pinkie pie full name

Pinkie pie full name

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! She is a pink Earth pony who is often seen hanging out at Sugarcube Corner, pinkie pie full name, whether assisting Mr. Cake at work or babysitting their infants, or holding parties for the various ponies of Ponyville.

This is a list of characters from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic , an animated television series based on the My Little Pony toyline created by American toy manufacturer and multimedia company Hasbro. The series features characters and settings developed by Lauren Faust , who sought to create more in-depth characters than the stereotypical "girly" icons used in previous iterations of the franchise. The series premiered on October 10, , in the United States and concluded on October 12, The characters have been generally well-received by television critics and parental groups and are cited as one of the reasons the series' older fans, called " bronies ", became attracted to the show. Friendship is Magic characters appear in numerous spin-off franchise media, including a comic book series , a Gameloft My Little Pony video game , a children's book series, a theatrical feature film , and My Little Pony: Pony Life , a reboot focusing on more slice-of-life stories.

Pinkie pie full name

By Zoraxe , User August 31, I don't know why people refer to Pinkie pie's depressed state as Pinkamena specifically. Cwanky 3 posts. Pinkamena-Pills 3 posts. Malinter 2 posts. August 31, It's simply a way to distinguish the two parts of her character. It'd be confusing to always refer to her as "sad Pinkie" and "normal Pinkie". Pinkamena is her real name, but we just distinguish the two sides by name. Just to draw a distinction between the two sides of Pinkie when fans talk about them. Since there are times that she is sad and not straight maned, saying 'sad Pinkie' wouldn't work as well. It basically leads to better communication when discussing the character. Pinkamana Diane Pie could also be just her filly name and she just changed it to make it easier for folks to remember. Although I refer depressed Pinkie as Pinkamena I agree as they did once mention her as Pinkamena Diane Pie which is most likely her first now I do NOT know why the fandom calls her depressed self Pinkamena but myself I refer her depressed state as Pinkamena only to make it easier to sort.

Retrieved February 18, The plot of Pinkie Apple Pie involves Pinkie investigating the possibility that she may be related to the Apple familyalthough in the end the truth is left ambiguous.

She is an energetic and sociable baker at Sugarcube Corner , where she lives on the second floor with her toothless pet alligator Gummy , and she represents the element of laughter. Pinkie writes and performs many songs , and she is the source of many of the show's comical and cartoonish gags. She is called Ponka Po in some merchandise. Lauren Faust 's childhood Surprise toy. Faust had published concept art of the G1 pony Surprise which was developed into the current Pinkie Pie. Originally, Faust wanted to name her Surprise but the trademark to the name was lost.

Debut: "Friendship is Magic, part 1" "Mare in the Moon". The bearer of the Element of Laughter. Pinkamena Diane "Pinkie" Pie is a hyperactive earth pony who prances to the beat of her own percussion section. The sheer force of her cheerful personality can be overwhelming at first, but anyone who shows a little patience with her eccentricities is rewarded with a truly unique and wonderful friend who fills every day with laughter. And musical numbers. Even as she defies physical reality when the situation is funny. Try to imagine a pink rocket made of happiness. That's Pinkie Pie. Her Pillar of Old Equestria is Somnambula.

Pinkie pie full name

They are mostly shown to be a family of Earth pony rock farmers. According to Pinkie Pie 's recollection in The Cutie Mark Chronicles , she was raised on a rock farm with her parents and sisters, where there was no talking or smiling. They spent each day harvesting rocks, until Pinkie threw their first ever party a short while after Rainbow Dash 's first sonic rainboom. Pinkie Pie's family resembles the Amish.

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Share More sharing options Merchandise eventually gave the name Surprise to a member of the Wonderbolts. It's simply a way to distinguish the two parts of her character. Her cutie mark, a trio of apples, represents her talent for agriculture and her love for her family. She loves to visit the Sugarcube sweet shop. Retrieved September 16, August 31, edited. The Pillars of Old Equestria are six legendary ponies responsible for creating the Elements of Harmony. Hasbro initially hired Faust to create a pitch bible for the show, allowing her to get additional help with conceptualization. You can count on Pinkie Pie for lots and lots of fun. Retrieved July 3, Retrieved September 23,

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! She is a pink Earth pony who is often seen hanging out at Sugarcube Corner, whether assisting Mr. Cake at work or babysitting their infants, or holding parties for the various ponies of Ponyville.

Non-pony characters. Retrieved May 10, — via Twitter. Discovery Family. At the end of the show, after Twilight was crowned the new ruler of Equestria, Celestia and Luna retired to Silver Shoals. Retrieved May 21, Go me for achieving worlds suckiest joke award. Retrieved on October 7. She first introuduced in season one's first episode's two-part special "Friendship Is Magic". The Cake family. Fantasy Sci-fi. What is this With these artifacts and their bearers, Princess Celestia has secured millennia-long, relative peace for a nation.

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