martian manhunter powers

Martian manhunter powers

DC Comics have done an impressive job at cultivating an eclectic roster of superheroes that come from all different walks of life.

J'onn J'onzz is the Martian Manhunter , one of the last survivors of the planet Mars who came to Earth in search of justice and peace. Hunting Ma'alefa'ak, J'onn discovered a monster - the cause of the psychic warning that had sent him on the mission in the first place. Taking the shape of J'onn J'onzz's son, the monster explained that it was the embodiment of the dying Martian biosphere, trying to warn the populace to help it. However, the embodiment decreed that they were unworthy, and Mars and the Martians died, throwing J'onn to Earth , where he lost himself in an infinity of identities before finally, millions of years later, he attempted to become a hero once again. Following the cosmic upheavals of the Rebirth period, this character's history was revised. Millenia ago, J'onn J'onzz was a manhunter, a peacekeeper on the ancient world of Ma'aleca'andra. As a child, he was abducted, pulled across space and time by Lionel Luthor.

Martian manhunter powers

He, along with the rest of the league is imprisoned on Apokolips by the World Forger. One version of his origin is that J'onn J'onzz is a Manhunter, a keeper of the peace and authority figure on the planet Mars. Well trained in various skills, including telepathy, shape-shifting, and energy manipulation, and possessing a keen detective's mind with a compassionate heart, J'onn is among the greatest to have served as a Manhunter, and protected his home for many years. In , an Earth scientist named Dr. Saul Erdel , while experimenting with alien possibly Martian technology in secret, accidentally pulled J'onzz from Mars to Earth. This sudden revelation of a seven foot tall alien caused Dr. Erdel such a shock that his heart gave out, leaving J'onn stranded on a foreign planet with malfunctioning teleportation technology, and no easy way home. J'onzz resolved to use his time on Earth to help others, upholding truth and justice as he had done on Mars for so many years. He has taken many forms and played many roles over the years: detective, spy, superhero, diplomat, corporate head; J'onn always uses his vast powers and abilities to protect the weak and serve the common good, as the Manhunter from Mars. Here the Martians are a telepathic race that is in full commune with one another as well as the planet itself.

Afterward, J'onn disappeared again and drifted among the races of the galaxy, returning only at dire need.

Martian Manhunter is a very commonly seen character within the DC Universe and one of the most important members of the Justice League. Thanks to his Martian physiology, Martian Manhunter has an incredible number of unique abilities that some have argued make him even more powerful than Superman. While that may or may not be the case, Martian Manhunter certainly packs a lot of power in several different ways. They are able to fly fast, but they are not near the fastest. Furthermore, all Martians are capable of learning this skill making it common not only on Earth, but literally everywhere on Mars. Like Superman or Flash, Martian Manhunter has the ability to travel at incredible speeds, however, he is not nearly as fast as the other two. While he may not be the fastest man or martian alive, he still travels fast enough to get to a situation in a pinch, making the combination of his speed and flight a bit more useful when applied together.

Martian Manhunter , also known as J'onn J'onzz and John Jones , is a superhero from the planet Mars and the last surviving member of his race. A martian holocaust killed his wife and daughter , nearly driving him mad, until he was brought to Earth in an accident caused by scientist Saul Erdel. His natural abilities include super-strength, super-speed, invulnerability, flight, shape-shifting, intangibility and telepathy. He has been a member of almost every incarnation of the Justice League of America. Although he holds great reverence for his homeworld, he has come to greatly respect his adopted world as well and protects it as his home. In his secret identity, to blend into humanity, he is a gritty hard-boiled police officer. See Also: Martian Manhunter Titles.

Martian manhunter powers

J'onn J'onzz is the Martian Manhunter , a law enforcement officer from Mars who became a police detective and superhero after becoming marooned on Earth. He is a founding member of the Justice League of America. Centuries ago on the planet Ma'aleca'andra , the Green Martians known as M'yrnn and Sha'sheen gave birth to twin sons. The bearing of twins was uncommon among the Martian culture, and as such, the first of the twins was named J'onn J'onzz, whose name means "Light to the Light. He was named Ma'alefa'ak , whose name means "Darkness in the Heart. As an adult, J'onn became a Manhunter police officer and married a Martian woman named M'yri'ah. The two established a modest home for themselves beneath the windswept Martian plains and gave birth to a daughter named K'hym. Years passed, and J'onn's brother Ma'alefa'ak grew to despise everything about Martian culture.


However, a joint effort by the League, Scorch, and most importantly, Plastic Man allowed J'onn to re-assume control of his body. Superhero from DC Comics. Invisibility is a classic superpower, but there's a reason that it's such a sought after skill. On Earth, he spent time as the mysterious hero known as the Bronze Wraith, a member of the Justice Experience. While operating under the guise of William Dyer, he discovered that several Green Martians had crash-landed on Earth and were being held by high-ranking members of the Defense Department. He had a wife and a daughter, M'yri'ah and K'hym, whom he loved deeply. He is a founding member of the Justice League of America. The heroes won, but at the cost of the destruction of the Source Wall. Justice League Task Force The Justice League Task Force was originally intended to set specialized heroes for specialized missions, but eventually it would become a super hero group just like the other Justice Leagues. During the Fernus storyline, Batman noted that Martian shapeshifting was an instantaneous reflex based around the psychic study of others, allowing J'onzz to adapt rapidly to any opponent's physiology or fighting style. This template will categorize articles that include it into the " Black Lantern Corps members category.

One of the last survivors of the civil war that ravaged his home planet of Mars, J'onn J'onnz traveled to Earth and now fights to protect his adoptive home. Displaying a vast array of powers that can give even Superman a run for his money, the Martian Manhunter was a founding member of the Justice League of America, and has been a member of almost every incarnation of the League ever since.

Start a Wiki. Martian Manhunter began as an ongoing series in , written by John Ostrander and illustrated by Tom Mandrake with fill-in art provided by Bryan Hitch among others. The character next appears in the Blackest Night storyline as a Black Lantern [37] [38] At the end of the miniseries, the character is resurrected. Contents move to sidebar hide. This ability has certainly come in handy over the years and also made Martian Manhunter an incredibly intimidating individual. He had a wife and a daughter, M'yri'ah and K'hym, whom he loved deeply. As his body conformed to his thoughts, Mars did too. Current Wiki. Wandering the Earth, J'onn's First Years The Manhunter from Mars, last of his kind, now found himself in a strange and different world. Lewis ' novel Out of the Silent Planet. Superhero from DC Comics. Soon after, he also discovered his friend was controlled by Lex Luthor , who laced through his brain while inside him.

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