

In the present paper, we introduce one class of soft mappings,namely soft almost b-continuous mappings and investigate several properties of these mappings. The diagrams of implications among these soft classes of mappings and some known classes of mappings have been established, özkansoft. Özkansoft Dizin, özkansoft. English Turkish English.

In this paper, we introduce another application on the b-open soft sets [10], by studying the notion of connectedness based on it. We give basic definitions and theorems about it. Further, we introduce the notion of b-irresolute soft functions as a generalization of the b-continuous soft functions and study their properties in detail. Finally, we show that the surjective b-irresolute soft image of soft b-connected space is also soft b-connected. Abd El-latif and Serkan Karatas: Supra b-open soft sets and supra b-soft continuity on soft topological spaces. Journal of Mathematics and Computer Applications Research, 2 1 , Abd El-latif: Soft connectedness and irresoluteness via -open soft sets.


Soft set theory is a theme of interest for many authors working in various areas because of its rich potential for applications in many directions. They are defined using total belong and total non-belong relations with respect to ordinary points. Also, we explore under what conditions they are kept between soft topological space and its parametric topological spaces. Further, we investigate some interrelations of them and some soft topological notions such as soft compactness, product soft spaces and sum of soft topological spaces. Citation: Tareq M. Al-shami, El-Sayed A. AIMS Mathematics, , 6 6 : Article views PDF downloads Cited by Tareq M. AIMS Mathematics , , 6 6 : Previous Article Next Article. Research article.

Samadi and A. Hida, A comprasion of two formulations of soft compactness, Ann, özkansoft. And Math.

In the present paper we introduces the concept of soft connectedness in soft m-structure and studied some of their properties and characterizations. Acar, F. Koyuncu and B. Tanay: Soft sets and soft rings. Akdag and A.

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Naz: On soft topological spaces. Boulaaras, A. Georgiou, A. Maji, R. Further, we investigate some interrelations of them and some soft topological notions such as soft compactness, product soft spaces and sum of soft topological spaces. Zhao, Soft semirings, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 56 Peyghan ,B. References [1] M. Shabir, On some new operations in soft set theory, Comput. Ozkan : soft b-open sets and soft b-continuous functions. Al-shami, M. Molodtsov, V. Maji, R. Abul-Dahab, Limit cycles of a class of perturbed differential systems via the first-order averaging method, Complexity , ,


Biswas, R. Rajagobal, M. Export Close. Roy, Soft set theory, Comput. Bayramov, Fixed point theorems of soft contractive mappings, Filomat , 30 , — Further, we introduce the notion of b-irresolute soft functions as a generalization of the b-continuous soft functions and study their properties in detail. Gunduz, S. Kharal: Mappings on soft classes. Abd El-latif: Soft semi separation axioms and irresolute soft functions. Akdag, W. June ; 23 El-Shafei, Partial belong relation on soft separation axioms and decision-making problem, two birds with one stone, Soft Comput. Das , On soft topological space via semi open and semi closed soft sets, Kyungpook Math.

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