minion jokes

Minion jokes

Once you're finished giggling it up, check out our appealing banana jokes or try some Disney jokes! Skip to main content. Open Search.

When minions arrived , they took over the world — or at least Facebook for a spell. The little yellow guys from Despicable Me gained their own impressive degree of fame for simply being cute. So, of course, minion jokes came next. Wanna know another cool thing about these zany characters? The minions were actually supposed to be robots in the movie.

Minion jokes


The Gru-mers! They went back to sleep!


Once you're finished giggling it up, check out our appealing banana jokes or try some Disney jokes! Skip to main content. Open Search. Looking for some Gru-vy jokes? Look no more!

Minion jokes

By Box of Puns Team. Updated: March 13, Home » Jokes.

Allied universal jobs

They use Gru-gle! A Despicable Mii. A despicable bee. Why do minions not like horror films? What do you call someone who has a large collection of Minions? Despicable Mii! Why do minions take their bananas to hairdressers? What type of schools do minions like best? What did the Russian government do when they needed to replace their spies? What did the Minion say to the banana? A filet Minion! The Gru-mers! They are too Gru-some! Here are some of the best.

When minions arrived , they took over the world — or at least Facebook for a spell. The little yellow guys from Despicable Me gained their own impressive degree of fame for simply being cute. So, of course, minion jokes came next.

A Mini-on! In case they get a hole in one. Why did the minion call an ambulance? A minion fart. He said he wanted some slippers! What happened when a Minion returned a library book late? Pregnancy tips Pregnancy loss Baby names Delivery Postpartum. Sliding down the banana-ster, of course! Because he could only yell low. What do you get when you cross Gru with a pug? Here are some of the best. Maybe it Gru on you with time. Banana Republic! What does a Minion put in their soup? Open Search.

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