Net movie review telugu

Laxman Rahul Ramakrishna pays exorbitant subscription fees to live stream the private lives of young couple, played by Avika Gor and Vishwa through illegal spy cameras. What are the consequences for his malicious acts?

You can change your city from here. We serve personalized stories based on the selected city. Ranveer Singh reveals he was secretly engaged to Deepika Padukone three years before marriage; here's what the actress hilariously called it. Here is what reports say. Refrain from posting comments that are obscene, defamatory or inflammatory, and do not indulge in personal attacks, name calling or inciting hatred against any community. Help us delete comments that do not follow these guidelines by marking them offensive.

Net movie review telugu

Laxman Rahul Ramakrishna is a small-towner, running a mobile retail store who seizes no opportunity to leer at any woman he comes across. His gaze is one of the residuals of his voyeuristic instincts. Instead, Laxman finds pleasure in watching moments of intimacy captured with secret cameras. Direction: Bhargav Macharla. But boy, the film has something else in store. As an individual too, he comes across more like a peeping tom, than a threat. The writing sets up his character effectively in the opening act and we never question the questionable choices he goes on to make later in the film - having understood how his mind works where his priorities lie. As he goes on with his routine, he comes across a website that allows him to watch live streaming from homes with people going on about their lives unaware of the surveillance and immediately begins his fling with Priya Avika Gor , who recently moved in with her boyfriend Ranjith Vishwadev Rachakonda. Laxman quickly becomes obsessed with Priya and things, as expected, start to escalate. His efforts to meet Priya in person cost him dearly: he is cheated by the website for a lump sum amount and his marriage hits rock-bottom.

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The web series started streaming on ZEE5 and with Rahul promoting the film in an aggressive manner, let us see whether NET lived up to all the hype created. Lakshman Rahul Ramakrishna who runs a mobile shop in Nalgonda is unhappy with his wife Suchitra Praneeta Patnaik as he was forced into marrying her by his ailing father. Lakshman has a fascination for jeans-clad girls and watches them on his mobiles. He gets so obsessed with them that he uses the money saved for his family's daily expenses to recharge his mobile and watch them secretly without the knowledge of his innocent wife. He gets addicted to a young girl, a software engineer Priya Avika Gor , and subscribes to a porn site spending a bomb.

Laxman Rahul Ramakrishna pays exorbitant subscription fees to live stream the private lives of young couple, played by Avika Gor and Vishwa through illegal spy cameras. What are the consequences for his malicious acts? The answer to this question forms the rest of the plot. The film has a good premise. The concept of watching the lives of others through illegal cameras that forms the core plot of the film sounds interesting. There is that unpredictability factor through the course of the film. Rahul drivers an top-tier performance in the complex role. Avika looks good on the screen and she comes up with a natural performance. The drama that is generated through the cyber crime and the way it affects the lives of others is organic.

Net movie review telugu

You can change your city from here. We serve personalized stories based on the selected city. Ranveer Singh reveals he was secretly engaged to Deepika Padukone three years before marriage; here's what the actress hilariously called it. Here is what reports say. Refrain from posting comments that are obscene, defamatory or inflammatory, and do not indulge in personal attacks, name calling or inciting hatred against any community.

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But what happens when he seems to forget everything just to help her? Photos left arrow right arrow. Laxman quickly becomes obsessed with Priya and things, as expected, start to escalate. Rahul Ramakrishna embodies Laxman by keeping all the vulnerabilities intact. Write about topics that interest you - anything from movies to cricket, gadgets to startups. A brilliant performance from Rahul Ramakrishna and the straightforward treatment makes it one of the better films of the year. He is a poor businessman who is spending money like water to satisfy his voyeuristic thirst. He does a splendid job of a man raging with desire for polished women. Bhargav Macharla. In telling a story of uncanny dark web-like terror, director Bhargav Macharla makes the audience believe that the dystopian reality can happen to anybody. There is no law-enforcement agency trying to nab them. Instead, Laxman finds pleasure in watching moments of intimacy captured with secret cameras. Laxman Rahul Ramakrishna is a small-towner, running a mobile retail store who seizes no opportunity to leer at any woman he comes across. Home News. We serve personalized stories based on the selected city.


No one has to take on them. Drama Thriller. In the process, he ended up repeating the same scenes again and again like the unhappy relation between Rahul and his wife and the mysterious relation between Avika and her boyfriend. What are the consequences for his malicious acts? Direction: Bhargav Macharla. There is that unpredictability factor through the course of the film. NET is a tech thriller that makes for a partly engaging watch. On the whole, NET is a self-aware attempt that works more as a drama than a thriller. Naresh Kumaran's BGM is ok but it was louder in the second half. Priya Avika Gor and Ranjith Vishwadev Rachakonda are a young couple who live in a gated community complex.

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