Marrow marvel comics

Marrow Sarah is a superheroine appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is commonly depicted in association marrow marvel comics the X-Men. She is depicted as a mutant whose bones grow out of her skin. These can be removed from her body, providing her with youperv knives, clubs, and body armor.

Marrow was one of several new characters and concepts that came to prominence during the meteoric rise in the already immense popularity of the X-Men during the '90s. Other new hit characters included cyborg mutant from the future Cable , the mercenary Deadpool, and the teleporting Blink. Marrow's trajectory, however, didn't quite match theirs. Covered in bony spikes and a violent persona, she fit right in with the mindset of the decade. This saw Marrow show up in several comic books and even video games. Unfortunately, Marrow's popularity quickly mutated into obscurity, with a series of horrific events coinciding with her eventually no longer being a part of the X-Men comic books. Here's the bone-crushing story behind the former Morlock and how she might just return to prominence in the modern comics.

Marrow marvel comics

Marrow has the ability to grow bone extensions from her body at an incredible rate, to use for defensive or offensive purposes in DC Heroes terms Claws, Projectile Weapons. Initially she would simply pull the bones from her body as they grew to use as knives, etc. Marrow also seems to have redundant body systems, so fatal-looking wounds may not actually kill her. She is decidedly hard to hurt, and can take massive damage before succumbing to wounds in DC Heroes terms Damage Capacity, Stabilization. She survived having her heart ripped out by Storm by dint of simply having a second heart. It is not known whether she can regrow the lost tissue. First, she was a survivor of the Mutant Massacre. She was borne to safety by Gambit after he realized what he had done in guiding the Marauders into the Morlock tunnels. She and the other survivors were spirited away to another dimension by Mikhail Rasputin. Second, Marrow and several of her peers of this new generation returned to Earth several years later. They reclaimed the tunnels and planned to exact revenge on the X-Men, whom they blamed for their exile. Only a year or so had passed on Earth due to the differing time rates. Marrow and her allies kidnapped a subway full of passengers to use as hostages against the X-Men.

Marrow appears alongside fellow X-Men and Marvel characters who fight against Capcom characters. The X-Men returned to Earth in the past right as the Magneto War occurred, but the ship endured damage and they were knocked unconscious until after the event. Related articles on Writeups, marrow marvel comics.

She is a mutant whose bones grow out of her skin and can be removed from her body, providing her with potential knives and clubs as well as body armor. As a child, Marrow was taken in by the Morlocks, a band of grotesque-looking mutants who hid in the tunnels and sewers beneath New York City. As a young adult, she formed the violent splinter cell called Gene Nation until, under the orders of the Morlock leader Callisto, she joined the X-Men to redeem herself. She made progress controlling her powers and learning a moral code, but eventually fell in with the paramilitary group Weapon X. She has shown herself to be a staunch team player more-so with the X-Men than with either Gene Nation or Weapon X who is prepared to risk her own life to protect those of her teammates.

Sarah's real name is unknown, as well as her place of birth or who her parents really were. From a young age she manifested bones which grew out of her face. This obvious mutation led her to be taken in by the Morlocks - mutants that felt themselves too hideous to live above ground - cursing herself to a life underground. She may even have been among the first group of Morlocks. As an adult she often fought the X-Men , partly because she felt that their fight for peaceful co-existence with humans was foolish and also for revenge because of their inability to save the Morlocks during the Mutant Massacre. Some say she was jealous of their beauty and ability to be normal as well. Sarah was a little mutant with the mutant power to see kindness in every person. She was a very close friend to Callisto , who saw her as a daughter. Marrow first appeared as a child in Cable Vol.

Marrow marvel comics

She is a mutant whose bones grow out of her skin and can be removed from her body, providing her with potential knives and clubs as well as body armor. As a child, Marrow was taken in by the Morlocks, a band of grotesque-looking mutants who hid in the tunnels and sewers beneath New York City. As a young adult, she formed the violent splinter cell called Gene Nation until, under the orders of the Morlock leader Callisto, she joined the X-Men to redeem herself. She made progress controlling her powers and learning a moral code, but eventually fell in with the paramilitary group Weapon X. She has shown herself to be a staunch team player more-so with the X-Men than with either Gene Nation or Weapon X who is prepared to risk her own life to protect those of her teammates. Despite her apparent disdain for humanity, she has revealed that she would like nothing more than to be able to fit in with them and be happy. While there have been occasions that this has happened for her in an art gallery with Colossus and immediately following her genetic redesign by Weapon X , they have never lasted long and only served to increase her anger and bitterness towards the world when they have been taken away from her.

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Callisto was the dark lady, while Storm was the light. In the alternate reality depicted in the " Age of X " storyline, Marrow had her powers. Time passed quickly in that harsh dimension. The duplicitous director coerces the Black King into tracking other mutants for his minions to round up in his government sanctioned facilities while under threat of execution. He offered her a chance to become more than she was and as he extended his hand to her, in her fright, confusion, and anger she pulled Wolverine down onto a bone shard and rammed it straight through his throat. She joined the X-Men for a time, coming under the mentorship of Wolverine and flirting with her teammate Cannonball. Initially she would simply pull the bones from her body as they grew to use as knives, etc. They entered the tunnels together and found a bunch of people and mutants - including Calisto - tied up in a chamber of the Morlock Tunnels, Spider-man and Marrow then faced a vampire-like being named Hunger and managed to chase him away. She also possessed two hearts to compensate for her random bone growth, so when Storm ripped one out she was able to survive. She could hide them to appear normal and form more complex shapes and of a higher quality similar to ivory. Initially this was uncontrollable, but after enhancement by a Skrull medical facility, and later by Weapon X, she can mostly control this, despite each enhancement having partially failed over time. View history Talk This saw Marrow show up in several comic books and even video games. He fed them information they needed and allowed them to inflict all the suffering they wanted on the surface world.

Marrow was a mutant able to control her bone growth, providing her with armor, clubs, and knives.

Here's the bone-crushing story behind the former Morlock and how she might just return to prominence in the modern comics. Mike Marts , editor for the X-Men comic books, confirmed in a recent interview that although Sarah retains some of the physical attributes of her mutation, her actual mutant powers disappeared during Decimation. Marrow eventually reunited with Callisto, and while they continued their terrorist activities, including an attack on a Lila Cheney concert that brought them into battle with Cable , [10] Callisto tried to hold back Marrow's more violent ways. She faced the renegade machine Cerebro and his X-Men all before returning to the mansion and losing her room in the basement as the Danger Room was rebuilt. Marrow wired a time bomb to her own heart to force the X-Man Storm, who had herself led the Morlocks in the past, to either yield or kill her; Storm tore out Marrow's heart. Marrow can fire needle-bullets at rates of hundreds at a time from anywhere on her body like a human machine gun. This reflected her huge prominence in the comics the years beforehand, but that same year, this streak of relevance would come crashing to a halt. One day as she was walking through the tunnels when a great flood swept through the tunnels, cutting Marrow off from her friends and almost drowning her. Capcom 2 Marrow appears alongside fellow X-Men and Marvel characters who fight against Capcom characters. She's been shown as one of the several mutants who have accepted Charles Xavier's invitation to the mutant paradise of Krakoa. In time however she and the more rebellious of her clan found a way to return to Earth and came under the tutelage of "the first" - Dark Beast.

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