mark longo naked

Mark longo naked

Mark, however, was hesitant to join in the funfair. There will always be other options to trade.

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Mark longo naked


There will always be other options to trade.


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Mark longo naked


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Reactions: Justingl. And they're representing a customer from that same brokerage house and they want to do whatever buy calls on the name or buy puts and they do it. And then if you're super hardcore, you want to go above and beyond like exclusive content you want to did that doesn't show is not going to satiate you need more. And that seconds, and I glanced up. But from the beginning, our Mo, our value added, if you will, is really been around trying to provide that voice of experience, that voice of knowledge from the options trading world could be market makers, like myself, could be brokers or other exchange people, other people who have some sort of unique insight to bring to bear on the world of options. He says, Why just called the chairman. I mean, that was my job there to make that market your it's not your job. Andrew Stotz Okay, we'll have links to all that in the show notes. But you've also mentioned something that I think is interesting, which is, I know, in Asia, if people are crazy about forex, I mean, I can't tell you the number of people that come to me, who know nothing about markets, and they tell me, I'm trading in forex, and I just think within six months, you're gonna have lost all your money. I will just say this, when I first left the SPX pit and moved out into the individual equities. And by the time I hit the market, everybody knew about it, it was far too late the entire pit had been effectively will be called and the business picked off. Let's say that somebody takes the view The US Dollar is, you know, overvalued and that at some point, it's going to come crashing down. Mark Longo so what turns out what happened that day was it was Robert Rubin suddenly resigned.


And the. Fellow risk takers, this is your worst podcast host Andrew Stotz, from A. But you know, it's a slow day maybe someone's just looking for quits. Andrew Stotz Well, you know, I read this great book called The Blue Ocean Strategy and they said, you know, come up with something that's so, so different that nobody's going to compete. It's been a challenge at times, but we wanted to do something different. And we went out to our first round of sponsors way back in , and started floating this idea. What did they know? And, you know, and or something is very right. What do you what can you tell us? But it's also a challenge. There's a lot more going on behind it. So there's more there for not just a hedge here, but also a trader, if you're interested in FX, it's traditionally been a place where volatility goes to die. Replies 4 Views And that mission has led me to create the Become a Better Investor community.

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