moira dela torre old pictures

Moira dela torre old pictures

Moira Rachelle Bustamante Dela Torre born November 4, [2] [3] is a Filipino singer-songwriter and occasional actress. Born in OlongapoPhilippines, she began as a voice artist for corporate jingles and theme songs. She rose to fame after interpreting Libertine Moira dela torre old pictures " Titibo-Tibo " in the Himig Handog music video competition, in which it won.

Bakit parang pandivert lang ng management nila yan gawa nang malaking damage sa part nila yung pasabog ni Lolito Go. So what you see is what you get. Masasabi ko lang, ang sweet naman LOL. He is. Lalo na sa Pilipinas kung ndi ka sikat at wala kang pera, ikaw talaga yung kawawa. Time is the best storyteller na lang talaga. Sabi mo nga.

Moira dela torre old pictures


Di yung mga sariling buhay ang atupagin. Manila Bulletin.


Two months after her wedding to Jason Marvin Hernandez, Moira underwent rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job. In an interview with Magandang Buhay this Tuesday, September 3, Moira, 25, revealed that the procedure-gone-wrong brought about a lot of risks and sacrifices: she was in and out of the hospital for three months, and was in danger of losing her eyesight or experiencing an aneurysm. And it was a very simple procedure. But it went wrong. Necrosis is defined by the Oxford dictionary as "the death of most or all of the cells in an organ or tissue due to disease, injury, or failure of the blood supply. For Moira, it felt like everything in her life was going downhill: her self-confidence, her career, her life. And then later on, eventually, na-realize namin malala na siya. She said her doctor explained to her the risks of losing her eyesight and the possibility of aneurysm. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on PEP.

Moira dela torre old pictures

Moira Rachelle Bustamante Dela Torre born November 4, [2] [3] is a Filipino singer-songwriter and occasional actress. Born in Olongapo , Philippines, she began as a voice artist for corporate jingles and theme songs. She rose to fame after interpreting Libertine Amistoso's " Titibo-Tibo " in the Himig Handog music video competition, in which it won. She gained further success with her debut album, Malaya , which was awarded an eight-time platinum certification in She wrote her first song, "After Your Heart", at the age of 12; the song would later be featured on her self-titled debut EP album released nine years later. She turned only one chair, that of apl. Dela Torre performed singles for the official soundtracks of the romantic films Camp Sawi and Love You to the Stars and Back , namely "Malaya", [9] and a cover of Moonstar88 's "Torete".

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Ang kasal ay di parang mainit na kanin na iluluwa mo pag napaso ka. Retrieved May 31, Nakakairita lang yung pagiging judgmental ng mga tao. Not a fan of Moira nor the ex husband. Retrieved February 11, Tatler Asia. May sila naghiwalay ni Jason. Sila pa nga ang nagbrobroadcast nito eh. Hala teh naliligaw ka ata, nasa chismis site ka. Nakita mo na ba mukha nya dati?

The breakup rumor involving musician couple Moira dela Torre and Jason Hernandez was one of the topics that comedian-talent manager Ogie Diaz discussed in his recent Showbiz Update vlog with Mama Loi. Last week, the world of social media was shocked when speculations surfaced that the marriage of Moira and Jason was on the rocks.

Problema ng iba, gusto problemahin din nila. Ito ding mismong celebrity ang nagbulgar sa kani kanilang mga problema kaya pinag uusapan. Yung mga tao talagang ayaw sakanya will give meaning to it para lang may masabi. January 14, Read Edit View history. Pati yung lack of sexual intimacy ng dalawa eh na chika pa. Bakit lahat ba s looks na lang nakapirme?? Hahahaha okay lang kayo mga teh? Metro Style. Di pwedeng as super close friends, ganun? The Voice of the Philippines. Main article: Moira Dela Torre discography. Siguro kung wala yung 1st sentence sa captions, iisipin ko pang ILY as an ate yun.

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