nawcc chapters

Nawcc chapters

Horology—perhaps you have never heard that nawcc chapters before. Horology is the art, study, and science of measuring time or of making time keeping devices. Given this definition, a horologist is a person who is involved with any of those things. Chapter then, nawcc chapters, is a group of horologists.

The purpose of the club is to:. If you are interested or curious about clocks and watches we encourage you to attend a meeting. You just need to bring your questions and have some fun. Feel free to contact one of the executive, or just show up at the door! Chapter 92 meetings are at the:. Mount Brydges, N0L 1W0.

Nawcc chapters

An email will be sent to you if there is any change in status and you are on the mailing list. If not on the list and want to receive these occasional email notices just send an note by clicking here. It will not occur if it interferes with other Chapter s activities or may be combined with the other activity. More Highlights. Please support your Chapter by sending in your dues in a timely fashon. Click for info and access to the membership dues form. Annual dues are based on the calendar year. Photos from the French Clock Class. Reverse Glass Transfer Painting. Are you on our eBlast list? Chapter information and news of current events can be sent to you as a reminder. Just send me your email address. That's it!

The educational talk for September was given by Craig White. I need a few volunteers to help with checking in non-members and table holders, nawcc chapters.

We will continue to need some help setting up and taking down. So arrive at and help setup and stay after the educational talk to help return the room in the condition we found it in. Thank you for your help in this. Opens at for setup and mart. Robert Olney will be demonstrating glass cutting beginning at during the mart. Educational talk at

Presentations are in-person and vary from 30 to 60 minutes. Arrangements regarding availability, equipment, travel requirements, and incidental expenses, if any, are made directly with the speaker. The NAWCC education department is looking for members who have prepared horological presentations and would like to share their expertise with others. Please Contact Educational Programs for more information. Promote your Chapter meetings in every issue. A wide range of topics covering every aspect of time and timekeeping is available to Chapters for educational programs.

Nawcc chapters

Chapter 40 - Rip Van Winkle. Chapter 57 - Ozark. Chapter 58 - Great Plains. Chapter 59 - San Diego County. Chapter 63 - Sunflower Clock Watchers. Chapter 66 - Central Illinois. Chapter 69 - Orange County. Chapter 72 - First Australian. Chapter 74 - Sooner Time Collectors.

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Thanks to all that participated. If you think you know someone who might be interested in what we do, please bring them along to the mart, maybe we can get them to join. The educational talk for September was given by Craig White. Mark Frank will be giving a talk about his amazing Astronomical clock at the February Meeting. Annual dues are based on the calendar year. A message from the President of Chapter Opens at for setup. It will be easier next time now that we know what it needs to look like. Past Classes. Are your dues up to date?

It should be straightforward, servicing a time only, seconds beat weight driven wall clock.

Presidents Message, Next meeting is November 13, Horology—perhaps you have never heard that word before. Southwest Museum, Lockhart Tx. Are you on our eBlast list? Please feel free to email us at info nawcc-ch Please let me know if you can help me out on Saturday October 1st. San Jacinto Chapter. Michael Figueira discussed letting down the spring on a vintage Elgin day clock. The opportunity to meet with people who share your interest in clocks and watches. The tilting of the table is the oscillation that the clock depends on. The purpose of the club is to:. After the part was cut Harry then filed it to shape and fitted it to the clock. Did you know that the Chapter has tools to loan when repairing your items at Tech Sessions?

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