Mordkaiser counter

Mordekaiser top on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Mordekaiser top counters against top champions with a minimum of games, mordkaiser counter. Mordekaiser wins against Graves

CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters. All Rights Reserved. No results found. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Mordekaiser in League of Legends and win in Champion Select! Mordekaiser Builds.

Mordkaiser counter

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Mordekaiser Top. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths. All Roles. All regions All. All champions. Mordekaiser wins lane against Name Gold diff Shen Top.

Ziggs the Hexplosives Expert. You do not want to get stuck in his Ult while yours is active. Vi the Piltover Enforcer, mordkaiser counter.


CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters. All Rights Reserved. No results found. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Mordekaiser in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!

Mordkaiser counter

Mordekaiser top on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Mordekaiser top counters against top champions with a minimum of games. Mordekaiser wins against Graves

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Lucian AD Carry. Hes my perma ban. Don't trade with him post 6 if you think he has kill pressure on you with r as you have very poor tools to stall long enough to survive death realm. Mordekaiser wins against Xin Zhao The average opponent winrate against Ornnis Watch his passive he can not shield and heal your damage all the time. See more. I wouldn't fight until you get grievous wounds. His damage is overall better, his realm reduces your power and even his passive is good for fighting against tanks when it's built up, and you can't run because of it. Maybe DShield is good if you're playing too passive. The average opponent winrate against Urgotis He outpokes you in lane but he is pretty short range. He is so strong when he has 3 stacks, so as Garen, go spin into Q.

Mordekaiser is one of the forgotten top laners in League of Legends that can still carry games if left uncontrolled in solo queue.

His passive and Conqueror can heal him up quickly, so prolonged trades might not be in your favor. Also, if you get pulled into his ult, it will become very difficult to fight him and you can't escape, so most of the time you just end up dying. You can WW his ult as well. Buy qss and fuck him up! Lux the Lady of Luminosity. The average opponent winrate against Rammusis After normalising both champions win rates Mordekaiser wins against Shen 2. Naafiri Mid. Hey do you heard about new super-mobility tank Akali? He is so strong when he has 3 stacks, so as Garen, go spin into Q. After 6 he becomes really strong, so try to freeze under tower and scale. Karma the Enlightened One.

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