nrha futurity 2023

Nrha futurity 2023

Read below to learn more about the exciting events coming.

We talk about the tie for Open Level 4 Champion, scores, spreads, and use of the judging scale. Andrea Fappani and Inferno Thirty Five were last in the draw. Would there be a run off? No, go with awards. Wait, yes, clear the arena! Is it time to change the Futurity Conditions to eliminate the run off option? This is the pinnacle event of the reining industry.

Nrha futurity 2023

Dear Friends, It is a pleasure to welcome you to the 38th edition of the Italian Futurity taking place here in Cremona where the first Futurity was held, and I was there! With a number of obstacles as well as successes, my story in this sport is over 40 years old and, for the past two years, with pride I have been the president of our association. It is a privilege, an honor, and at the same time a challenge that I accepted with the commitment of strongly supporting the discipline that brings us together. Your trust is precious and every year contributes toward reaching new and important goals. I would also like to thank all the sponsors, in particular those that have strongly supported us in the past and continue to do so. Your passion, along with mine, is endless. In this regard, I will not hide the fact that I would have appreciated seeing a contribution — of any sort — from more of those involved in order to add even more prestige to our discipline. We will write yet another chapter of the history of reining and I am thrilled to share this important show with you. I wish you all the best of luck! Ancora una volta mi sono impegnato per poter offrire un montepremi importante in una location di prestigio.

This is the pinnacle event of the reining industry.


Slated for Nov. As of this press release, there have been four additional late entries, boosting the total to The CINCH Non Pro Futurity entry numbers also hold steady with a total of including late entries , just slightly below the previous high, also set in With the consistent growth the show has experienced, it was necessary to increase the number of days of competition to make it easier on equine and human athletes, judges, stewards, show staff, and more. In early , NRHA and the American Quarter Horse Association reached an agreement to do just that, adding a much-needed two days to the event schedule. Not only will the Futurity begin on Nov. While the footprint of the Fairgrounds has shrunk over the past several months due to construction on the new Coliseum, the Futurity has experienced an incredible increase in the number of vendors planning to attend the event. Join us on November 22, 23, and 30 to enjoy free admission while you shop!

Nrha futurity 2023

The audience was confident that Brian Bell and Crystalized Whizkey would take the win with a The crowd was one of the largest in Futurity history, and the energy was palpable as NRHA Eight Million Dollar Rider Andrea Fappani ran into the pen as the last draw of the night and attempted to circumvent the lead. With another Crystalized Whizkey is a niece of Shesouttayourleague, one of the competitors in the last run-off that occurred at an NRHA Futurity in Getting sick in the summer kept her from going to anything leading up to the Futurity, but Price was confident. We worked really hard for this moment.


Read below to learn more about the exciting events coming. The edition of this event will welcome over horses with riders representing over 20 countries. Stiamo scrivendo un altro importante capitolo della storia del reining e sono felice di condividere questo momento insieme a voi. Congratulations to the Winners! In this regard, I will not hide the fact that I would have appreciated seeing a contribution — of any sort — from more of those involved in order to add even more prestige to our discipline. Everyone performs better when well rested. Instagram: cowboyofficeshow. Un ringraziamento di cuore va a tutti i consiglieri Irha e Irhba per il lavoro fatto, e a Franco Rosso per aver collaborato alla stesura del programma. Facebook: cowboyofficeshow. Lo show presenta un importante added di oltre Was competition different or was judging more conservative? I would also like to thank all the sponsors, in particular those that have strongly supported us in the past and continue to do so. The exact date of the event will be posted as the show schedule is finalized. Your passion, along with mine, is endless. Il mondo del Reining si incontra a Cremona.


No, go with awards. La Bottega del Clima S. A little from everyone is a lot. I wish you all the best of luck! Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios , online yearbooks , online catalogs , digital photo albums and more. With a number of obstacles as well as successes, my story in this sport is over 40 years old and, for the past two years, with pride I have been the president of our association. A conferma del grande lavoro fatto da TFY, va anche ricordato il periodo vissuto negli ultimi anni che ha appesantito e complicato tutte le fasi di preparazione degli eventi, ma che non ha fermato la macchina organizzativa. The outcome proves that the decision made was the right one! The International Reining Horse Breeder Association has once again proven it is truly international; this makes me proud and I would like to thank all those that through the years have trusted the association making our Futurity, thanks to the added money, one of the top-ranking NRHA approved events. Judging was consistent throughout the entire Futurity, where they were in the draw made no difference, judges did a great job sorting the competition. The Cowboys ran the analytics for you. The heroic knight will not always be there for reining in Italy. This year the Italian Championships will again be held along side the Pararening Italian Championships. System S.

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