multifandom meaning

Multifandom meaning

Every idol has a fan base, and that multifandom meaning their "fandom". Because of this, people would be a part of multiple fandoms, or as it's called "multi fandom".

The term multifandom refers to using or following source texts from many different fandoms. Another term for fan activities involving multiple fandoms is multimedia. A multifannish person is one who participates in several fandoms, usually at the same time. This is in contrast to being monofannish , or serially monofannish, a term which refers to a fan person participating in one fandom at a time. The term is not used for stories that are set in two or more fandoms -- those are usually called crossovers or xovers.

Multifandom meaning

Multifandom is when a person partakes in more than one fandom. The person does not limit himself to just one community of fans; instead, he is part of two or more groups of fans devoted to a particular movie, comic series, TV show, book, character, musical group, person, etc. Multifandom is an extension of fandom, which comes from the combination of "fan" and "kingdom. Multifandom grew out of that term in the mids as a more encompassing label for a fan who spreads her love out among multiple communities. Besides the obvious, the primary difference between multifandom and fandom is that the multifandom label sometimes has a negative connotation. A fan who spreads her dedication among many communities instead of solely supporting one community may be derided as not providing enough devotion. This resentment is similar to that between stans and multistans , especially in the Kpop community. Multifandom varies from casual to intense. Some fans may visit Star Trek and Harry Potter forums online every so often, while others may be full-on Trekkies and Potterheads that cosplay every month. Other fandom traits may include posters on bedroom walls, and subscriptions to online fan clubs. There are many types of fandoms, but some stand above the rest. This page explains what the slang term "Multifandom" means. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the Slang. We are constantly updating our database with new slang terms, acronyms, and abbreviations. If you would like to suggest a term or an update to an existing one, please let us know!

There's nothing wrong with loving music produced by other groups and artists.

You can help confirm this entry by contributing facts, media, and other evidence of notability and mutation. Multifandom refers to a slang term used on the internet in Fandom and Stan communities to describe the practice of being invested or interested in multiple fan communities at once. The term began as a colloquial way to differentiate "multifandom" blogs and conventions from those dedicated to a single piece of media or artist. In , X users debated the use of the term "multifandom," with some criticizing the seeming need to define the act of having multiple interests. Use of the term "multifandom" can be traced to the s, with a collection of essays about internet fan fiction using the term to describe FanFiction.

The term multifandom refers to using or following source texts from many different fandoms. Another term for fan activities involving multiple fandoms is multimedia. A multifannish person is one who participates in several fandoms, usually at the same time. This is in contrast to being monofannish , or serially monofannish, a term which refers to a fan person participating in one fandom at a time. The term is not used for stories that are set in two or more fandoms -- those are usually called crossovers or xovers. The earliest term in media fandom for zines or other fan activities involving multiple fandoms was "multimedia. Garbage can vids are vids with tens, or even hundreds, of clips from different sources. AMVs , in contrast, routinely use clips from many different sources. As vidders migrated to sites like YouTube , multifandom works have become more common and popular.

Multifandom meaning

The term multifandom is a slang term that describes a person who is a fan of multiple communities or fandoms. It means that the person is not limited to just one group of fans, but instead, they are part of two or more communities dedicated to a particular movie, TV show, book, musical group, or other forms of entertainment. The term multifandom is not an acronym or an abbreviation for anything.

Blackball crossword clue

Besides the obvious, the primary difference between multifandom and fandom is that the multifandom label sometimes has a negative connotation. The love for each other, the love for other fandoms, the love for so many groups and artists. Every idol has a fan base, and that is their "fandom". Yet, although all this hate is received, they stayed strong and continue to support the groups they love and that's amazing. Some fans may visit Star Trek and Harry Potter forums online every so often, while others may be full-on Trekkies and Potterheads that cosplay every month. They would never ever ever want anyone in their fandom to spread hate, want to hurt someone in someone else's fandom or get hurt themselves. In , X users debated the use of the term "multifandom," with some criticizing the seeming need to define the act of having multiple interests. Some examples:. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. The earliest term in media fandom for zines or other fan activities involving multiple fandoms was "multimedia. Another term for fan activities involving multiple fandoms is multimedia. Featured post :cloud:. There's absolutely nothing wrong! Whether it's organizing a group project to send to them, creating long posts for them, creating a YouTube video about them, and everything in between. Since multi fandoms would be doing these type of things for many groups, their creativity is constantly flowing.

If you are looking for information on fan activities, including fan art , involving more than one medium, please see Multimedia Multiple Media. The term multimedia or mixed media refers to using or following source texts from many different fandoms. A multimedia challenge may be pan-fandom like Yuletide and include RPF, Anime, Book, Movie, and Television sources, while a multimedia zine would be a fan-published book that could contain stories about all of those fandoms as well.

The person does not limit himself to just one community of fans; instead, he is part of two or more groups of fans devoted to a particular movie, comic series, TV show, book, character, musical group, person, etc. That must be incredibly dull for them. Well imagine doing that for soooo many different groups, wouldn't you be exhausted and feel as if it's becoming more of a job? Yuletide is one such challenge, in that it includes obscure fandoms from a variety of source texts. Use of the term "multifandom" can be traced to the s, with a collection of essays about internet fan fiction using the term to describe FanFiction. You must login or signup first! That idol would feel bad about themselves, and I truly feel for them. One of my favorite things fandoms do together is create a Rainbow Ocean at concerts, to me it's absolutely beautiful and I know it'd mean so much to the idols. Popular examples of fandoms There are many types of fandoms, but some stand above the rest. Whys it a bad thing? They can cause a Black Ocean, where they unfortunately turn off their light sticks.

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