Naruto mother

Born into the famed Uzumaki clan of Uzushiogakure, Kushina lived most of her youth being caught naruto mother in war, making her seek for daily peace. At a young age, she was sent to Konoha and enrolled in the Academy, naruto mother. Wanting to make a strong first impression, she proclaimed to her class that she would be the first female Hokage. This prompted her to lash out and pummel the kids who teased her.

Kushina Uzumaki is the red-haired, willful mother of the titular protagonist Naruto Uzumaki. She was known for her fiery personality, her containment of the Nine-Tailed Beast Kurama, and her relationship with Naruto's father Minato Namikaze. However, she wasn't eclipsed by her famous partner, the Fourth Hokage. Though fans didn't get to see much of Kushina throughout the series, since her appearances were limited to the occasional flashback, she quickly became a fan favorite. Her love for Naruto and her strength of character shine through in the anime, leaving fans in tears when she makes her on-screen appearances. The Uzumaki clan is characterized by its incredibly large reserves of chakra, or life force.

Naruto mother


Mikoto and Kushina coincidentally both gave birth within a few months of one another. They continued to play this role into Naruto's generation. Naruto: Shinobi Collection, naruto mother.


Kushina Uzumaki is the red-haired, willful mother of the titular protagonist Naruto Uzumaki. She was known for her fiery personality, her containment of the Nine-Tailed Beast Kurama, and her relationship with Naruto's father Minato Namikaze. However, she wasn't eclipsed by her famous partner, the Fourth Hokage. Though fans didn't get to see much of Kushina throughout the series, since her appearances were limited to the occasional flashback, she quickly became a fan favorite. Her love for Naruto and her strength of character shine through in the anime, leaving fans in tears when she makes her on-screen appearances. The Uzumaki clan is characterized by its incredibly large reserves of chakra, or life force.

Naruto mother

After joining Team Kakashi , Naruto worked hard to gain the village's acknowledgement all the while chasing his dream to become Hokage. He was named after Naruto Musasabi , the protagonist of Jiraiya 's first book , which made the Sannin his godfather. A masked man, Tobi , tracked down their location, however, killed the midwives and Anbu, and captured Naruto, forcing Minato to quickly rescue him and teleport him to a safe house. Returning to Naruto and Kushina's location, Minato realised the only way to stop the Nine-Tails was to seal it within Naruto, believing that his son would someday need the fox's power to defeat Tobi when he returned. After telling Naruto how much they loved him, Minato and Kushina succumbed to their wounds from protecting their son from the Nine-Tails and passed away. Orphaned, and not having anyone else to provide for him, Naruto received monthly income from the village in order to afford daily necessities. Naruto grew up not knowing who his parents were, receiving only his mother's surname, as Hiruzen wanted to protect Naruto from his father's enemies. Soon, the Third Hokage forbade anyone from mentioning the Nine-Tails, hoping that the younger generation would not blindly hate Naruto as their parents did.


It turns out that Naruto was not the only one with a verbal tic. Overjoyed, Kushina tearfully hugged Naruto, and thanked him for letting her and Minato be his parents before she completely faded away, finally able to pass on in peace. As his mother and father died sealing Kurama into him, they were able to seal a message along with the Nine-Tails. Ultimately, the masked man was defeated and revealed to be the real Menma corrupted by the black Nine-Tails' malice. Unlike most people Naruto and Sakura knew, Kushina's personality is essentially the same in this timeline; sweet and caring yet easily angered to violent outbursts. Kushina was prone to worrying about her husband and unborn son, showing strong maternal instincts as she correctly predicted her child's future personality and gender well before giving birth. Showing his tremendous power, the masked man quickly defeated Kushina and several other Konoha-nin. When Kushina and Minato returned to the village after completing a mission, it shocked Naruto by their living presence. Minato was able to take Naruto back, but this gave the masked ninja the chance to escape with Kushina. Kushina and Minato however refused to let Naruto go after Sakura, fearing too much that he would die against the masked man. Minato then sealed the rest of their remaining chakra into Naruto.

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Later, during a mission to retrieve the Red Moon Scroll left by Jiraiya, Kushina without hesitation threw herself in the way to protect Naruto from an attack by the guarding Gamabunta. Several years after the war, Kushina posthumously had two grandchildren: First Boruto and then Himawari. She would beat several kids even a genin in the anime "half to death" for teasing her, earning her the nickname "Red Hot-Blooded Habanero". Minato then sealed the rest of their remaining chakra into Naruto. Ninja Registration. According to Naruto's sensei Kakashi Hatake, jonin, who are typically the only ninja strong enough to form a true shadow clone, can only produce a few at a time. Kushina Uzumaki. Annoyed at Naruto's attitude and accusations towards her, Kushina briefly loses her temper and hits him. Her attire was a sleeveless kimono-style blouse that was yellow in colour and held closed with a green obi over a short-sleeved mesh shirt with a pair of dark blue shorts and brown shinobi sandals. The Springtime of Youth wiki has an article about this topic: Kushina Uzumaki. Naruto: Shinobi Collection. Chakra Nature. This prompted her to lash out and pummel the kids who teased her.

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