatred, fear, or feelings of devotion felt by other sentient beings to sustain itself is exploited. Without such a source, Mangog shrinks to near nothingness. While usually acting independently, Mangog also assisted a rogue clone of the Titan Thanos in a quest for universal destruction, but was ultimately stopped by the Thunder God Thor. However, when multi-billionaire genius and possible demi-god Adam Mann attempted to draw his father - whoever that was - to Earth, the Mangog manifested instead. Although he was banished through the efforts of the new Thunderstrike , he stated he could never be destroyed so long as hatred endures. Years later, when the new Thor tried to end the Challenge of the Gods she was forced to participate by the Shi'ar Gods Sharra and K'ythri , Mangog was unleashed to punish her and all the gods in existence. Mangog unexpectedly appeared in Old Asgard and encountered Volstagg , who had lifted the Mjolnir of a dead world to become the War Thor, and Thor's goat Toothgnasher. Mangog killed Toothgnasher by ripping his head off, and then raged that he would bring about the ultimate judgment upon the Asgardians before charging at Volstagg, claiming he would be the first to perish. A brutal battle broke out between the two immortal entities which shook the very foundation of Old Asgard. Even armed with the might of a dead universe, War Thor was barely able to match the unstoppable Mangog who had easily parried and countered some of his opponent's best blows with ease, saying while he did not know the newly changed Asgardian; he was still an Asgardian, still a god, and that was all he needed to know.

Mangog unexpectedly appeared in Old Asgard and encountered Volstaggwho had lifted the Mjolnir of a dead world to become the War Thor, mangog, and Thor's goat Toothgnasher, mangog. Right before Mangog is about the pull the sword, Odin shows up and explains how Mangog's race was merely imprisoned mangog in a mystical prison, mangog prison that became Mangog. He has also displayed some minor magical abilities like mangog, mystic senses and energy blasts and manipulation, mangog, but he relies pretty exclusively on his overwhelming physical abilities and stats that trump many beings across the universe.

After Thor knocked Ulik into the Abyss of Shadows, in order to save his life he grabs on a small cliff where he finds a mystical cliff, seeping with Odin power that says "Let no living being destruct what lies within by the order of Imperial Odin". Thinking that anyone who is an enemy to Asgard would be an ally to him, he moves the Enchantment blocking the path, thereby freeing Mangog for the first time. Mangog explains that he is the very embodiment of an entire mysterious race, that once fought Asgard and it was Odin who killed them and Mangog was created out of their combined hatred, fueling him with the strength of billion billion beings. This is later revealed to be slightly untrue in The Mighty Thor where Odin reveals that Odin did not kill the said race but rather used Odinspell to trap the beings into a mystical prison and it was the prison itself that took the form of Mangog. Getting back to Thor Ulik asks Mangog to join him which he refuses explaining how Mangog knows no gratitude or mercy and that he is the enemy of "all who live" meaning that while there is good in the universe he will always be there to object. Mangog also explain how he has only one singular purpose and that is to destroy the one who crushed his invasion force, who happens to be Odin himself. Mangog however allows Ulik to live saying Ulik might be useful to him later.

One of the oldest Thor villains, the Mangog, has also been one of the most dangerous for 50 years as he's battled the Asgardian Avenger in the Marvel Universe. The last of an ancient extraterrestrial race who laucnheda failed invasion of Asgard, Mangog is powered by pure hate and is a threat far more powerful than the Asgardians, including Thor, and one of the strongest beings in the entire Marvel Universe. As the last foe battled by Jane Foster during her tenure as the new Thor, Mangog has also left a major impression on the modern Marvel Universe too. Now, CBR is taking a look back through Magog's history, his most powerful moments and his ultimate defeat. Mangog was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in 's Thor as the last of his race, imprisoned deep under Asgard after his invasion of the realm was thwarted by Odin long ago. Described as being powered by the hatred of a billion billion beings, the troll Ulik frees Mangog to help him destroy Asgard only for the monster to pummel him before turning his attention to his former captors. It is then revealed that Mangog is actually a living prison for the rest of his race, who was freed by Odin and nullifying his powers for a time. Mangog is later revived by Loki, drawing his strength from the Asgardians themselves severely weakening them.


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While keeping watch over the realm eternal. It is possible that Mangog was based of the biblical Magog , a character or tribe who are associated with the apocalypse and often regarded as enemies of God. In that case he may be an avatar of the conceptual entity Hate in a way that is similar to the relationship between the godlike entity Cyttorak and the Juggernaut. It is revealed that Odin did so because he feared nothing could stop the coming Ragnarok, caused by freeing Mangog and he wanted Thor to survive. Mangog proceeded to pulverize Odin and Thor with his usual fury, retorting when Odin rebuked him, that despite his being all-father; what he was All-Father too as his kingdom was in ruins. In that instant, as the guardsmen lowered his head in shame and regret, Mangog came crashing in, blaring with fury and spite, bellowing that all gods would perish in Hellfire that day. Mangog Earth Months, perhaps even years later, amoral business-man and possibly demi-god Adam Mann constructs the Mysticator, a magical generator which taps into an otherdimensional source of energy to give him immense power. Sign in to edit. Article Talk. His power burned greater than ever, propelled by indignance at the capricious ways of the gods. Knowing full well that he is outmatched, Thor buries Mangog under a volcano that barely slows him down.

Members of WikiProject:Timeline team are working on editing pages in response to the information revealed in the book.

Loki was hoping to get an alliance with Mangog, however Mangog turns against Loki and imprisons him within a crystal amber. Don't have an account? Even with the Odinson's help, Jane couldn't defeat Mangog. Right before Mangog is about the pull the sword, Odin shows up and explains how Mangog's race was merely imprisoned inside in a mystical prison, a prison that became Mangog. Pure Evil Terms. Sprout himself joins the battle to stop Mangog and even he fails. View history Talk 0. Mangog then finds and grab the helpless Odin, who has been severally weakened by the earlier spell he cast to teleport Asgard away from conventional space. In The Mighty Thor Vol 3 , the two would duke it out in a magnanimous battle of cataclysmic proportions. Thor then used the Bifrost to teleport the God of Hammer to the forge of Nidavellir where Mjolnir was created. He appears to be immortal and ultimately indestructible, existing so long as hatred does, and indeed draws strength from hate itself, even that of his enemies. Although Mangog has had no training in combat, the sheer scope of his physical and energy manipulative capabilities make him a highly formidable combatant, even against beings as powerful as Thor and Odin. Marvel Comics.

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