michael yagoobian

Michael yagoobian

Why do they look like that??

Michael "Goob" Yagoobian : [holding the steak up to his black eye] Mr. Steak, you're my only friend. Bowler Hat Guy : The Michael "Goob" Yagoobian : No. I fell asleep in the ninth inning.

Michael yagoobian


Yes, it is I, Mike Yagoobian!


Michael "Goob" Yagoobian , A. As a year-old boy, Michael is more interested in baseball than his roommate's inventing hobby. He is mature for his age as he is willing to let go of his problems, albeit rather absent-minded as he can talk even without anyone else paying attention and not noticing this. He can also be immature sometimes, since he often snarkily remarks on Lewis' hobbies being stupid. However, in one of Lewis' timelines, after he missed the winning catch, his fury became uncontrollable as he was always in such a bad mood that even when others were being friendly to him, he was so fixated with the incident that he believed everyone hated him for it. He was unwilling to do anything else with his life or move forward from his mistakes, and became an aimless, overweight adult unwilling to take care of himself. Once the orphanage shut down, as time progressed and as he grew up , his resentment of Lewis grew, especially when, after years of hearing Lewis' accomplishments in the future, he finally realized why he fell asleep during the last inning and pinned this on Lewis. As a result of shutting himself away from the world for three decades, Goob never properly matured as an adult as his anger caused a stunted mental development. His childlike attitude suggests that he dropped education after finishing middle school, given that he lacked the knowledge and common sense for many things in life as a side-effect of his self-destructive obsession of destroying Lewis and was shown to be both a bad speller and rather illiterate.

Michael yagoobian

One interesting thing about the Bowler Hat Guy is that he initially started as a kind and innocent character. Growing up, Goob harbors a grudge against Lewis, who inadvertently caused him to miss the winning catch in a crucial baseball game during their childhood. Assisting the Bowler Hat Guy is Doris, his robotic bowler hat, who pursues her own agenda. The tale of Bowler Hat Guy encompasses tragedy and redemption. However, his life took an unfortunate turn when a harmless mistake robbed him of his sole chance at happiness. From that moment, Goob transformed into the Bowler Hat Guy, resolutely seeking revenge against his nemesis, Lewis Robinson. A long, black trench coat adorns his tall, gangly frame, creating a mysterious and imposing presence. Disheveled, shoulder-length hair and a bushy mustache contribute an eccentric air to his look. While vengeful and cunning, driven by despair and a burning desire for revenge, he also displays surprising wit and humor. His dramatic flair and knack for delivering memorable one-liners add to his character.

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Student 1 : Hey Goob, what's up? I gotta go! But there's a few things that you don't know of. I fell asleep in the ninth inning. Twin student 2 : Cool binder, want to come over to my house today? Reporter : [over the radio] Whiz kid Cornelius Robinson graduates from college at age Michael "Goob" Yagoobian : However, you didn't see her true potential Lewis : Now the neural circuits will connect! Cornielius Robinson Why is Doris so short??

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing

Mildred : Yes! They're gonna love this! Mildred : Lewis? I'm not gonna be rejected anymore. Michael "Goob" Yagoobian : [the scene changes to Yagoobian in the orphanage] If I hadn't fallen asleep, I would have caught the ball, and we would have won! Michael "Goob" Yagoobian : Then, um, I didn't choose that one because it was gonna give me pimples so I choosed, um, another scary one cause for, um, all those years that I went for halloween I wasn't scary at all Michael "Goob" Yagoobian : But that's what happens when you get a science geek for a roommate. You can listen to the song here to see for yourself. Bowler Hat Guy : The He told me to let it go. Heed my words, Goob: don't let it go. Lewis : Well, unlocking the secrets of the brain took a lot longer than I expected, but it's finished, Mildred; I re-calibrated the headset. Bowler Hat Guy : [Flashback to a sandlot baseball stadium where a young Mike Yagoobian is asleep in the outfield; a fly ball lands next to a sleepy Yagoobian] A dream that was ruined in the last inning. Bowler Hat Guy : Well, it's a long and pitiful story, about a young boy with a dream.

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