Metin events

Bring out your most colorful items and come defend your kingdom in a new showdown. The Battle Administrator manages a battle of the kingdoms, metin events, each kingdom has a metin stone that they must protect from other enemies, the last stone remaining wins the event. The kingdom in third place metin events at standard rates.

Dear players,Starting from On your eggs, get set, yolk! The Easter Bunny is waiting with a basket full of rewards, while the towns are decked out in festive banners! Time for new action-packed battles! Explore the mysterious Elemental Realm and use powerful set bonuses to improve your equipment — all in the next big update.

Metin events


Do you think you're smarter than the person next to you? Then seize your chance and test your luck!


Ne cerem scuze pentru neplacerile cauzate. Salutare, Mai jos aveti lista cu evenimente pentru perioada ce urmeaza Carpathians, Polyphemos. Joi, 5 Martie - Panza Fina la metine si bosi - Predator Polar la metine si bosi Vineri, 6 Martie - MetinHaos - Pergament Exorcizare la metine si bosi Sambata, 7 Martie - Vrajeste Obiectul b la metine si bosi - Pergament Binecuvantat la metine si bosi Duminica, 8 Martie - Drop Mingi - Imbun. Obiectului b la metine si bosi - MetinHaos Luni, 23 Martie - Citit Concentrat la metine si bosi - Cal Negru la metine si bosi Marti, 24 Martie - Elixirul Soarelui la metine si bosi - Elixirul Lunii la metine si bosi Miercuri, 25 Martie - Cor Draconis la metine si bosi - Drop Mingi Joi, 26 Martie - Putere Verde la metine si bosi - Nugget verde la metine si bosi Vineri, 27 Martie - Cor Draconis la metine si bosi - Extindere Inventar la metine si bosi Sambata, 28 Martie - - - Pescuit Jigsaw Duminica, 29 Martie - Predator Polar la metine si bosi - Muffin la metine si bosi Luni, 30 Martie - SuperMetin - Citit Concentrat la metine si bosi Marti, 31 Martie - Panza Fina la metine si bosi - Putere Verde la metine si bosi. Joi, 2 Aprilie - Citit Concentrat la metine si bosi - Cor Draconis la metine si bosi Vineri, 3 Aprilie - Pergament Exorcizare la metine si bosi - Predator Polar la metine si bosi Sambata, 4 Aprilie - Vrajeste Obiectul b la metine si bosi - Pergament Binecuvantat la metine si bosi Duminica, 5 Aprilie - Imbun. Obiectului b la metine si bosi - Cal Negru la metine si bosi Luni, 6 Aprilie - Panza Fina la metine si bosi - Putere Verde la metine si bosi Marti, 7 Aprilie - Cor Draconis la metine si bosi - Leu Alb la metine si bosi Miercuri, 8 Aprilie - Permis de trecere la metine si bosi - Pergament Binecuvantat la metine si bosi Joi, 9 Aprilie - SuperMetin - Cutie Verde de Ebonita la metine si bosi Vineri, 10 Aprilie - Imbun. Obiectului b la metine si bosi - Pescuit Jigsaw Luni, 25 Mai - Panza Fina la metine si bosi - Cal Negru la metine si bosi Marti, 26 Mai - Putere Verde la metine si bosi - Cor Draconis la metine si bosi Miercuri, 27 Mai - Elixirul Soarelui la metine si bosi - Elixirul Lunii la metine si bosi Joi, 28 Mai - Cor Draconis la metine si bosi - Permis de Trecere la metine si bosi Vineri, 29 Mai - Extindere Inventar la metine si bosi - Pergament Exorcizare la metine si bosi Sambata, 30 Mai - Vrajeste Obiectul b la metine si bosi - SuperMetin Duminica, 31 Mai - Drop Mingi - Imbun. Obiectului b la metine si bosi.

Metin events

Regulamentul Jocului pentru Metin2. Regulamentul Forumului Metin2. Echipa Forumului.

Homemade beastiality

Tanaka Ear Event on 24th August from 9pm server time 3. Each of them will receive a Soulstone as a reward. It will last 5 days and each day one question will appear! Hurry up! PvP - Dojang. Each round contains 10 questions about our server, and there's a prize for each question. The snow ripples lightly across the continent… wait, peaceful silence not quite your scene? The gong resonates in the Magic Land, and the bravest and most powerful warriors are called to war! Are you interested in the upcoming events? The quickest correct answer will be rewarded!

Enjoy the party! Log into the game every day and visit the item shop to unlock the surprises on the Advent Calendar. He was actually planning on hiding his presents inside them.

We decided that we want to have our own comics t PvP - Dojang. Blacksmith's Chest. Summer quiz! What is your task? Version Mining Event on 17th August at 9pm server time 2. Hi, Great news for you! Start: It's time to take the Pickaxe from Deokbae and start mining. Paint the egg before April 17th and grab a coupon. From time to time, the Tanaka Pirates, famous for raiding ships, anchor their vessels and pay a visit to the taverns throughout the kingdoms.

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