naval ships technical manual

Naval ships technical manual

Mooring and towing systems, in conjunction with the anchoring system, provide the full range naval ships technical manual ship handling capabilities requisite to execute Naval missions. The purpose of NSTM Chapter is to provide general information concerning ship mooring and towing systems in support of Naval operations.

Cookbook 1. Missouri BB Salvage Report , , describes the successful salvage of the battleship after running aground. Submarine Camouflage Instructions , , camo-measuresubs Shipyard Outside Machinist , Bulletin K, A WW II training manual explaining how to align pumps, gaskets, etc. Engine Room Tools , , is a training manual that focuses on the correct use of tools aboard ship. It is noteworthy because it includes tools that are specific to the maritime trades.

Naval ships technical manual


When a ship moors at a pier or wharf, there is usually a number of mooring fittings that can be used. This includes many stories, typical medical supplies, as well as history.


Selected NSTM chapters are available locally, while the remainder are not available to the general public. Chapter - Nondestr. Testing of Metals Qualif. Requirements for Naval Personnel V. Chapter - Gas Free Engineering V. Chapter - Fasteners - Pages 1 December , 1. Chapter - Personnel Protection Equipment - Pages. Chapter - Section 3. Operations - 26 Pages.

Naval ships technical manual

The chapters listed in the following paragraphs are related to your job as a Fire Controlman, both as a technician and as a member of a ship or station organization. Provides broad guidance for establishing a damage control organization. It is designed to help organizations plan before damage occurs, spend a minimal amount of time localizing damage that does occur, and make emergency repairs or restoration as quickly as possible after damage occurs. Provides information and instructions on electrical equipment, electrical safety precautions, electrical insulation and insulation resistance , and maintenance reconditioning of electrical equipment. It also provides the requirements that Fire Controlmen must meet in a shipboard safety program, including the use and maintenance of both organizational and personal electrical and electronic equipment. Provides major policies and instructions pertaining to the maintenance of electronic equipment and safety information on board both active and reserve ships.

Similarly, in an all fiber rope system, nylon or polyester lines must not be mixed with low stretch aramid UHMWPE mooring lines. The mooring capability is determined based on efficient loading of ship mooring lines at a typical pier configuration. Swedish Export Submarines , Hans Ellerstrom, Length of tattletale is arc length only see figure Piers utilize a combination of cleats, double bitts and bollards of various shapes, sizes and strengths. Depending on the direction, wind and current may either ease or put more strain on the mooring lines. The size and strength of the mooring lines increases as the size of the ship increases. The ship is then backed down slowly with right full rudder until clear of the pier. Some of these classic British instruments were kept in use over 50 years. When the bow has been eased in alongside the berth, the propeller can be backed to stop the ship and to swing the stern to port. Moorings which incorporate synthetic lines composed of nylon or polyester fibers permit relatively large movement of the ship under applied loading. To eliminate possible interference with helicopter operations, retractable chocks are used on DDG class ships. Commercially produced chaffing gear is also available. Navy Naval Shiphandling.


Normally only one mooring line should be secured to ships bitt or to a pier fitting. When the ship does not drift away from the pier, it is necessary to use power to move the stern away from the pier or wharf. This configuration will evenly distribute the line load on both barrels of the bitt. Analysis indicates that balanced loads can best be achieved when bow of ship is about 60 feet from the forward most pier fitting to be used this is a rule of thumb, and can vary for unusual pier configurations. They differ in that their caps are more one sided. Unbalanced loads from untended lines can lead to overloading and parting of mooring lines. Actual mooring capability is dependant on assumptions regarding projected wind and current loads, and on factors of safety applied when sizing lines and ship fittings. Personnel should clear the area. Med Moors are particularly well suited for submarine and destroyer tenders because both sides of the ship are available for other vessels along side. A few of the most common unsafe conditions are: a. The retracted bitts, cleats, or chocks are stowed in a flush position with ships hull or weather deck, so that ships can perform underway or special missions unrestricted by these ship fittings.

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