name the largest phylum of animal kingdom

Name the largest phylum of animal kingdom

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Name the largest phylum of animal kingdom


DDA Patwari.


Arthropods are not only the largest phylum of invertebrates. They are by far the largest phylum of the animal kingdom. Roughly 80 percent of all animal species living on Earth today are arthropods. Obviously, arthropods have been extremely successful. What accounts for their success? There are more than a million known species of arthropods.

Name the largest phylum of animal kingdom

Whittaker organized organisms into five kingdoms. He classified organisms based on cell structure, mode and source of nutrition and body design. Let us learn about the animal kingdom, i. Kingdom Animalia constitutes all animals. Amongst the five kingdoms, the largest kingdom is the animal kingdom. Animals are multicellular eukaryotes. However, like plants, they do not possess chlorophyll or a cell wall. Therefore, members of the animal kingdom exhibit a heterotrophic mode of nutrition.

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Arthropoda is the largest phylum with about nine lakh species. They may be aquatic, terrestrial or even parasitic.

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