Minato and kushina

In a heartfelt celebration of the Naruto anime's 20th Anniversary, the mastermind behind the ninja-filled universe, Masashi Kishimoto, minato and kushina, treated fans to an extraordinary one-shot manga. This minato and kushina new story delves into the lives of two beloved characters, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, before they became parents to the iconic hero, Naruto. Titled "Naruto: The Whorl Within the Spiral," this one-shot captures a pivotal moment in Minato's past when he created the renowned Rasengan jutsu.

In the beginning, Kushina was ordered to leave her village and live in Konohagakure. Having no knowledge of this, she was approached by Mito , who confirmed that it was due to her special chakra. Before the transfer was performed, Mito told Kushina that love was the only way to tame the Nine-Tails and overcome its hate. Revealed by the flashbacks of Kushina's memories, Minato was somewhat shy when Kushina was first introduced and because of this, he dreamed of being acknowledged by the Konoha villagers by becoming the Hokage. Kushina considered this to be an impossible dream for someone like him, since her thoughts of him consisted of girly, weird and strange. At some point in time, Kushina was kidnapped by Kumogakure shinobi, who wanted to make use of her special chakra in order to gain control of the Nine-Tails. As they escorted her to Kumo, she secretly plucked and left behind strands of her red hair to mark her trail in the hopes that someone would find her.

Minato and kushina


Kushina would leave the village in secret and give birth in a remote location, minato and kushina. Kushina considered this to be an impossible dream for someone like him, since her thoughts of him consisted of girly, weird and strange. Minato convinced her that it was for the best, minato and kushina that doing this would also allow Kushina to see Naruto when he was older.


Legendary manga artist Masashi Kishimoto gave "Naruto" fans a taste of the glory days this week, coming out of retirement to give us "Naruto: The Whorl Within the Spiral. While Minato is a legendary shinobi on his own, "The Whorl Within the Spiral" reveals that Kushina taught him the Uzumaki Clan's sealing jutsus, which he would eventually use to seal half of the Nine-Tails' chakra inside Naruto. Kishimoto's manga one-shot also peels back the curtain on the Rasengan, showing it was more of a collaboration between Minato and Kushina that created Naruto's most iconic jutsu. Minato developed the jutsu for Kushina to protect herself from other jinchuriki, having witnessed their strength first-hand on the battlefield. Then, during a heartfelt moment, Kushina named Minato's new Jutsu, taking the name "Rasengan" from a valuable lesson her father taught her about the Uzumaki Clan's spiral symbol and finding love, which she has done with Minato. Reading "The Whorl Within the Spiral" is incredibly easy wherever you are.

Minato and kushina

After joining Team Kakashi , Naruto worked hard to gain the village's acknowledgement all the while chasing his dream to become Hokage. He was named after Naruto Musasabi , the protagonist of Jiraiya 's first book , which made the Sannin his godfather. A masked man, Tobi , tracked down their location, however, killed the midwives and Anbu, and captured Naruto, forcing Minato to quickly rescue him and teleport him to a safe house.

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This special new story delves into the lives of two beloved characters, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, before they became parents to the iconic hero, Naruto. Minato congratulates Naruto on finally ending the war and wishes him a happy seventheenth birthday. The Couple. Elections Minato then sealed the rest of their remaining chakra into Naruto, ending their lives. Join Hindustan Times Create free account and unlock exciting features like Newsletters, Alerts and Recommendations Get personalised news and exciting deals Bookmark the stories you want to read later. Sign In Register. A touching confession of love and an unwavering desire never to lose Kushina. While still weakened, Kushina used her diminished chakra to restrain the Nine-Tails. There is a genjutsu in a glowing lake of a cave that shuts intruders away in a world of memories.

Masashi Kishimoto returned to the world of Naruto with a special new one-shot manga story exploring Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki's lives before they had Naruto, and the special one-shot got to explore their romance for fans at last with Minato fully confessing his love and care for Kushina!

Minato was able to take Naruto back, but this gave the masked ninja the chance to escape with Kushina. She approaches him, curious about his efforts, and Minato opens up to her. After sealing Kaguya, The Sage of the six paths summon Naruto and the rest back from kaguya's dimension. HT Insight. The Couple. The vitality inherent to the Uzumaki Clan allowed her to survive the extraction, though greatly weakened by experience, the masked ninja tried to have the Nine-Tails finish Kushina off. Their bond becomes even stronger as the Nine-Tailed Fox within Kushina begins to act up. Studio Pierrot. As the fierce battle rages within Kushina, Minato's love becomes an anchor, and Kushina's love for him strengthens her resolve. Read now. Sign In Register. Masashi Kishimoto's heartfelt one-shot manga celebrates Naruto's 20th Anniversary, delving into Minato and Kushina's love story and the creation of Rasengan. Minato would help maintain the seal and ANBU would guard the area. Over the next several years, Minato and Kushina went on to marry and she helped him achieve his dream of becoming Hokage acknowledged by the village; Minato was named the Fourth Hokage.

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