mordred fgo art

Mordred fgo art

Increase own Buster Card effectiveness 3 times, 3 turns. Increase own Buster Card Critical Strength 3 turns.

The treacherous knight who killed his father at the Hill of Camlann, putting an end to the Arthurian legend. At the same time, the one who put an end to the legend-- at Camlann Hill, the Knight of Rebellion who slew King Arthur. NA Localization: Mordred is an artificial creation, a type of homunculus, created by the witch Morgan who is the elder sister and mortal enemy of King Arthur. Morgan's purpose in creating Mordred was the death of Arthur and the rise of an even greater king. Fan Translation: Mordred is an artificial life form-- a kind of homunculus that was given birth by the evil designs of the witch Morgan, the elder sister and archenemy of King Arthur. In order to defeat Arthur, in order to become a king that surpasses Arthur, Mordred was born. NA Localization: As a homunculus, Mordred matured extremely quickly.

Mordred fgo art


It's a mordred fgo art someone bought me a while back, and I kinda like it. Increases own critical damage for 3 times, 3 turns. Profile 3 As a homunculus, Mordred matured extremely quickly.


Her childhood name was Altria, but she has been known as King Arthur since her coronation. At a time when chivalry was dying like a flower wilting away, she brought momentary peace and the last bit of prosperity to Britain with her sacred sword in hand. In history books Arthur is male, but in this world she is a woman in disguise. Fan Translation: A legendary king of Britain. Also called the King of Knights. Artoria is a childhood name and, upon being raised as a king, she began to be called King Arthur.

Mordred fgo art

The treacherous knight who killed his father at the Hill of Camlann, putting an end to the Arthurian legend. At the same time, the one who put an end to the legend-- at Camlann Hill, the Knight of Rebellion who slew King Arthur. NA Localization: Mordred is an artificial creation, a type of homunculus, created by the witch Morgan who is the elder sister and mortal enemy of King Arthur. Morgan's purpose in creating Mordred was the death of Arthur and the rise of an even greater king. Fan Translation: Mordred is an artificial life form-- a kind of homunculus that was given birth by the evil designs of the witch Morgan, the elder sister and archenemy of King Arthur.

Bead hama

Only a few years after being born, Mordred entered King Arthur's service. Lancelot, huh? This'll be my staple for spring, summer, and fall! NA Localization: Despite Morgan's plans, Mordred admired Arthur greatly and wanted the king's acceptance more than anything, but all that changed with King Arthur's rejection. Saber Monument. Heart of the Foreign God. Even I'm not so fickle as to serve two kings at once, you know? I will destroy all that I must to bring the king peace! Holy Night Supper. Gains critical stars. Ascension: 4 Bond: 5. Mordred primarily shines as a farming servant capable of clearing waves with ease. Also, because Mordred's abilities were an imitation to King Arthur's, Mordred was immediately distinguished as a knight.

Increase own Buster Card effectiveness 3 times, 3 turns. Increase own Buster Card Critical Strength 3 turns.

Aw, c'mon! Endurance: Endurance: How much damage one can withstand. Latest Content. Round Table-Type Servant On the night of her fifteenth birthday, Mordred decided to be rebellious and started breaking windows. Don't insult King Arthur. NA Localization: Dealing with Mordred is easy. Homunculus Baby. With a heavy special damage modifier, Mordred often does multitudes more damage against Altria type enemies than even those with class advantage. Scarab of Wisdom. Gain Critical Stars. Simple, right? Intuition only generates a trivial amount of critical stars and is best left at level 1. Mana Burst A. Quick Card. Heart of the Foreign God.

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